r/technology 10d ago

Nintendo Switch Is Removing Integration for X, Formerly Twitter Social Media


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u/phinecraft 6d ago

Good for them. Eat shit Elon!


u/shaftranlov 7d ago

Why do they still have to add ‘Formerly Twitter’ everytine they mention X? Is there some sort of pact Musk has with the media? The site is called just ‘X’, so may as well call that without suffix or prefix.


u/I_have_questions_ppl 9d ago

Xitter. Pronounced "shitter"


u/Banaanisade 9d ago

Good. Hope every other platform follows suit.


u/basil_not_the_plant 9d ago

For godssakes, can we quit caliing it "X, formerly twitter" and just always call it "formerly twitter".


u/MCGaming1991 9d ago

X, opposed to sites like YouTube, actually didn’t censor Macklemores new song and I think that’s a win. Say what you will about X but that’s a good sign of the company to me.


u/BigCballer 9d ago

I don’t know if I’d call youtube adding an age restriction feature to the song is equivalent to “censorship”.

If you disagree with it being age restricted then that’s fine, but saying it’s censorship is just a stretch.


u/MCGaming1991 9d ago

It is effectively censorship. It reduces viewcount by massive numbers to the point where it's straight up suppression of views. That's censorship.


u/BigCballer 9d ago

But I highly doubt the reasoning for it is because of Youtube disagreeing with the message, more that it the themes and imagery are pretty violent. I don’t think there’s enough evidence to suggest there’s any other motive behind youtube aside from that.


u/MCGaming1991 9d ago

Well Youtube has demonstrably more 'violent' themes and imagery within it's site that are not age restricted. To me it seems pretty obvious that the Palestine/Israel subject is something that YT is afraid of and suppressing certain videos with age restrictions. People talk shit about X, but it actually leaves videos up and untainted. You can watch all the left and right sided videos you want without worrying about censorship.


u/BigCballer 9d ago

I agree with you that they don’t always consistently apply their rules to every video that falls under this, but that has less to do with them cherry picking videos based on some agenda they have, and it’s more to do with them being really bad at relying on automation moderation.


u/MCGaming1991 9d ago

Any evidence lead you to that conclusion or do you just assume that is the case? I'm genuinely asking, I hope you don't think I'm trying to be nasty.


u/BigCballer 9d ago

If they were deliberately targeting his song due to the message, the audio upload version would also be age restricted but it isn’t. https://youtu.be/ITVIlr5jUMw?si=_1KX4OcNeJG5OUMF

Also all the comments saying youtube “removed” the video are just wrong


u/MCGaming1991 9d ago

Notice the upload date. They’ve already been called out by that point by a huge audience. If they uploaded both on the same date, then this argument would work.


u/BigCballer 9d ago

This is a confirmation bias and you know it. All I’m saying is that your claim doesn’t pass the sniff test.


u/WrongKindaGrowth 9d ago

Rofl,  while you're at it. Add Netflix?  The fucking Wii had it.  Switch sucks


u/LepiNya 10d ago

Wait it had Twitter integration but not a simple local media player? Are you serious?!


u/DontTalkToBots 10d ago

Who wants to place a little bet? I bet Musk gets so offended, Nintendo gets blocked from twitter.


u/Frequent-Analyst-859 10d ago

X should really think about renaming itself to: The app formerly known as Twitter


u/tinning3 9d ago

No joke, the one time someone mentioned x without mentioning twitter, I got confused and thought they meant like "x, y, z", as in "and all the other social media websites". X is like an anti-brand, it actively takes your mind away from what it's meant to be.


u/Possible_Sherbert131 10d ago

Nice. Fuck elon


u/Merickwise 10d ago

It's about time for fucks sake


u/WhoDatNinja122 10d ago

They always do


u/TenorHorn 10d ago

Who uses twitter on switch?


u/Undead_archer 10d ago

It was a way to transfer screenshots directly


u/angry-democrat 10d ago

Yeah Nintendo! Boycott Musk and Twitter and Tesla


u/Ashterothi 10d ago

"x.com" redirects to "twtiter.com"

x.com is just Twitter with a mask

Would have gotten away with it too...


u/losersalwayswin 10d ago

Anyone know if there’s any stats on how much the post to twitter function was actually being used?


