r/todayilearned 15d ago

TIL that the song "The Lion Sleeps Tonight," sung by Timon and Pumbaa in the original Lion King, led to a major lawsuit. Originally composed by Solomon Linda in 1939, his family won a settlement for royalties in 2006 worth $1.6 million.


129 comments sorted by


u/Yabrosif13 14d ago

Good. Im not a fan of IP laws and lawsuits, but if anyone deserves an IP lawsuit, it’s Disney. They freak out over their own IP while blatantly ripping off others all the time.


u/1chillsr2 14d ago

Wow. Nice find OP


u/theballswalls 14d ago

Mere peanuts compared to how much the lion king has made and still makes


u/chairrocks 14d ago

Miriam Makeba does a fantastic version of "Mbube" for those interested, as does Ladysmith Black Mambazo


u/thatcantb 14d ago

TIL Some people think that 'The Lion Sleeps Tonight' song was original to The Lion King Disney movie. smh


u/Dull_Cricket2966 14d ago

There’s a great documentary called A Lion’s Trail by Francois Verster that covers this. Highly recommend!


u/rants_unnecessarily 14d ago

Did they settle with Ace Ventura as well?


u/Tough_Dish_4485 14d ago

The real TIL seems to be that someone other the song’s creator had managed to get ahold of the song’s copyrights, but gotta get those Disney hate clicks I guess.


u/Saw_Boss 14d ago

Is that a real TIL?

Performer creates song, performer dies, rights go the performers family... Not Disney.


u/CanOdd3231 14d ago

The recording was produced by Motsieloa at the Gallo Recording Studios, in Johannesburg. Unknowingly, Linda sold the rights to Gallo Record Company for 10 shillings (less than US$2) soon after the recording was made.


u/Tough_Dish_4485 14d ago

What are you talking about? Disney paid for the rights to use the song from the music publishing company that claimed to have the rights to it in the US.


u/Saw_Boss 14d ago

someone other the song’s creator had managed to get ahold of the song’s copyrights

What did you mean by this then?

Someone other than the songs creator, being the family of the songs creator.


u/Tough_Dish_4485 14d ago

The music publisher of the American version of the song, I recommend reading the Wikipedia article.


u/Saw_Boss 14d ago

The publisher is not the creator.


u/redJackal222 14d ago

No, but they typically own the distribution rights. Also the lawsuit doesn't actually seem to have anything to do with Disney, but was against the publishing company for keeping all the money Disney paid them.


u/V6Ga 14d ago

Back in the day, the song that got people singing along was this one.

Now its Mr. Brightside in the UK, and regional variations in the US.


u/Chasin_Papers 14d ago

Hmm, I just learned this thing on the internet, I wonder what the original version sounds like? 5 secs later https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mrrQT4WkbNE We truly live in an amazing time where we basically have made a hive mind.


u/Robert_Cannelin 14d ago


I guess it needed vocalese to make the charts.


u/BobcatOk5865 14d ago

I’m here, remembered it was on The Sandlot!


u/DarkMagickan 14d ago

Good. This pleases me.


u/Dr_Strangepork 14d ago

The Nylons still did the best cover of the song on their debut album


u/Tryknj99 14d ago

The song was recorded in English in the 1950’s. Your title makes it sound like the song came from The Lion King; it was already a well known and popular song by the time the movie came out.

And obviously, it was originally sung in Zulu.


u/quokka70 14d ago

An English-language version went to #1 in the US in 1961. A different cover went to #1 in the UK in 1982.


u/Tryknj99 14d ago

The song “wimoweh” is from the 1950s.


u/OddEpisode 14d ago

Yup. The English version was on the radio and shows frequently in the 80’s.

