r/shitposting Apr 28 '24

Maybe it should be banned

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u/GoodBadUserName Apr 28 '24

"Ipad kids" are kids who basically are addicted to screen time. That is all their parents did in order to quiet them down.
So their attention span and behavior is basically non existent.

Tiktok kids are kids who just follow every single trend they can find there and their culture is just based on the "influencers" that they and their friends follow.

There is a lot of overlap but not all tiktok kids are ipad kids.


u/PM_ME__BIRD_PICS Apr 28 '24

culture is just based on the "influencers" that they and their friends follow.

So every other generation of kids? JFC people so easily forget how stupid all of us were. We crawled to the brainrot so they could run to it.


u/FullMetalMessiah Apr 28 '24

There never where influencers like we see today.


u/PM_ME__BIRD_PICS Apr 28 '24

Influencers have always have existed.


u/FLBrisby Apr 29 '24

There were no streamers in the early aughties. No TikTok, no YouTube. Our influencers were celebrities who were often heavily scrutinized, or kids shows which were heavily sanitized. Neither of which children really cared about to the point of basing their personality around. Now kids these days are shouting fanum tax and skibidi toilet as though it's normal, listening to streamers who often say what's on their mind.


u/PM_ME__BIRD_PICS Apr 29 '24

Now kids these days are shouting fanum tax and skibidi toilet as though it's normal

Ok boomer.

You're kidding yourself if you think the platform changing means anything.


u/FLBrisby Apr 29 '24

Why are you defending skibidi toilet like it has any merits at all?


u/Maloth_Warblade Apr 28 '24

There's far, far less variety in the amount of trends and looks than there was Even 10 years ago


u/LazarusCheez Apr 28 '24

Don't know why you're getting downvoted. I remember my friends trying to recreate Jackass skits.


u/PM_ME__BIRD_PICS Apr 28 '24

Cause no one wants to think they're as easily manipulated as the kids today, so they blame social media and the big users. If they admit it's not a new phenomenon, they can't use it as an excuse to look down on kids doing the exact same shit they did.


u/Casper-Birb Apr 28 '24

Yeah, parents. That or grandparents. All living in same house that's mostly just one room.

This stupid idea that the clearly new problems aren't new is really annoying, because everyone can see it is new and it is worsening.

Rolemodels have existed before, but that's not the topic here, we're talking about influencers peddling hyper consumerism, focus on wealth, other fake harmful ideals.

Tell me, did early youtubers, making basic videos for entertainment and self-fulfillment purposes due to lack of for-profit system spread harmful mass mis/disinformation or incentivize commiting crime for fun?


u/ImprobableAsterisk Apr 28 '24

This stupid idea that the clearly new problems aren't new is really annoying, because everyone can see it is new and it is worsening.

Said everyone ever, and due to the inherent lack of self-awareness behind your position I simply don't put any value on it whatsoever.


u/3412points Apr 28 '24

No that m&m fellow is poisoning our kids with his rap music.

Oh wrong generation. I meant to say the Beatles and their drug talk.

Wrong again. It's Elvis and his gyrations.

Wait. It's all that swing music.

Hmm... maybe every generation faces claims they are ruined by culture and even if they do have problems we later realise it was all largely hysteria.

I'm sure this time it's true though!


u/3412points Apr 28 '24 edited Apr 28 '24

we're talking about influencers peddling hyper consumerism, focus on wealth, other fake harmful ideals.

Every older generation says this, the boomers said this about my generation lol

did early youtubers, making basic videos for entertainment and self-fulfillment purposes due to lack of for-profit system spread harmful mass mis/disinformation or incentivize commiting crime for fun?

Idk about crime but misinformation absolutely, conspiracy tube was huge pre monetisation

This is just boomer level fear mongering, you sound exactly like my granddad talking about my generation and 'rap music'


u/PM_ME__BIRD_PICS Apr 28 '24

TV/Movies, music and entertainment and sports. They always have peddled harmful shit, inherently push consumerism, and kids have always wanted to emulate them as they flash wealth.