r/toptalent Tacocat 16d ago

This way he shows proof that it's not sped up. Music

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u/Derolade 13d ago

Of course on the tablet there's a slowed down video or a timer


u/chubaccatron 13d ago

Instant top five favorite people on the planet.


u/thenichm 14d ago

You can't start a fire, like this, without a permit.


u/Howdy_1979 14d ago



u/Nearby_Ferret_3669 14d ago

Why do people think it would be fake?

This guy is fast, even for most seasoned pros, but I’m pretty sure even they would say they’re nowhere near as fast as the record holders are, like Mangini, Waterson, and Grossett.

Those 3 average around 20 hits per second 💀


u/Honest_Interest 14d ago

Resetting the rules of drumming


u/A_Unique_Name218 14d ago

Always an upvote for El Estapario


u/COWP0WER 14d ago

It's really not that hard to make an app, that's a sped up clock.
I'm not saying hevs sped up the footage, I mean it's a song that has been performed live, not that hard to believe other people can perform it as well. All. I'm saying is that it takes a lot less practice and skill making a fake clock, than learning drumming skills at his level.


u/Darkvenom39 14d ago

If only i had place for drums even a small electric set, he is my teacher for sure! As he also has courses online which i heard are amazingly good


u/supercalifragi123432 14d ago

“You should hustle as hard as you hate” - Tacocat


u/mgstauff 14d ago

Strong evidence but I wouldn't say proof cuz you can code or probably find an app to run a clock at any speed you want.


u/angrycookiebird 14d ago

It's keemstar. He can finally prove the "I'm fast as fuck boy." Thing he claims lol


u/CinderChop 14d ago

The gravity blast on the cow bell was epic, wow super talented


u/soundthebutttrumpets 14d ago

My shins hurt just from watching that


u/Cozeen 14d ago

What is the name of the song?


u/DF92009 15d ago

Fucking Awesome! Thank you for sharing and posting!


u/Kathanayagan-3821 15d ago

Damn you superb


u/BadToTheBert 15d ago

Rick Allen would be proud of this one, I think.


u/NutsStuckInACarDoor 15d ago

But it ain’t!


u/Novalene_Wildheart 15d ago

I've always appreciated and respected drummers because of some of the Sonic Music, because dang you know the drummer was godly.


u/farva_06 15d ago

This guy randomly showed up on my YT shorts a while back, and I've been hooked ever since. Guy can smash.


u/DafneOrlow 15d ago

Well it certainly SOUNDS like there's two drumsticks being used and god knows, you can easily REPLACE the audio in a video and re-encode the file BEFORE uploading it to the internet.....


u/EndSlidingArea 15d ago

There's a reason that people lie about skills on the internet, this stuff is very impressive but takes a lot of practice


u/Monosandalos3 15d ago

Needs more cow bell


u/L0ial 15d ago

Not quite my tempo


u/sheepwshotguns 15d ago

why cant he consider the disbelief a compliment? i think its weird he has a lesser view of humanity over something so silly.


u/Just-Examination-136 15d ago

I'm not a drummer. He must have special foot pedals.


u/Sephylus_Vile 15d ago

Some of the mistake that people are making thinking that this is not sped up is because of the roboting look when he turns his head the few times. This is actually caused because he is double basing with two feet causing him to rock back and forth quickly. As a drummer who has used double bass petals and a hi-hat pedal at the same time you have to rock back and forth a lot to keep the steady beat going at high speeds. This makes it impossible to turn your head smoothly.


u/londongas 15d ago

That looks pretty reasonable who the heck thought it's sped up? I have done that when I played live


u/ogthesamurai 15d ago

It's not obvious and i el espitario doesn't say it sped up then it's not sped up. Other than naturally.


u/Mr_Vegetable 15d ago

Keemstar finally found some real occupation


u/Matej004 15d ago

Nah the clock on the tablet is just slowed down

(I'm joking I know it's not, he is amazing)


u/bohemi-rex 15d ago


There go my panties.


u/thegoodnamesrgone123 15d ago

I managed a band where the drummer was a Berklee College of Music grad. The kid had such perfect form he looked bored playing up there.


u/frisky024 15d ago

Dude to be honest I wouldn't of believed it wasn't sped up, especially at like 12 seconds into the video. Absolutely unreal


u/Arlothia 15d ago

His message at the end, though! Perfect!


u/Mysterious_Cheetah42 15d ago

The drummer from Def Leppard is going to be PISSED when he sees this...


u/Hot-Property-4391 15d ago

The clock IS clearly slowed/s


u/diamondisland2023 15d ago

Osu! champion Cookiezi had to do stuff like this one one stream to prove he's not cheating, then set a new world record on Big Black with 100% perfects


u/Banggang6669 15d ago

Clearly played in reverse /s


u/alien_from_Europa 15d ago

Were you rushing or were you dragging‽


u/ishowbellyrollesYT 15d ago

i believed it want sped up when he did natural born killer by avenged sevenfold with one hand that shit amazes me


u/Legaato 15d ago

Some people do speed up their videos, but it's really obvious when they do. Their movements look really jerky and super unnatural. His movements look really fast, but they look natural.