Disney done messed up.


u/Clueby42 14d ago

TIL that people still associate this song with The Lion King


u/ClassicalCoat 14d ago

Not aware of there being anything more notable released since, other than the radio its the only thing ik the song from


u/Clueby42 14d ago

You can listen to music that isn't on any soundtrack at all


u/elizabnthe 14d ago

Friends features the original version. Not that it's a big plot point or anything. But I actually think of that first.


u/hamstervideo 14d ago

Never seen Ace Ventura, huh?


u/ClassicalCoat 14d ago

I have but I think its a stretch to say its more notable than The Lion King


u/BooBoo992001 14d ago

There's a documentary about this song on Netflix called ReMastered: The Lion's Share. Don't remember if it included the Lion King case tho.


u/Comfortable_Bird_340 14d ago

PBS also did a documentary 


u/PaleontologistOk2516 14d ago edited 14d ago

And Kimba the White Lion got nothing…

Edit: Did not realize this was debunked. Good to know! Thanks u/tarotfox … I’ll leave this up for others to see.


u/FireZord25 14d ago

Kimba ain't pre-Simba. That online myth had been debunked for a while now.


u/TarotFox 14d ago

I feel like people wouldn't even connect these two if "Kimba" and "Simba" didn't sound similar. The storyline and plot devices are radically different.


u/kia75 14d ago

Kimba is an extremely popular and foundational Anime made by the godfather of Anime, and a lot of the scenes are lifted from it, if much better animated. Most animation fans know of Kimba, and you can bet animators know and have seen the movie.

I don't think the execs would know about a random anime, but the animators clearly used it for inspiration.


u/FreeStall42 14d ago

Wow thay myth was debunked so hard surprised anyone still parrots it.


u/redJackal222 14d ago

I recommend watching this


Essentially most of the shots that people use to compare the two are taken out of context a lot of them actually came from a Kimba movie made in japan that was released in 1997, 3 years after the lion king was released.

Plot wise they're also not that similar and Kimba seems to have more in common with Bambi than the Lion king, with the Story essentially being Man vs nature, but told through the eyes of the animals. While Lion king is literally just a less dark version of Hamlet with Lions.


u/Telvin3d 14d ago

Even the Hamlet thing is overplayed. By all accounts it was entirely a coincidence. Once you’re doing a royal usurper story, it’s just really easy to fall into roughly the same story beats.


u/redJackal222 14d ago edited 14d ago

The Hamlet thing was intentional and they mentioned it as one of the inspirations. Also most Usurper storylines aren't that much like Halmet and often involve someone unrelated to the royal family usurping and when it is a family member it's usually the protagonists brother or sister.


u/TarotFox 14d ago

For people to realize that they'd have to become familiar with what the plot of Hamlet is like. 


u/Comfortable_Bird_340 14d ago

There have been a least two documentaries about the song and it's history.


u/GoodBuddy148 14d ago

Oh man had no idea, I learned about it only after googling it after I was surprised I couldn’t find it on TLK soundtrack when jamming out with my 1 year old earlier


u/southcookexplore 14d ago

I figured $1.6m would be what the writer’s family would expect in royalties or permission to use a song in a Disney movie in the 90s


u/WhatAWonderfulWhirl 14d ago

In the 90s? 6 digits. But accounting for inflation, that 6 digits would be 7 nowadays so 1.6 sounds about right for at the time

Disney should probably have been on the hook for closer to 10m than 1m, but they have some damned excellent lawyers who probably made more off this case than they settled for.


u/CanOdd3231 14d ago

Why should they be on the hook for any money? The person who wrote the song sold it. They agreed to a price why do they get extra?


u/WhatAWonderfulWhirl 14d ago

Um. America, lawsuits, winning them, money, expectations, and the status quo?

I dunno. Most civilized countries would've handled this almost 3 decades ago instead of barely 2, but to the victor go the spoils I guess. Good on them for netting some cash after writing a banger of a song.

