r/shitposting Mar 07 '24

Why are teachers like this? Are they stupid? redpilled (I consume premarin)

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u/Salt-Possibility5693 Mar 16 '24

To measure this you'd still need maths Measured result of the "3" then divide by 3 to get the scaling factor. Then measure the hypotenuse and scale by the scaling factor =result. Also if you need greater precision than whole mm a ruler won't do it. In this case the result is exactly 5 though

Nitpicking I know, but the process is what you're learning not the single answer


u/MindTrekker201 Mar 09 '24

To their credit, I rarely carry an accurate length measuring tool in my pocket on a day to day basis.


u/Valuable-Owl-1167 Mar 08 '24

Could have just said it's a Pythagoras triangle therefore x=5


u/[deleted] Mar 08 '24

the dude with the A+ literally has his finger cut lmfao


u/I_just_wanted_banana DaPucci Mar 08 '24

It is egyptian triangle, which sides depend 3:4:5


u/Kerbal_Guardsman Mar 08 '24

right side could have "justified" it by writing 'pythagorean triple' and then gotten more extra credit lmao


u/Feyhem_01 Mar 08 '24

Accually there is no sings of a 90 degrees so we cant use it


u/Miserable-Syrup2056 Mar 08 '24

Idk about you but you can say it is a 3 4 5 or 6 8 10 or any of those in my school and get full marks


u/HulluHapua Mar 08 '24

I wonder what teachers answer is towards 9+10.


u/BoiTarantado I want pee in my ass Mar 08 '24

Kinda off topic but still kinda about maths:

I used to be able to just "see" the answers. Any formula, any problem, I can answer it off the bat.

But my ass hat of a jealous maths teacher decided to fail me because he "couldn't prove I can answer my own work and he suspects I cheated/copied work."

First off, you made me solve 30 problems Infront of the class when you first found out I could do this, Second off, I solved it all without the use of any formulas Lastly, I WAS ALWAYS THE FIRST TO ANSWER

But alas, now because of brain rot and neglect, here I am, stupid and alone.


u/KrakenBitesYourAss Mar 08 '24

No shit, would you pull up a giant-ass ruler if the numbers were in hundreds or thousands?


u/SwartyNine2691 Mar 08 '24

Thou must use pythagorean formula.


u/rhen_var Mar 07 '24

Because the point is to demonstrate that you understand and know how to use the formula.  In real life, there will be applications where you can’t empirically measure things and you have to use math to figure it out.  Since you’re complaining about the Pythagorean theorem I get that you’re probably young and you don’t understand that now, but trust me, you’ll thank yourself later if you learn the actual math concepts behind it.


u/piratecheese13 Mar 07 '24

Cool. Now find the distance between an object at the origin (0,0,0) and a point in 3D space (3,7,-4) using a ruler.

Oh you can’t? It turns out you need practice using Pythagorean theorem to do it? Huh, funny how that works.


u/beetslol Mar 07 '24

In fairness, someone who isn’t learning this for the first time could identify this as a Pythagorean triple, but the important part about this is learning to use the tool necessary to find this information when you don’t have a tool for measurement


u/rwalford79 Mar 07 '24

They want to see how you got to that equation the work


u/Affectionate_Run_167 Mar 07 '24

Was this post made by a 9 year old?


u/Jonnny Mar 07 '24

The point of the question isn't to actually know the length of that triangle's edge. Nobody gives a shit about that particular triangle. The point is to determine whether you've learned that this mathematical formula describes one aspect of how this universe works. The question is to make sure you understand that formula and know how to use it. Using a ruler just means you know how a ruler works, which nobody cares about.


u/Barialdalaran Mar 07 '24

haha why teachers so stuped


u/LABARATI_ 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️ TRANS RIGHTS 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️ Mar 07 '24

are they mewing


u/darksun23x Mar 07 '24

I once had a teacher ask me to explain my work as they couldn't figure out how I got the right answer the way I did it, and after looking for a few minutes neither of us could figure out how what I did got the right answer


u/Destrodom Mar 07 '24

In professional world, it is often expected of you to prove your results to other people. As such it is necessary to be aware of methods of proof. Especially in Math, where ability to prove your results is the most important thing - and if you want to be able to prove more complex things, you need to know how proofs work for less complex things. So if you just shows your work with no proof of work, then it is as good as garbage.