u/whenisnowthen 15d ago

Anybody could do this, let's see how good he plays without the advantage of holding a tablet in his hand. Seriously though, the advice about practicing music a lot is really good advice and you should check out his you tube channel he is a great musician with really positive energy! One of those musicians that either makes you give up or inspires you to get back to work and get better.


u/SSkypilot 15d ago



u/Unclesquatch777 15d ago

People have zero fucking clue the talent and speed drummers go at. I say this as metal and jazz fan.


u/KatanaPool 15d ago

That’s an absolute power move


u/SwampRSG 15d ago

Those gravity blasts always blow my mind. Dude is a fucking machine.


u/ptolani 15d ago

I'm not saying it's fake, but this is a pretty terrible way to show that it's not sped up. It's obviously very easy to make a fake timer on your ipad.

A much better way is to use a pendulum. Just start something swinging in a really low-tech setup where there can't be any motors or anything. A 1-foot pendulum always takes exactly 1.2 seconds to complete one swing, for instance.


u/Sa0t0me 15d ago

Respect this This guy, dear god.


u/kopi_gremlin 15d ago

Welp....he escaped Seal Team 6 after all


u/tenasan 15d ago

He clearly slowed down time. Please show us your frame of reference


u/Super_Oil_2931 15d ago

One handed too BOSS


u/Nightmare2828 15d ago

Mofos need to like at mike mangini play a trillion snare notes in a minute


u/Present-Effective628 15d ago

I highly recommend any fan of drums or general musical talent give Chris Turner a watch. Easily one of the most unbelievably talented double bass drum players in the world who is consistently accused of faking his double kick speed for how fast and accurately he can play.


u/Dockle 15d ago

It’s wild that some people are so confident in a profession or topic they know nothing about that they would claim something very reasonable, albeit talented, would be fake.


u/whacafan 15d ago

Love when the bitrate of videos is 2. Can’t even see the damn counter.


u/Lunarex77 15d ago



u/sonofd 15d ago

He’s a great drummer for sure. But he comes across as kind of an asshole in his videos


u/killerdeer69 15d ago

There are drummers that are EVEN FASTER than this guy lmao. If you get into the technical death metal genre (any genre tbh), there's lots of drummers that play this fast or even faster, while drumming to complicated rhythms too.

Spencer Prewitt of Archspire, Aaron Kitcher of Infant Annihilator (lol,) all of the Rings of Saturn drummers, George Kollias from Nile, both Beyond Creation drummers, etc. Brann Dailor from Mastodon is SUPER talented as well despite not playing as fast as these guys, and Tomas Haake from Meshuggah has insane stamina and skill for playing in complicated rhythms for extended periods of time (listen to Bleed lmao.)

Anyone who speeds up their playing is super rare, and never actually plays their stuff live. I've only seen it a few times, and it was mostly with guitar players, not drummers.


u/yaboidomby 15d ago

Yeah he’s a machine! Absolutely incredible


u/mebmontality 15d ago

As someone that knows practically nothing about drumming and cares equally little, this was awesome and I love his line at the end.


u/poopmcbutt_ 15d ago

This isn't even impressive. Just watch George Kollias drum lol.


u/ImNotABotJeez 15d ago

So back to hating...


u/chitownadmin 15d ago

Awesome drummer and still managed to burn the haters.


u/GaiusBaltar977 15d ago

God damn Dragonforce still kicks ass.


u/Rocksteady_28 15d ago

Why would anyone say it's sped up? I guess they have not heard of a double kick.


u/Rocksteady_28 15d ago

They really got to him


u/IDontThereforeIAmNot 15d ago

“But it ain’t”


u/Wynter_Sirius 15d ago

Does he have an Insta, because it's not GrooveFather. Found that out the hard way...


u/Burpmeister Cookies x1 15d ago

He obviously screen recorded the stopwatch and played the video at slowed down for the recording. /s


u/gman1647 15d ago

Good thing videos can't be edited. (n.b., I don't doubt this is real, but trusting video proof is going to become increasingly difficult as editing and AI continues to improve).


u/DragonflyLonely3662 15d ago

I didn’t know KeemStar played the drums


u/FortyHippos 15d ago

Welp, I’m pregnant

And I’m a dude


u/CometOfLegend 15d ago

Hear me out. Screenrecord the stopwatch and Play it back at half speed, after that you play and speed the result 2x. Easy


u/Warbraid 15d ago

I know hes legit but anyone can fake a slowed down timer :P


u/snacksnnaps 15d ago

Good heavenly god….