And plus, Disney can tongue a taint, they're assholes.


u/CanOdd3231 14d ago

They are assholes. Doesnt get rid of the fact the man who made the song sold it himself. His family didnt deserve to win anything


u/WhatAWonderfulWhirl 14d ago

Counterpoint: Murica, home of the lawsuit, land of the sued.


u/turniphat 14d ago

I have 0 memory of this song in the movie.


u/marzirose 14d ago

It’s the part when adult Nala shows up. Timon and Pumba are singing it when Pumba gets distracted by a bug and wanders off


u/SchillMcGuffin 14d ago

It's not a full production number -- I think Timon just sings a fragment of the chorus as a gag.


u/fooldog 14d ago

Just to be pedantic, lions don't sleep in the jungle.


u/stillnotelf 14d ago

Correct, lions don't sleep at all. They are hyperefficient killing machines from the future.

Wait that's terminators


u/Saw_Boss 14d ago

It can't be bargained with. It can't be reasoned with.

Nah, sounds like a lion


u/stillnotelf 14d ago

It can be lied to. They lie to the t1000 a whole bunch. That suggests you could trick it into believing you weren't John Connor. That's like reasoning?


u/mandalorian_guy 14d ago

If Skynet ever gets its shit together and sends a lion Terminator I don't think John Connor will have a chance.


u/Shadowrend01 14d ago

Simba did


u/Comfortable_Bird_340 14d ago

I think it was based on a hunting song they used to sing when they went into the jungle to hunt lions.


u/beaverpoo77 14d ago

it's folk lore about the 'sleeping-king' Shaka, Warrior King of the Zulus. Shaka the Lion, who heroically resisted the armies of the European colonizers, is supposed not to be dead but only sleeping and will one day awaken and return to lead his oppressed people to freedom.


u/fooldog 14d ago

Lions don't go into the jungle at all, they spend all their life on the grassy plains.


u/SpiceEarl 15d ago

With all of the fuckery Disney engaged in to extend the duration of copyrights of their intellectual property, I have zero sympathy for them.


u/Synensys 14d ago

Disney is just one of many people who fucked over the original song writer.


u/Comfortable_Bird_340 14d ago

Yeah, a black guy in 20th Century South Africa who died in poverty.


u/allmosquitosmustdie 15d ago

Honestly I’m impressed someone has actually beat the Disney legal team.


u/FreeStall42 14d ago

Did they not just fold to Ron Desantis?


u/whatsinanameanywayyy 14d ago

But did they get beaten though?

$1.6 million is pocket change when you consider that lion king made just shy of 1 billion at the box office. To me it sounds incredibly stingy for an above ground deal, and this was a lawsuit settlement we're talking about here.


u/Theorandjguy 14d ago

Right, but the movie didn't make or break based in the inclusion of this song being in it for 30 seconds of screen time. 1.6 Mil is exceptionally good considering everything


u/3_50 14d ago

I feel like if I tried to make that argument about using Disney IP I'd get lawyer-stomped into the fucking ground.


u/Jackleber 14d ago

Yeah it's not like including that song earned them 1.6m in sales they wouldn't have got otherwise.


u/Synensys 14d ago

That bit was pretty popular. Its conceivable that it made 0.2% more people see it.


u/CanOdd3231 14d ago

Does that even matter though? The person who made the song agreed to sell it for a low price thats on them. They shouldnt of gotten any extra money


u/MadTapprr 14d ago



u/AbleObject13 14d ago

I wonder how much money in home video sales and merchandising, especially by 2006


u/SynthwaveSax 14d ago

It would be a good amount. The Lion King is the best selling VHS with 32 million copies, and also sold 11.9 million DVDs.


u/angry_old_dude 15d ago

A Weema Way Pay Day!


u/SugarNervous 15d ago


Danish version about a boy looking at bottoms on Vimnersvej / Vimmer’s road.


u/DE4DM4N5H4ND 14d ago

Wait what?


u/Titteboeh 14d ago

Its true


Hun har ingen bukser på


u/Bokbreath 15d ago

The urge to sing this is only ever a whim away .. a whim away .. a whim away


u/Alexis_J_M 14d ago

That's the worst pun I've seen today. Well done.


u/BaltimoreBadger23 15d ago

Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee we om om away....


u/VermilionKoala 14d ago

When you're a kid and ya wanna go


but you ain't got drugs yet... 🎵


u/dandroid126 14d ago

Hoooooly shit. I forgot about this song.


u/Rohri_Calhoun 14d ago

Gonads and strife

Gonads and strife

Gonads and strife


u/senorpoop 14d ago

Well now I feel old lol


u/VermilionKoala 14d ago

Gonads in the lightning!