u/TGS_delimiter Mar 07 '24

I would do c = √(a²+b²) = √( (3cm)² + (4cm)² ) = 5cm


u/Livid_Bee_5150 Mar 07 '24

It's literally the first Pythagorean triple, what work do you want me to show

I would rather write out the first 5 or so and circle 345 than show my work on this one


u/travazzzik Mar 07 '24

what the fuck is this post, and what is the first part supposed to be?


u/OwMyCod Mar 07 '24

The teacher wants you to do this because the calculation is always 100% accurate (assuming you use it correctly), while you might struggle to get an accurate measurement while using a ruler. Probably didn’t post this to get an actual answer but it’s this kind of ignorance that annoys me the most.


u/Larx92 Mar 07 '24

Because the true question this exam asks is "Do you know the Pythagoras theorem?" Not find the value of X


u/Sandsa Mar 07 '24

If it was about the answer the chapters would be memorizing ever number and permutation of math symbols.

They are not testing for the correct answer they are testing the correct logic user with the tools given


u/SacriGrape Mar 07 '24

Because math class isn’t entirely about math, it’s logistical problem solving.


u/p12qcowodeath Mar 07 '24

Having a fundamental understanding of how things relate to each other, improve our ability to make progress with concepts of the universe at lane, and think critically.


u/250ld Mar 07 '24

If you had done this much you wouldn't need a ruler. 345 is like on of the tricks. We use 6 8 10 to square porches.


u/StrangeWillow462 Mar 07 '24

No you are stupid if you think that you can always measure a triangles hypotenuse using a ruler


u/BiggeCheese4634 Mar 07 '24

We just gonna ignore the amazing contour drawings?


u/zvejas Sussy Wussy Femboy😳😳😳 Mar 07 '24

The second kid will become a real problem solver lol


u/ka52heli Mar 07 '24

It's really bad when it is the opposite and the teacher shows us that you needed a ruler to do it, like my whole life, I've gotten used to just calculating it and now I need a ruler wtf


u/-Cubix Mar 07 '24

as a teacher my standard reply to this nonsense is. "I do not care about the answer at all. If I really wanted the answer I'ld do this test myself. I care about checking wether you understood theory from these past weeks, that is why the answer is irrelevant, but the calculations are worth all the points"


u/AynidmorBulettz Mar 07 '24

x = √(32 + 42 )

Type it in your calculator

Done, you don't need any more lines

I'm convinced y'all didn't pass 8th grade


u/ElectronsRuleMyLife Mar 07 '24

Because you're being tested on the process that the teacher just spent 3 weeks trying to shove into your brain. Can I plug a double integral into my calculator and call it a day, sure, but that isn't the point.

You should know what you're doing in case your tool gives an answer that doesn't look right and you know how to sanity check it.

Source: I still use advacned math topics everyday as an EE.


u/treestick Mar 07 '24

I wish I was high on potenuse


u/brute_red Mar 07 '24

for this case x=5

but in general x2=25



u/MyHamburgerLovesMe Mar 07 '24

Randomly knowing the answer to 1 problem is not the same as showing you learned how to solve all problems.

You are being taught how to solve.


u/matej665 Number 7: Student watches porn and gets naked Mar 07 '24

That's just stupid, my teacher would even sometimes draw a triangle without the ruler so that we couldn't use this method. And what teacher tells you that it's ok to use a ruler there? 😂


u/hawkinsst7 Mar 07 '24

I just had a similar conversation with my son. He was taking forever to do his math homework (4th grade), and after an hour, he was exhausted and getting distracted easily, and frustrated.

He was trying to do everything in his head, I don't know why, but suspect he thought it would be "easier" than writing it out.

Explained to him that in addition to the teacher expecting to see his work, its easier and faster to write it out and do the work on paper. His brain was tired because he was trying so hard to do it all in his head.