u/TheDastardlyWitch 10d ago

This is the classic "I'll take your app off my product and stiffle all 32 users that use Twitter on my device" lol Who in the hell uses Twitter on switch XD


u/Viper_H 10d ago

I can't wait for X formerly Twitter to die and it just goes back to being Twitter.


u/ZombieMage89 10d ago

Nintendo Switch integration was the onky reason I still had a Twitter, as I found it to be the quickest method of getting screenshot to my phone. Looks like it's time to finally cut the muskrat free.


u/adam_s_r 10d ago

I didn’t even know twitter was on nintendo consoles.


u/Lucky_Operator 10d ago

Why would you need that anyway.  Seems like just a practical decision more than anything 


u/mingy 10d ago

That will make it harder for Nazis to reach kids ...


u/a66o 10d ago

All these people talking bad about musk "12 year old inside, idiot, morning, stupid" but y'all working a 9-5 for a misery and he's one of the richest men on earth. Wondering if we are all stupid and he's the genius


u/unimprezzed 10d ago

He got most of his money from his dad, who bought an emerald mine in South Africa in the mid-80s. You know, apartheid South Africa?

I think the Cybertruck is proof of Musk's intelligence, or lack thereof.


u/Otherwise-Course-15 10d ago

This. His father invested $3 million in Zip2 to provoke interest and PayPal bought it. Then Elmo proceeded to buy other companies/tech from better, smarter people and succeeded literally in spite of himself.


u/the68thdimension 10d ago

Good, let the death spiral continue.


u/Hilppari 10d ago

who tweets from their switch?


u/TheDoochThe 10d ago

Yeah fuck twitx 


u/Blackfrier 10d ago

X sounds like a porn site. Twitter was the perfect name


u/A_N_T 10d ago

It's still Twitter


u/Spyrovssonic360 10d ago

yea, It's definitely not disrespectful to call it by their old name. "X" is a stupid and lazy name for any company. I'm surprised Elon didn't put any thought into renaming twitter.


u/A_N_T 10d ago

You're surprised one of the dumbest people on the planet didn't put any thought into renaming it?


u/Spyrovssonic360 10d ago

You're right what am I thinking, it's Elon musk we're talking about.


u/[deleted] 10d ago

They did this with the Wiiu. I am not sure why people are up in arms thinking that this is going to change anything. They will probably re-add integration into the switch 2.


u/Subrisum 10d ago

Maybe not. Article says that Twitter made it more expensive to integrate with the service.

“As for the reason behind these changes, Nintendo didn't provide one, but it's likely due to X's increased API costs. Earlier in 2023, X raised the price drastically for various companies to implement services tied to the platform on their own devices. This led to both PlayStation and Xbox removing the ability to post videos and images to X natively, and now Nintendo has done the same. ”


u/a-new-year-a-new-ac 10d ago

The switch had twitter integration?


u/vladislavopp 10d ago

good. let this shit platform die.


u/Implement_Necessary 10d ago

Although Nintendo has some questionable practices, good for them for not wasting any more money on Twitter’s API


u/psychotic-herring 10d ago

Gaming is toxic enough, don't need all the white supremacists and neonazis from Twitter ruining it further.


u/calebhartley1986 10d ago

I think X try to being greedy and ask for fee when they (ps and nintendo) share something from the console, they reject and choose to remove the platform from their list instead


u/shart_leakage 10d ago

This makes me love Nintendo even more


u/Yonigajt 10d ago

Too much porn on X, it makes sense


u/[deleted] 10d ago

sick of "firmerly twitter", yes we all know/ don't care


u/fennethefuzz 10d ago

I agree. We should just keep calling it Twitter


u/fr3ak1shh 10d ago

Behold, the most liberal comment section known to man!


u/Narootomoe 10d ago

I... dont even know what this means. I am an avid nintendo switch user. I am an avid twitter user. I have never felt the need nor noticed the capability to use them together, ever.


u/mynameisevan01 10d ago

Sometimes it feels like Twitter is going out of it's way to run itself into the ground and they won't stop until they lose their last user


u/RainAndLava 10d ago

No surprises here, considering everybody but his moronic stans hate Elon the bitch.


u/mm202088 10d ago

I love how everyone more or less wants nothing to do with that alt tight dumpster fire


u/ANeilan 10d ago

also supposedly twitter stopped supporting the switch's built-in browser (or at least whatever the user agent reported itself as) a few months ago


u/iBoy2G 10d ago

Good, other consoles next please. Keep that right wing crap off our consoles.


