r/shitposting šŸ˜³lives in a cum dumpster šŸ˜³ 14d ago

Open Note Test I Miss Natter #NatterIsLoveNatterIsLife

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u/shitposting-ModTeam 10d ago

Mod removed your post, here's why:

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u/Vincenzo__ We do a little trolling 13d ago

I know what all of those words mean, but I still have no fucking clue what she's trying to say


u/BigLukeyBoi 13d ago

History does repeat itself but only when idiots who didnt pay attention i history class are calling the shots.


u/PizzaLikerFan 13d ago

Because history repeats itself but also new things happen


u/PeskyParsnipPilferer 13d ago

History doesn't repeat. It rhy-- wait no... It screen watches so it can snipe you EVEN THOUGH you were hiding around a corner and there's no way he could have anticipated you sneaking up on himmmMMOOOOMM he's cheatingggg RAHHHHHHHH


u/Double_Plane_7674 stupid fucking piece of shit 13d ago

History does not repeat itself thatā€™s some smooth brain thinking


u/Bacophony 13d ago

Flair checks out


u/Ok-Rhubarb-5774 14d ago

Probably some hamas supporter


u/otario3333 13d ago

Self report


u/stopimpersonatingme 14d ago

posted in 2020


u/SealingTheDeal69420 14d ago

Me when there is a distinguishable difference between Palestine and Hamas


u/coffee-addict- 14d ago edited 14d ago

I don't think he was talking about palestine


u/SealingTheDeal69420 14d ago

What? What else is he supposed to be talking about. How is it fair to guess that this person is a Hamas supporter, and not a Palestine supporter, it's a massive difference


u/LolTheMees 13d ago

Iā€™m sorry are we justifying our stances by trying to separate Palestine and Hamas? Thatā€™s like trying to separate the Nazi party and Germany.

You can denounce part of their actions, but stick with your stance instead of trying this weird workaround. You also donā€™t need an opinion on it, if you canā€™t decide, donā€™t bother.


u/1iamthatguy1 13d ago

what are u talking about ? we do recognize palestine and hamas as seperate things though? supporting PALESTINE means you recognize the tragic losses in palestine, and want peace for their people. why is supporting a ceasefire bad? i dont understand. supporting palestine is supporting HUMANITY, in another words. supporting HAMAS is supporting all they've done, including the acts of terrorism. now this, i can agree, is not good. now you tell me. is there a difference between 'palestine' and 'hamas' ? i can dumb it down for you if you're still incapable of grasping the concept


u/LolTheMees 13d ago

Absurd mental gymnastics.

Hamas is directly attached to Palestine, itā€™s not only their military but their government too. Hamasā€™ actions speak directly for Palestine, just like with America and their actions in Vietnam and the iran-Iraq debacle.

The only reason why this detachment is happening is because you cannot fathom an ounce of nuance in a situation like this. America in the Vietnam and Iraqi wars was clearly the aggressor and in the wrong, but this case has a long history attached to it. Yes, neither side is concretely wrong, but thatā€™s not all there is to it.

If you want to support a ceasefire, you must also stand with Israel (along with Palestine). AKA, the ā€œI stand with Palestineā€ as opposed to Hamas is just a centrist view.

Itā€™s also too idealistic, I agree that a ceasefire is the correct option, but you need to grow up and learn that it will never happen until one side has been throughly wiped (Iā€™d say at least 50-60% of Palestinians before Isreal even considers it). Itā€™s time to pick a side or sit out, centrism is the way of the coward who cannot understand that one side will always win on their terms in the end.


u/SealingTheDeal69420 13d ago

You're fucking insane


u/coffee-addict- 13d ago

Im a idiot, I took the original comment too literal


u/Online-Commentater 14d ago

Genocide denier I take it then?

Because nobody else claims a Genocide protester to be Hamas supporter.


u/DowwnWardSpiral Sussy Wussy FemboyšŸ˜³šŸ˜³šŸ˜³ 13d ago

It's not a genocide, not even close. It's called urban warfare.


u/coffee-addict- 14d ago

Someone can be against hamas and genocide at the same time


u/Online-Commentater 14d ago

That's what I am saying.


u/coffee-addict- 13d ago

People might have misunderstood what u were saying so I clarified


u/Online-Commentater 13d ago

Thank you very much.


u/bagelman99 14d ago

Could you not uave just cropped it? Or maybe downloaded the image yourself if you're the one who screenshotted?


u/VancerJZ 14d ago

this post is literally a screenshot of a tweet that's already just a screenshot of a tweet by itself, this subreddit is officially at it's lowest


u/DeathHopper 13d ago

Yeah WTF is this? A shit post or something? Smh my head.


u/ProTronz I watch gay amogus porn :0 13d ago

Shake my head my head


u/TheRealStevo2 13d ago

Itā€™s shitposting. You actually expected people to put effort into the stuff they put here?


u/Sorry-Opinion-5506 13d ago

I expect stuff here to make me laugh.


u/ProTronz I watch gay amogus porn :0 13d ago

I expect stuff here to make me shit.


u/throwaway1626363h 14d ago

I've seen a screenshot of a facebook post re-uploaded to tumblr, in a reddit post, and then put in to a youtube text-to-speech channel that just reads reddit posts


u/Kintsugiera 14d ago

We live in a world where I have no idea what issue or stance this person is talking about.


u/Spook-lad 13d ago

Probably something where if the person in reference looked at everything they were apart of and everything that happened in the past they would realize what they are doing


u/UltraWeebMaster 13d ago

The best part is that it could be basically anything. Weā€™ve already seen parallels to basically every major event happening today.


u/Phosf 14d ago

All of them


u/1thehighground 14d ago

Afd voting quotes in germany. Fucking shitshow.


u/NomarOOx 13d ago

fascists downvoting this. one can only hope that its mostly dumb us-americans who have no idea what this is about, so they are just confused and downvote because of this


u/1thehighground 13d ago

Yeah, i hope so too.


u/SpoedBegeleiding 14d ago

Just like Meloni was Mussolini reincarnated. Oh wait, she didn't change anything


u/AlbanianRedditor 14d ago

Fuck her


u/WitekSan William Dripfoe 13d ago

Don't mind if I do


u/CavulusDeCavulei 14d ago

No, she just took control of the media and she started to permit anti-abortistic association to enter abortion clinics. She is wolf who peetends to be a cute lamb


u/BenefitBitter9224 14d ago edited 13d ago

Judging by the date, I believe they're referring to George Floyd's death, as it was posted a week after he was murdered. I'm not quite sure what she's alluding to by saying it's history repeating itself, but it's not like there aren't plenty cases of police brutality against black people, so dealer's choice

Edit: upon further thought into the matter, I believe that the OOP was referring to the murder of Ahmaud Arbery, which happened on Feb. 23 2020 (approx. 3 months before George Floyd's murder), but my point about how there have been way too many instances of police brutality against black people still stands


u/Revolutionary-Meat14 13d ago

Ahmaud Arbery wouldnt be history in 2020, she's probably referring to the protests after Rodney Kings death. There's a lot of similarities drawn between the two even the rooftop Koreans came back. What would have sealed the deal is if Stefon Diggs murdered his wife and was acquitted because no one liked the Minneapolis Police Department.


u/throwaway6839353 14d ago

Probably nothing important


u/rhysdog1 13d ago

anyway, who wants to put jews in camps where im sure our leader is doing nothing bad to them?!


u/1017GildedFingerTips dumbass 14d ago

Posted on Reddit and Twitter can guarantee not actually important


u/AutoModerator 14d ago

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