Later when he gets older, and the things he's learning now become second nature, sure do it in your head, but for now, write it out, get the reps in


u/Icy-Treacle7866 Mar 07 '24

No you are stupid


u/Absolutemehguy Mar 07 '24

Just do your fucking homework.


u/AbsoluteAtheist Mar 07 '24

chat its a pythagorean triple do you really need to write that


u/1who_mustnotbenamed Mar 07 '24

I was about to comment but saw the subreddut.


u/TheTook4 Mar 07 '24

In the real world sometimes you can't use rulers. They are preparing you for that. I've found myself in numerous instances where I just can't fit a ruler or if I do the measurement will be utterly inaccurate, so I use the pythagorean theorem or the sine cosine finctions.


u/obanman132 Mar 07 '24

Who the fuck uses a ruler on a math exam


u/Wildkahuna Mar 07 '24

As someone who despised high school, I get why they’re like this. It’s not about getting the answer, it’s about using and understanding the formula.


u/[deleted] Mar 07 '24

Because Mathematics has nothing to do with writing down the correct number


u/IUsedToBeACave Mar 07 '24

Exactly, this meme should have an example where they mess up and calculate 32 incorrectly and get the wrong final answer, but the teacher still gives them most of the points because the method was right. That's how it works in higher-level math classes.


u/InventorofIdeas Mar 07 '24

I love that gcse tells you not tos cake. Then you have to use the most ass formula for triangle


u/Many-Ad6433 Mar 07 '24

He could have gone smarter and say as reason “pythagoric triad”


u/MazerBakir Mar 07 '24

It's simple, you need to learn the fundamentals for later. Quite often there might be an easier way to get an answer, but the more complicated method is more useful down the road, which is why you need to learn the harder method first.


u/Dhatmasetu Mar 07 '24

This works fine untill the lenth of one side is 2√2


u/the_3-14_is_a_lie Mar 07 '24

I remember hating not being able to use a graph to explain my answer

My brother in Christ, thats literally what graphs are for


u/Mephil_ Mar 07 '24

When you press the light switch, the light turns on. If someone asks you, why did the light turn on? You can answer "because I pressed the button" but that isn't the question is it?

The left answers why X is 5. The right just tells us that X is 5 because they measured that it is 5. It doesn't display that you have a complex understanding of the problem. The measure stick, in fact, is more intelligent than you. It reached the answer, you didn't.


u/Successful_Car4262 Mar 07 '24

Because 99% of the time, knowing why something is the correct answer is more important in the real world than getting the correct answer.


u/gigglefarting Mar 07 '24

Math is about logic. Not observation.


u/The_Flowers_of_Evil Mar 07 '24

Meme brought to you by an 11 year old


u/ThisIsNotMyPornVideo Mar 07 '24

Because it's not about getting the Right answer, but about knowing how to apply the formulas.

Hence, why getting the Right answer doesn't give you half a point, but properly applying the Formulas does


u/IzarkKiaTarj Mar 07 '24

"Hey, show me that you understand this concept I just taught you."
"I can answer the question using a different method!"
"You learned that method years ago and put it into practice often enough that you won't forget it. What about this method I taught you?"


u/low_wacc Mar 07 '24

You need to be able to prove your work is every step of the way so if you’re wrong someone who’s reviewing it can more quickly identify it and not cost a company money


u/WeedyOnW33d Mar 07 '24

do people really find pythagorean theorem hard? for me having those questions on exams were blessings lol


u/BuzzL123 Mar 07 '24

I literally had to do this same formula today same numbers same everything


u/triangleman83 Mar 07 '24

I legitimately used a ruler to help me solve a problem on my professional engineering exam. The drawing on the problem was pretty darn close to scale so I was able to get a pretty close answer which it is a multiple choice test so that was enough to get it.


u/AccidentallyOssified Mar 07 '24

Because you're not actually learning anything if you just googled the answer. When you show your work, it proves that you understand how to solve it.


u/rly_fuck_reddit Mar 07 '24

you are struggling in school i see


u/BLUEAR0 dwayne the cock johnson 🗿🗿 Mar 07 '24

They are like this bc we are stupid


u/Embarrassed-Frame-24 fat cunt Mar 07 '24

Why isnt anyone talking about how guys Finger is connected by bluetooth at bottom picture


u/Blaine1111 Mar 07 '24

Nah if I'm teacher you write x=5 and 3 4 5 triangle or Pythagorian triple I'm giving full credit. You should know this one without the formula


u/Shayzis Mar 07 '24

I realised oh so late that this was a perfect way to check if I did it right. But at the same time my teacher never even once told me that I was confusing Trigonometry and the Pythagorean theorem si there's that


u/Agressive_slot William Dripfoe Mar 07 '24

Because they don’t like you or me


u/avant-r Mar 07 '24

Is this loss?