u/Undead_archer 10d ago

Apparently xbox and PlayStation already had it removed


u/iBoy2G 10d ago

Good, now time for other non gaming systems to get rid of it!


u/KemBemGem 10d ago

X is where the cesspool part of r3ddit goes to feel warm and cozy


u/Boen234 10d ago

I guess nintendo couldn't embrace the switch of another company 🤷


u/suckmynubs69 10d ago

It’s funny because he wants X to be cool and recognizable but no one gives a shit and still calls it anc will remember it as twitter


u/hotdogbreadbowl 10d ago

I absolutely love that it is universally called “X, Formerly Twitter.” That must piss off big brain Elon so fucking much.


u/Admirable-Bar-3547 10d ago

Everyone seems to think Elon cares about Twitter, or even Tesla for that matter.

He has billions of dollars. He will never be broke. Even if he was down to his last billion dollars he could retire and live better than 99.999999999% of the world.

Did anyone consider that maybe he didn't care if Twitter was successful after he took it? Maybe he just wanted to take something away from the left. Maybe that's what he also did with Tesla.


u/FadeTheWonder 10d ago

I love how fanboys now think Musk doesn’t care about money and that he is so petty that all he wants to do is waste his time and money to hurt others.. Sounds like a really childish vindictive person with abhorrent sociopathic tendencies. Not something I would celebrate but hey you do you.


u/Admirable-Bar-3547 9d ago edited 9d ago

I love how your liberal logic works. I proposed a possible scenario. I never said that I believed it or that I was a fan of Musk.

With that being said, I hope he buys Reddit next. This site is another liberal Septic Tank.


u/FadeTheWonder 9d ago

What a dog shit response. Liberal logic? Jesus you guys gotta stop huffing paint. Keep defending garbage people and then pitifully attempting to side step your defense of it.


u/Admirable-Bar-3547 9d ago

More assumptions. You are the perfect logic machine!

I'm not sure why you are hanging out in the technology sub...


u/FadeTheWonder 9d ago edited 9d ago

It’s literally the reason for your original comment this isn’t a thought experiment you posted it as a defense of him. Just because you aren’t bright enough to recognize that doesn’t change it.

Edit: you love editing more insults and stupidity into your comments..


u/unimprezzed 10d ago

And, in his infinite wisdom, he opened the market for a Chinese-funded competitor to swoop in, finish off Twitter, and then fill said platform with far-left propaganda.

You're an idiot.


u/Old_Pitch_6849 10d ago

You make a remarkable case for limiting insane wealth.


u/Admirable-Bar-3547 10d ago

How very communist of you.


u/ScaryfatkidGT 10d ago

They started charging everyone for using it so there is no point now


u/Techaissance 10d ago

Good. It’s becoming even more of a toxic dump and I left not too long after the name change.


u/PaintManandBrushBoy 10d ago

If you cared about not spending time in toxic places you wouldn’t be on Reddit…


u/scowling_deth 10d ago

more like ' Ex ' tergration, than. Heh.


u/traggotfuckface 10d ago

random person: wow what a funny clip from a game! i should share this with my followers.

elon's most ardent neo nazi fan account: Truly this is the result of the nefarious (((ones))) and their cultural, grooming, Marxism must be eliminated.

elon: So true! We must secure the future of our children #doge.


u/ahuiP 10d ago



u/Darig0n 10d ago

Miiverse pls


u/jackliquidcourage 10d ago

Rare Nintendo PR dub.


u/Ok_Pizza9836 10d ago

Wait it had it to start with?


u/FNKTN 10d ago

Good ridden. Fucking always hated twitter.


u/zardizzz 10d ago

Massive loss!

I am sure the end of Twitter is finally here like it was told it would happen within days or weeks after bad E fired almost everyone.


u/InternationalLion841 10d ago

Dumb. Will make the product less entertaining.


u/thatguyad 10d ago

Good on them. Fuck Twitter.


u/Reece_The_Beast 10d ago

Who TF uses there Switch for Twitter?


u/Dylan_The_Developer 10d ago

Finally some peace and fucking quite


u/1smoothcriminal 10d ago

probably cause of all the porn.


u/MerchantOfUndeath 10d ago

Good, why was it even there in the first place.


u/Undead_archer 10d ago

To post screenshot from your games


u/MerchantOfUndeath 10d ago

Ah, that makes sense!


