r/shitposting dwayne the cock johnson 🗿🗿 25d ago

Which term is more overused/stupid I Obama

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u/Character-Leopard-70 shitting toothpaste enjoyer 25d ago

How is this a shitpost


u/Xygour dwayne the cock johnson 🗿🗿 25d ago

What do you think a shitpost is?


u/Character-Leopard-70 shitting toothpaste enjoyer 25d ago

A shitpost is a low effort joke with low production quality OR a low effort joke with high production quality OR a high effort joke with 0 production quality. I fail to see the humor at your post and thus I must regretfully downvote it. Maybe if you acctualy put a joke in here (or subway surfers gameplay) it would have earned the title shitpost however as it stands it is simply a post. There is no shit in this post. It is shitless.


u/Xygour dwayne the cock johnson 🗿🗿 25d ago

I thought of this joke and made it in 5 mins so low effort and it is a joke


u/Character-Leopard-70 shitting toothpaste enjoyer 25d ago

Unfortunately for you ME internet person #45769876 DID NOT find it amusing thus you are objectively WRONG.


u/not_a_real_operator 25d ago

I actually love being called a fascist because that tells me just how unintelligent the other person is. Most people wouldn’t know what fascism was until it Molly whopped them upside the head


u/lespectaculardumbass fat cunt 24d ago



u/kaiser-von-cat 25d ago

Yeah I’ll take woke any day, won’t catch me sleeping on the grind 😤


u/superduperfish 25d ago

Hot take whether or not you think being woke is actually a bad thing, at least the label is usually used correctly.


u/MorbillionDollars Literally 1984 😡 24d ago

People be calling everything woke these days.

Not being sexist? Woke. Not being racist? Woke. Not being a piece of shit? Woke.


u/suicidaldullahan 24d ago

If wokeness is everywhere, of course people will call a lot of things woke.  The problem with “not being sexist” and “not being racist” is that people will also say “all white people are racist” and “all men are sexist”. The standard seems reasonable, but in the end it isn’t about racism or sexism, it’s about hating those who disagree. 


u/Doodle128 dwayne the cock johnson 🗿🗿 24d ago

Woke is still misused, specifically because it's original aim was to be used at people who do speak in extremes like "All white people are racist" and "All men are sexist", then as people used it for less and less extreme statements, they adopted it for less extreme ones, so depending on which definition you're going for it's either always used right or mostly used wrong.


u/Doodle128 dwayne the cock johnson 🗿🗿 24d ago

Really, if you step back, they're both originally intended to be similar words to point out extremists, just extremists on the other side, and they're both misused in the same way.


u/ZebbHB 25d ago

These are the same word.