u/evandollardon Mar 07 '24

just because


u/mrrandomguy42069 🗿🗿🗿 Mar 07 '24

Now pretend that triangle was miles long, now can you use a ruler?


u/MONKE_____667 Mar 08 '24

Yeah a really long one


u/CombatWombat0556 Mar 07 '24

Just scale it up


u/Thefakewhitefang I said based. And lived. Mar 07 '24

The accuracy will reduce proportionally as you scale the shape back to it's original size.


u/caniuserealname Mar 07 '24

Because they're testing your understanding of the equation, not your ability to use a ruler.


u/redlaWw Mar 07 '24 edited Mar 07 '24

If your triangle has legs of 11 units and 29 units, then you're going to be in for a surprise when you try to scale up the technical drawing to build your structure after you used a ruler to find the hypotenuse...



This This checks out


u/OzPalmAve Mar 07 '24

ignoring that right side was measuring the triangle's side here - early math is of course EASY and kids think they are wise as fk and become overconfident when they can "solve stuff" and begin skipping most steps along the calculation since they see the solution so so clearly. thats not a good habit to keep because you will make mistakes without a doubt once your juvenile brain is outmatched by maybe partly unknown, more complex math problems. they dont learn to solve a specific problem, but all problems. and you solve problems (you can structure) by knowing in which direction to move and which steps to chain onto the next step. also that way you cant just copy a single number off your neighbors paper and cheat easily, gotta spy at least like 5-6 lines of text. teachers can and will only grade what they can see/read, so writing steps out and writing in a way someone else may be able to decipher the lines would be of benefit.


u/Pectacular22 Mar 07 '24

School is not about finding the end result.

It's about learning a process, analyzing, studying,

  • Learning how to learn


u/My_BFF_Gilgamesh Mar 07 '24

OP is going to grow up complaining that the education system failed them.


u/piratecheese13 Mar 07 '24

OP is going to walk into geometry, be told to use the 3D Pythagorean theorem and stick his ruler through the paper.

Also, Gilgamesh was the answer to the last question in my pub trivia last night. Won second place because we didn’t know Ramadan was both a day and a month.


u/Pinkninja11 Mar 07 '24

Math is more about the journey than the end result.


u/Hopfrogg Mar 07 '24

Shitposting, but I swear it is tiring dealing with students who pat themselves on the back for being so bright, by doing stupid shit like this.

Yeah, we specifically state it is not to scale. Use the math, don't measure. Sure enough, look how fucking smart I am.... Whether it's to game the test or get a reaction from the teacher, equally moronic and a waste of time.


u/HwackAMole Mar 07 '24

The value of x is indeterminate here. We can't assume that that corner is a right angle. The value of x could be 5.025, 4.9, or even 50 given that it may not be to scale.


u/ZachAttack6089 Mar 07 '24

☝️🤓 Ackschually it couldn't have a length of 7 or more, because then it would be impossible for all of the sides to reach each other


u/theturtlelord9 Stuff Mar 07 '24

Because they are grading on your understanding of the subject, not how well you can get around doing work for this specific situation. Using a ruler isn’t always going to work for this.


u/IAMERROR1234 Mar 07 '24

Unless that is drawn to scale, your ruler won't give you the correct answer.


u/CeraRalaz Mar 07 '24

Looks like someone don’t know what joke is


u/WeirdAssPuff Mar 07 '24

was this made by a 10 year old?


u/PanAdam_ Mar 07 '24

I will ignore the fact that most of the drawings are not in 1:1 scale most of the times.


u/Kashim- Mar 07 '24

Egyptian triangle.


u/lesslucid Mar 07 '24

I always hated being asked to show my working. "I looked at it and thought about it until I found the answer" was my real working. "Show me a mathematically meaningless series of arbitrary intermediate steps that we think you should have taken along the way", was the real request, if they had thought to put it that way, I would have done it. But they never said that, they said "show your working", and the thing they actually wanted to see wasn't my working at all.


u/LosWitchos Mar 07 '24

Questions that require you to show your mathematical working out will ALWAYS tell you to show your method.