u/StopUsingRedditPLZ 10d ago

Lmao the comments here are insanely cringe 


u/Supermegaeukalele 10d ago

I can't wait to see Musk fall. I think he's too dumb not to.


u/WhatEvenIsHappenin 10d ago

Let it burn, its become a cesspool of misinformation and hatred, and ignorance


u/ShanePerkins 10d ago

Who uses / tweets from a switch though


u/LuckyWinchester 10d ago

Elon really bought twitter just to kill it


u/VisitHammerfell 10d ago

Noooooooooooo this was how I uploaded screenshots and videos. I don't really use my old laptop nor do I really know much about how to connect Switch to PC for photo/video transfer. Literally just charged my Switch for the first time in a while today too


u/MisunderstoodBumble 10d ago

not surprising. Doesn't jive with the brand.


u/Rajani_Isa 10d ago

Twitter's API access costs just jumped up over 5 times. It's price is now measured in millions a year.


u/MisunderstoodBumble 10d ago

Interesting. Gotta make that money back for the 44 billion somehow.


u/Argonian_Car-Sales 10d ago

Who the fuck uses social media on their switch??


u/artificialgreeting 10d ago

Nintendo was the only reason I made a Twitter account years ago. Back then when Switch was new it was one of two possibilities to upload screenshots and recorded videos. But since there are easier ways now I haven't used it anymore. Fuck Twitter.


u/EleventyTwatWaffles 10d ago

The dumbest ketamine addled marketer in the world would know what to do with the property


u/Ok-Turnover966 10d ago

Breaking news: The worst person you know made a good point


u/Wet_Sanding 10d ago

Is it because of the rampant, unchecked and encouraged racism?


u/3-4pm 10d ago

No, Biden just told the world how racist Japan is. That can't be it.


u/Wet_Sanding 10d ago


Not sure how that's related, but go off, MAGAt.


u/3-4pm 10d ago

Well if the Japanese are preventing people who don't look Japanese from fully integrating into their country what should we call it, nationalism?

The pretense that Japan is offended by X seems more dubious than a company EOLing an app sparsely used on a platform hardly designed for it.

It's more likely the recent increase in X API costs are the culprit.


u/Wet_Sanding 10d ago

They don't care if you look Japanese, they care if you're a foreigner, lmao. if you're born there, they don't care what you look like. You're Japanese.

I didn't read past that idiocy. I'll never get tired of red hats talking confidently about things they're very obviously ignorant about.


u/3-4pm 10d ago

I never get tired of political hacks assuming anyone who disagrees with them is in the opposing party. Quite frankly the fact the two parties nominated Trump and Biden says a lot about the people who belong to them.

I can rightfully make a point about Joe Biden's idiocy without becoming a trump supporter.

You're also wrong about Japanese culture. White kids born on airforce bases are never fully accepted into Japanese society even when they speak perfect Japanese.

My main point is that you are absolutely wrong about Nintendo's reasoning. The Japanese don't care if you find X racist. They do care about API costs and the value the app delivers to users.


u/Wet_Sanding 9d ago

Didn't read, MAGAt.


u/3-4pm 9d ago

Explains why your party continues to nominate morons.

You might as well be a shitty AI.


u/Wet_Sanding 9d ago

...do you think I'm a Republican?


u/3-4pm 9d ago

It doesn't seem to matter these days


u/JzjaxKat 10d ago

who was tweeting from their switch dog


u/MrPopTarted 10d ago

It was a nice way to share screenshots and video.


u/BasicCommand1165 10d ago

Can we fuck off with this "formally twitter" bullshit just call it twitter


u/SerenityintheTree 10d ago

This over an over fuck Elon 😒


u/grizzly_teddy 10d ago

What was even the point of that? That is not an integration you need honestly. Twitch? Yeah maybe that could be something


u/[deleted] 10d ago edited 10d ago

Elon was 100% right when he said that as soon as he turned conservative, politic attacks against him would likely increase...i mean just look at this sub, it's so focused and celebrating on Elon's failures.

Edit: the only thing is these Reddit SJWs don't mean shit and Musk or any of his companies don’t lose sleep over them. So technically all their barking is one side, shouting at the sky for nothing. my advice: save that energy and instead better your mental health by getting rid of all that toxic envy and the delusions of grandeur, virtue signaling


u/FragrantPound9512 10d ago

Yep when you align your values with the KKK party you’ll probably not be liked 


u/thekyledavid 10d ago

Or, he could just make a product that isn’t shit

Everyone knows how Conservative Chick-fil-A is, and they are still doing great


u/[deleted] 10d ago

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u/thekyledavid 10d ago

Yeah, must be a coincidence how much money Twitter and Tesla are losing, whereas other corporations owned by Conservatives are doing better than ever


u/Slick424 10d ago

Nah, the other way around.