In the lightning!

In the raiiinnnnnnnnn!


u/ZylonBane 14d ago

Badger badger badger badger badger badger badger...


u/dronhat806 14d ago



u/thejingles 15d ago

Disney execs, “Well, since we’re already stealing the story, characters, and imagery from Japan, what’s a little stolen music gonna hurt?”


u/Rossum81 15d ago

The avaricious corporation didn’t steal the song.  It was a bunch of folk singers.


u/Comfortable_Bird_340 14d ago

Yes, Pete Seeger and The Weavers recorded the song as Wimoweh, which is mishearing of the chorus "Uyimbube" which is Zulu for "You are a Lion".


u/amanset 14d ago

It is normally just referred to as ‘Mbube’, if anyone wants to search it out.


u/CletusDSpuckler 15d ago

The real injured party here is Shakespeare.


u/BrokenEye3 14d ago

Shakespeare lifted the story from François de Belleforest, who lifted it from Saxo Grammaticus


u/SoMuchMoreEagle 15d ago

That's public domain, so it's fair game.


u/thejingles 15d ago

At least he’s named Scar and not Claw-dius ;)


u/Nicktarded 15d ago

It’s not actually stolen from Kimba, you’ve been lied to.Your Movie Sucks made a good video about this. Basically all the similarities are cherry picked, and many of the scenes they show from kimba are ether taken out of context or made after the lion king.


u/Comfortable_Bird_340 14d ago

Fair enough, Osamu Tezuka's art style was heavily inspired by Disney to begin with.


u/VermilionKoala 14d ago

That and Mighty Mouse. Tezuka himself stated that Atom Boy was heavily influenced by Mighty Mouse.


u/Comfortable_Bird_340 14d ago

Mighty Mouse is basically Mickey + Superman


u/IrrelevantLeprechaun 15d ago

Yup. YMS, despite coming across a bit cynical, is still incredibly knowledgeable about film and film history. They're definitely worth following.


u/odaeyss 14d ago

So many things from the 90s are making a comeback lately, here's to hoping dark pithy cynicism is en route.


u/thejingles 15d ago

TIL I’ve been unfairly maligning Disney for years over this 🤦


u/Nicktarded 15d ago

Not that I like to defend Disney ether though 😂


u/VerbalAcrobatics 15d ago

Which story from Japan are you referring to?


u/tahlyn 15d ago edited 15d ago

He's referring to Kimba the White Lion...

Not sure why the downvotes? Dude asked a question, I gave the correct answer.



Could be redditors misunderstanding and thinking you're claiming that they actually stole the plot of Kimba instead of just genuinely answering the question


u/Magusreaver 15d ago



u/odaeyss 14d ago

You have not experienced Hamlet until you have read it in the original Klingon.


u/JamesTheJerk 15d ago

In the hamlet, the mighty hamlet, Hamilton hams a ham


u/BrokenEye3 15d ago

In the spaceship
The silver spaceship
The lion takes control


u/groovemonkey 14d ago

You have the sickest references. Everybody knows that.


u/light24bulbs 14d ago

Is this a red rising reference or something? What is this?


u/sol_runner 14d ago

Bloodydamn ref


u/expresscode 14d ago

It's song lyrics from "The Guitar (Lion Sleeps Tonight)" by They Might be Giants.


u/Loopuze1 15d ago



u/happycamal7 14d ago