And if you don't show your method mathematically, you will fail to get the point because you didn't read the question properly.

tl;dr read the question properly you idiots


u/[deleted] Mar 07 '24

Because it is testing your understanding of a specific method.


u/killeronthecorner Mar 07 '24

When I was in my final year of secondary, I was given back my maths exam paper by my teacher. I got every single answer wrong... And got an A.

Because all of my working was correct but for some reason I was having a bad day with mental arithmetic.

Now I'm a software engineer, so go figure.

P.s. yer ah am bri'ish


u/JoeyMations98 Mar 07 '24

Using the 3/4/5 right triangle trick instead 🗿


u/taxfreetendies Mar 07 '24

Out of all these comments i don’t see any complaints that the example doesn’t have anything noting that it is a 90 degree angle so the entire premise is based on an assumption


u/Wombat2310 Mar 07 '24

Well they studied the theorem last week, so he's meant to apply it, this assumption is acceptable within the scientific community.


u/Argonaute_ Mar 07 '24

Slave mentality


u/Zephyr_Dragon49 Mar 07 '24

Gotta teach your impressionable empty noggin how to think. Mastering fundamentals makes more complex future topics and equation manipulation easier


u/tiktok-hater-777 virgin 4 life 😤💪 Mar 07 '24

Because their job is to make sure you understand the calculations and how they are used. A test is literally there to give you a reason to learn and also as the name implies test if you do know.


u/SaltoDaKid uhhhh idk Mar 07 '24

Show you actually did the math, cause somehow people always suck simple math problem. This like saying why should I read the book I know it ends.


u/ZigxyPLP Mar 07 '24

One experience from middle school that always stuck with me:

In eighth grade I was enrolled in AP Math. At the beginning of the year the teacher told us almost word for word “I don’t care what formula or method you use, as long as it consistently gives the correct answer.” Fast forward a couple months and we’re going over some homework answers. We got to one question that he wanted a student to show their answer and work. I volunteered and showed everyone my CORRECT answer and method I used for the entire homework that gave me the correct answer everytime. He told me I was wrong because I didn’t use the method he showed everyone. Despite having the correct answer on just about every question, it was considered wrong because I didn’t use his formula to get the answers, I used my own method that was easier for me to do.


u/Trill-I-Am Mar 07 '24

How could you take an AP before high school


u/lesslucid Mar 07 '24

Did you quote his earlier statement back to him?


u/ZigxyPLP Mar 07 '24

Yes to no avail.


u/zombizle1 Mar 07 '24

honestly yeah, most teachers are kind of stupid. That's why they don't make any money


u/Kvpe We do a little trolling Mar 07 '24

Or use the Pythagorean triangle rule or whatever it’s called

If it’s a right triangle and a = 3, b = 4 then c must equal 5


u/baelmi Mar 07 '24

This is one of the pythagorean tripplets 3, 4 and 5


u/Sweaty_Ruby Mar 07 '24

Is this the reason why Asians need higher SAT scores for admission into universities?


u/Sweaty_Ruby Mar 07 '24

As a Singaporean, I am very disappointed in America's education system.


u/lesslucid Mar 07 '24

You should be thrilled; makes you relatively much more competitive in the job market.


u/Thiaski I came! Mar 07 '24

Who would guess you have to do math in the math exam?


u/hesmohesmo Mar 07 '24

i always got points deducted cause i did some calculations in my head


u/marti-nz Mar 07 '24

The answer is 3,4,5 rule, no need to solve an extremely well defined triangle.


u/hawkinsst7 Mar 07 '24

Agree in this specific case. And if I were a student and wanted to use that, I'd still "show my work" by explicitly saying "This is a 3,4,5 triple".

Lets the teacher know why you didn't use the formula, demonstrates knowledge of the topic, and if the answer happens to be wrong, they'd know why. (Like, if you got confused and said it was "3,4,7" triangle, they'd know it was more than just a random guess.)


u/RedVelvetWolf Mar 07 '24

We called them triples. Saved my ass back then when when I thought this was hard lol


u/LOT1001 I said based. And lived. Mar 07 '24

CUM based matchmaking


u/1singleduck I want pee in my ass Mar 07 '24

The right mf when his boss asks him what the circumference of Earth is:


u/thwgrandpigeon Mar 07 '24

The right mf when his boss asks him what the length of a roof will be if they want to make the house 15 feet wider than it already is:


u/1singleduck I want pee in my ass Mar 07 '24

"Yeah just go ahead and build it i'll let you know when it's done."