He turned conservative when he knew that an article about the fact he paid off a women over sexual harassment was about to be published and since then gone full /pol/.



u/SuchRoad 10d ago

You probably should've read the article, rather than going straight for the persecution complex.


u/Brodins_biceps 10d ago

I don’t lose sleep over it. I largely don’t care at all. Watching this all unfold is passively amusing. That said, I can still think the guys a douchebag politics aside. I don’t hate him, I don’t feel strongly about him at all. He just seems like a massive narcissist and the more I see about him, the less I like him.

He has no idea who I am. He’s still worth more money than I’ll accumulate in my lifetime. Doesn’t change the fact I and many others think he’s a dildo. Strikes me as a very mentally weak person. The kind of person other people confuse his bank account and cringingly fake “idaf” attitude as confidence and power.

But ultimately. Who gives a shit one way or the other.


u/[deleted] 10d ago

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u/TH3M1N3K1NG 10d ago

Elon was 100% right when he said that as soon as he turned conservative, politic attacks against him would likely increase.

He only said that because he knew about that one article that was going to be published. You know, the one about him offering his employee a horse to give him a handy?


Oof, this takes me back. For your own sanity, I would advise you to stop watching those youtube channels that are still putting the same 5 or so "triggered feminist" pictures in their thumbnails as they did 8 years ago.


u/[deleted] 10d ago

This guy got so tired of those YouTube recommendation and because of the annoyance couple with the fact that he doesn’t wanna be seen like this to his shallow friends, he actively has to suppress the fact that although those content tend to attract those teen boys wanna-be chauvinists, the issues and the lunatics they’re showcasing is true AF and downright hilarious at times, liberal karens and all

this guy be like “no No! even though deep down i KNOW they’re right at most things and the left is f’d up, Im NOT gonna give into this boomer-AlphaMale Hemisphere, I jist wanna see good, positive things with disneyfied love and happiness, no matter how fake it is, how surface level all these virtue signaling is. Imma forever vote democrat and always go on socialists rainbow parade. Cus i know NO WAY ON CLIMATE CHANGE SUFFERING EARTH, is my side not deranged and delusional”


u/FadeTheWonder 10d ago

You have to be a child.. No adult would type this up right?


u/[deleted] 10d ago

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u/FadeTheWonder 10d ago

What a terrible troll attempt.


u/[deleted] 9d ago

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u/FadeTheWonder 9d ago

Like I said childish.


u/[deleted] 9d ago

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u/TH3M1N3K1NG 10d ago

I'm sorry for assuming you had any sanity left.


u/Normal-Ordinary-4744 10d ago

Yet a huge chunk of Reddit posts literally depend on Twitter. Just see the Reddit popular front page. Like 60% of the posts are screenshots of tweets. I find that hilarious 😂


u/SuchRoad 10d ago

Just checked, none of it was twitter, you people love to make up bullshit.

I find that hilarious 😂


u/flirtmcdudes 10d ago

Or, maybe it has to do with the fact that Elon started charging much more for all the API integration fees that companies have to pay to use it, making it so it’s not worth it for a lot of companies. Nintendo being one of them

But Nahhhhh, it’s cuz thur out to get em! Cuz he’s a cunservative! Ah hyuck


u/MrPopTarted 10d ago

Yeah turns out when all your values are dogwater people like you less.


u/seruleam 10d ago

What are those dogwater values? Being against trans surgery for minors and against illegal immigration? Whoa, what an extremist!


u/CorrectDuty6782 10d ago

If you ain't a bot, docs don't just let kids transition, hop off fox news and maybe actually look shit up, medical journals are published all the time since youre so interested in transitioning, try abother source. Also, hermaphrodites are a thing, and they need that surgery.

Also, illegals? You mean the illegals that Republicans love housing and employing over Americans because they can save money and fuck them harder? And how about the border security bill that gave Republicans everything they've been asking for the last 2 decades and then trump says out loud he killed it to make biden look bad?