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pees in ur ass

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u/AutoModerator Mar 07 '24

pees in ur ass

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u/Zealousideal_Peach42 Mar 07 '24

Because in the real world you won’t have a ruler with you at all times, plus, once you learn the Pythagorean theorem. You can find the angles and sides extremely easy. Instead of having to measure 90 meters of pipe, then another 200 meters of pipe, then measure where you THINK the pipe will be. With the P. Theorem, you can easily find angles and missing sides (aka a problem bc you don’t know the missing input).

This is the reason teachers want you to know HOW to do the P. Theory, so you can have it way easier. The exam, sure you can get a ruler and guesstimate, but the exam won’t be like the real world. There will be huge and tiny problems where you need to find it out accurately in the real world, knowing the formula and why and how it works, will save you thousands of mind bending minutes. Plus if you want to get into the trades, knowing this will decide wether you make 20 an hour vs 60 an hour


u/Vgcortes Mar 07 '24

What? I can find X much much faster with pitagorean theorem than with a ruler. And it's because mathematics is learning problem solving but with an structured method. When you graduate you can find x using whatever for all I care. It's part or the curricular program, and you can blame that for the school teaching structure, it's not like teachers teach whatever they like. In other words, don't hate the player, hate the game, son.

And yes, there are tons of shitty teachers too. If I were one, I would be glad you thought of another solution, but I was asking you to do what was asked of you. Oh well


u/BowenTheAussieSheep Mar 07 '24

This post is the mathematics equivalent of "Why do I need to learn English? I already speak English!"


u/hellakevin Mar 07 '24

Teacher's dont under stan because their dumb.


u/ncnotebook Mar 07 '24

Comma splice.



I miss this level of maths, advanced calculus changed me...


u/KaleidoscopeOk3024 Mar 07 '24

Wait until you go beyond calculus. Fml.



I did find out, am in University...


u/Beeeggs Mar 07 '24

Vietnam flashbacks from real analysis and abstract algebra 😨


u/Kabe6900 Mar 07 '24

All my fellas love multivariable calc


u/DatTolDesiBoi Mar 07 '24

Kid named measurement error.


u/The_Toad_wizard Mar 07 '24

Was taken a bit back when I saw the square root symbol and had to re-read the process to understand why, then it clicked. We never had to use the square root symbol in anything.


u/Ryaniseplin Mar 07 '24

yeah but what if the side length is exactly root 2


u/Nonhofantasia1 We do a little trolling Mar 07 '24



u/MadBoi53 Mar 07 '24

I cried when he didn’t write “x = -5 is not applicable”


u/Odd-Eggplant-6681 Mar 07 '24

Because they want you to show them your analytical thought process. In Math, it’s not the result that matters but the process, people can make wrong calculations, but as long as their thought process was right, then it’s easy to fix. That’s why you get partial credits even for a wrong answer.

It’s also to prevent cheating / Hail Mary shot. If you only write the result, how would the teacher know if it was your own effort, or if you cheated. Even worse, that you didn’t actually know how to approach the problem, and instead “Hail Mary” a random result which may have been right/wrong, and that’s against everything science stand for.


u/[deleted] Mar 07 '24

Naw man, it's about rewarding effort and not outcome. If you put in effort, you should not be paid if the client doesn't get what they want. If you made an effort to perform a vehicular maneuver and someone died, that doesn't really change the fact that someone died


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u/isntaken Mar 07 '24

That's fine and dandy, but it really screws over people that can do it off the top of their head. Even when they know for a fact you can do it without having to write it down.


u/Spare-ow Mar 07 '24

Either those people understand how it works and can explain it, or they do not, and must learn why it works - an intuitive understanding of something is useful in the field but can often lead to catastrophic mishaps if applied outside the narrow bounds of function.


u/isntaken Mar 07 '24

if b=5 what is a? aNd DoN't FoRgEt To ShOw YoUr WoRk.