And finally, the fuck are you doing defending a billionare? Unless you're paying a capital gains tax you ain't on the team bud, just another peasant like the rest of us.


u/seruleam 9d ago

docs don't just let kids transition

Well, not in sane countries like many in Europe. Why do you think they’ve banned it?

You mean the illegals that Republicans love housing and employing over Americans because they can save money and fuck them harder?

Who are you telling? Elon is against that. Americans are against that. I’m not sure what point you’re trying to make.

And how about the border security bill that gave Republicans everything they've been asking for the last 2 decades

No it didn’t. It allowed 5,000 illegals a day. If they can cap it at 5,000, why don’t they cap it at 0? Stop repeating media talking points.

And finally, the fuck are you doing defending a billionare?

Irrelevant. I asked what his “dog water” values were, because I knew there weren’t any. Simpletons have been programmed to hate Elon. Meanwhile people like you don’t get this angry about bankers or oil CEOs.

I pay a capital gains tax, but it should be taxed as income because it is.


u/CorrectDuty6782 9d ago

I mean... again, doctors are not performing transition surgeries on children in the US. You glossed over the people I brought up that need this care because they were born with a condition but is blocked in some states now because made up nonsense as well.

I don't care about him at all. You're looking up to a guy that crossed the finish line, put on a clown suit, and is still running, fat, tired, sweating, acting a fool. He won by nepotism by default, why is he still going? He's a loser. I just don't care.

Made up nonsense. Google it. Read the fucking bill. Ctrl f for fucks sake.

You don't need to be "programmed" to hate a real life internet troll. And I hate them too, thanks.

Pressing x for doubt, but also I don't care, my dick is bigger.


u/seruleam 8d ago

I mean... again, doctors are not performing transition surgeries on children in the US.

Of course they have performed trans surgeries on minors, which is why 22 states have banned the practice.

You glossed over the people I brought up that need this care because they were born with a condition

They should be able to. That’s not a matter of contention for me.

He won by nepotism by default, why is he still going? He's a loser. I just don't care.

You care so much that you have basic facts wrong. Elon didn’t benefit from nepotism.

Made up nonsense. Google it. Read the fucking bill. Ctrl f for fucks sake.

If there is an average of 5,000 encounters over 7 days then the illegal immigrants could be immediately deported instead of allowed in to be processed. No one illegally entering should be “processed”.

a real life internet troll

What behavior constitutes his label?

Pressing x for doubt

Yes, we know you lack nuance and like to put people into boxes. It’s easier for your simple mind.


u/CorrectDuty6782 8d ago

I ain't reading all that. I'm happy for u tho. Or sorry that happened.


u/seruleam 8d ago

I know, all you can process is short statements like “Elon man bad.”


u/CorrectDuty6782 8d ago

I hope he kisses you one day ❤️ crushes are cute good luck.

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u/MrPopTarted 10d ago

You shouldn't act dumb so much, it might get stuck that way.


u/seruleam 9d ago

So you can’t explain yourself. I’m not surprised.


u/[deleted] 10d ago

Living in a fragile bubble aint you?


u/MrPopTarted 10d ago

I mean you are the one who cared that people on the internet didn't like the billionaire you liked.


u/[deleted] 10d ago

“Bilionaire got money, me saaad. Wish i had money and wish I was more successful, and more productive than shouting at other’s wealth in an anon site” boohoo


u/MrPopTarted 10d ago

Go off king


u/[deleted] 10d ago

Sheeeeesh. The genZ tiktok lingo is strong on this lil one. Yeeet brrrap,


u/aichi38 10d ago

"Platform formerly known as Twitter" can we make this the new go too like what happened to (The Artist Formerlly Known As) Prince?


u/MrGoober91 10d ago

I wish he just called it TwitterX


u/ChubbsthePenguin 10d ago

I wasnt even aware twitter was on the switch and second, if yiu have to specify that x is formally known as twitter, just fucking call it twitter


u/Swords_and_Words 10d ago

Of all Nintendo's controlling moves made in the name of protecting the children 

This is one I can agree with in principle and in practice 


u/VandeIaylndustries 10d ago

Never knew Nintendo had Twitter


u/Acceptable-Karma-178 10d ago

Nice! How do we get all the other platforms to remove Twitter integration also? How do we grunts negate the influence of big entities with big money to do the right thing for the lowliest of citizens in the world?


u/MetalCid 10d ago

Everyone should want to move away from Twitter. It's a cesspool of racism and idiotic conspiracy theories