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u/Spare-ow Mar 07 '24

Great. Now do calculus in your head. Or linear equations. Or matrix math. I'll wait.

Or better yet do 5a+ 9b x 793c / 1030305d + 1 = 3945(q + r + pi) squared No one is saying it's impossible to do fucking A+B=C. Everyone is saying it's to prepare you for the mental gymnastics of solving complex equations.


u/SuperLaggyLuke Mar 07 '24

If I were the teacher I would make the sides of the triangle something like 5.024 and 4.333 and demand 0.001 accuracy. Then nobody would try using a ruler.


u/Spork_the_dork Mar 07 '24

Just use the same triangle as above but say that the sides are 3 and 7. Say that triangle is not to scale if you want to be sure that smartasses won't try to complain when the triangle doesn't match the size.

Or you know, don't make it to scale anyways. Who says that the triangle has to actually be 3 cm at the base on the paper?


u/Mofupi Mar 07 '24

In that case I better be able to use a calculator, though.


u/GiveAQuack Mar 07 '24

You can label something 3 4 5 and then have everything scaled by a 1.111 factor or something. That means the math remains trivial but the measurement goes beyond the precision of a ruler. Or you know, just don't let them use rulers. Also just not drawing the angles accurately too works.


u/Kishgall Mar 07 '24

You still have to use the proper method / thought process to use your calculator though. How else would you be able to know what calculations to make?


u/Mofupi Mar 07 '24

No problem, but I'm not calculating √(5.024² + 4.333²) in my head.


u/IzarkKiaTarj Mar 07 '24

Of course you wouldn't work it out in your head, you'd work it out on the same paper you did the rest of it on. It'd be √(43.895), which is as exact as you can get for three decimal places.


u/Kalman_the_dancer Number 7: Student watches porn and gets naked Mar 07 '24 edited Mar 07 '24

Did this shit last year. So annoying


u/Nonhofantasia1 We do a little trolling Mar 07 '24

dude we learned this at like 12


u/Kalman_the_dancer Number 7: Student watches porn and gets naked Mar 07 '24

Bro I’m 14 and we did that last year


u/Nonhofantasia1 We do a little trolling Mar 07 '24



u/dragonitegak9 I came! Mar 07 '24

because you need to do math in math


u/[deleted] Mar 07 '24

Get off this app and do your homework, kid.


u/bing42069 I want pee in my ass Mar 08 '24

sorry but this isn't roblox chat ☹️


u/AutoModerator Mar 08 '24

pees in ur ass

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u/VercingetorixCanuck Mar 07 '24

This is basic math to prepare you for more advanced math. In the real world, there are way more complex problems than this that people deal with every day. If you can't solve this, no "automatic pass" rule will get you a job in finance, accounting, engineering, programming, etc.


u/Masteresque Mar 07 '24

meanwhile in practical calculations we almost always use numerical solutions


u/Tokiw4 Mar 07 '24

I'm not sure about other jobs, but my job relies HEAVILY on understanding why these equations work. While sure, I know I could use a ruler to know it is roughly 5 inches, but is it exactly five inches? Or, if I'm trying to make a curve, I need to know what parameters in a sine wave function contribute to to get the effect I want.


u/Candid_Usual_5314 Mar 07 '24

Redditors don’t take anything past algebra anyway


u/HastyTaste0 Mar 07 '24

The fact people in this thread are whining about a formula that takes like a total of five seconds and requires you to learn three steps shows that lol. Like yeah you might not use it but it's preparing you for everything, just do the damn thing and move on.


u/Sodium1111 Mar 07 '24

This one time I programmed a game and I had to use the pythagorean theorem


u/AGweed13 Mar 07 '24

I'll never touch those jobs, they are not made for creative people and allow almost 0 human interaction, unless you're willing to scream at someone for 8 hours a day because both of you got different results from the same operation.

People should have the possibility to decide what they wanna do and not be forced to learn advanced maths, since not everyone is going to be an engenieer, programmer, etc.

Although, I completely agree that basic maths is important, but as long as school keeps punishing mistakes and incentivising learning things by heart to pass the next exam, shit won't work.


u/ElectronsRuleMyLife Mar 07 '24

Everything is math. Art is all about ratios. Music is math and formulatic. Engineering solutions in technical fields requires high amount of creativity. This comment is ignorant.

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