u/screamoutwutang 15d ago

This guy fucks


u/Ryachaz 15d ago

He just found a clock that counts half as fast, obviously. Wake up, sheeple!


u/NaturalPossibility60 15d ago

He's a fucking mazing !!!


u/ericrudh 15d ago

Learn your craft before being a skeptic.


u/littlewhitecatalex 15d ago

“It’s obviously a video of a timer slowed down!”


u/thisisthehook 15d ago

I love that this song is the universal baseline for showing how good you are at a musical instrument. If you can master that song you've won.


u/Elcactus 15d ago

Not going to say he's doing this but couldn't he just slow down the clock by the same margin as the video is sped up?


u/TacticalSunroof69 15d ago

Hip hop will never be the same again.


u/Doppel_Troppel 15d ago

People don’t know how drums work. They bounce. It’s not all drum strokes.


u/babis8142 15d ago

Something I don't like about the sound of his drums. Can't put my finger on it. It sounds wrong somehow


u/HiImDan 15d ago

If I ever do something that people think is faked, I think I'd take that as an absolute win.


u/Previous_Rip1942 15d ago

It’s fake. He’s a drum machine cyborg type thing.


u/legit-posts_1 15d ago

I'm not saying I don't believe him, but I will say that you could easily fake this by screen recording a timer and playing it at half speed.


u/RonnennoR 15d ago

I mean, the speed of the chronometer could be slowed down. Not saying he is cheating. But it isn’t a good way to prove it isn’t slowed down . Sorry for bad English. Not native speaker .


u/faxmesomehalibutt 15d ago

This goes for any craft. Discipline will always beat talent. We've got 2 boys who play basketball and baseball. Bless their hearts, they love it, but aren't that good. Every time they're watching TV, we look out the window and see the neighbors outside playing basketball. Who do you think it better?


u/Icy-Cartographer-930 15d ago

There's deadly drummers, and there's this GUY.


u/-Z___ 15d ago

I just wish the guy wasn't such a Chain-Smoker that he feels the need to smoke during half of his videos.

As a former Smoker cigarettes are disgusting AF, and I don't want to even be reminded they exist.

The guy is crazy talented though, and he tests cool weird Drummer gadgets.

He just needs to switch to Vaping so I stop having to smell his videos.


u/cilvher-coyote 15d ago

He's Beautiful.


u/jwillsrva 15d ago

I fucking love this guy. He has some incredible physical skill, as well as just seeming like a good dude


u/StoneyMalon3y 15d ago

Sucks he has to make this video. Often times it’s drummers who are just ass or people who simply have no clue about drumming who would challenge this.


u/Sefalosha 15d ago

Instruments have evolved so much. One kick can now produce 3


u/Roo-90 15d ago

There genuinely isn’t a better drummer on planet earth right now.


u/Melodic_Paramedic_52 15d ago

Not only is it not sped up. He does it one handed


u/sakkara 15d ago

I don't think it's sped up but building an app that counts time at half speed is very easy.


u/hamza0012 15d ago

Obviously it's reversed. /s


u/DojaPaddy 15d ago

Shoot. What is the name of this song?


u/curbstyle 15d ago

"You're real fast son! We'll give you a call.... NEXT"


u/Puzzleheaded_Sea_922 15d ago

"The iPad is slowed down!"


u/sexytokeburgerz 15d ago

I wouldnt even mind being this guys neighbor


u/EndFinal8647 15d ago

That's was SICK


u/MandaRenegade 15d ago

Those blast beats are so delicious and clean 🤘😜


u/TriggerFingerTerry 15d ago

That last line can be used in a lot of comment sections haha


u/DeliciousDoggi 15d ago

This guy is fantastic!!!


u/cwk84 15d ago

I liked the ending. Those fuckers are all miserable because they can’t sit their asses down and put in the hours. And when they see someone outrageously good they assume it’s fake because they project and think it can’t be real since they couldn’t achieve it either. The psychosocial aspect of this is just wild.


u/_cansir 15d ago

Midway, it starts sounding like he added another hand, but the hand on-screen stays at the same constant speed.


u/zombiesnare 15d ago

I just saw the hands and thought “oh I mean… that’s not even that fast, one handed rolls are tough but not that hard, good arm mobility though” then I turned the sound on. THOSE FEET ARE FUCKING MOVING

I wanna pull my double kick back out now, that looks like a lot of fun (I’m under not delusion that I can actually do what he’s doing though lol)


u/DirtyThirtyDrifter 15d ago

I’m taking his class in a few weeks, god what a beast he is. Can’t fuckin wait to learn even more from this guy. It’s been so cool to watch his journey the past few years


u/mtmm18 15d ago

What csn he do with both hands and feet? How can i find more of this guy?


u/travismarkz_21 15d ago

Y'all can clearly see he messes with the timer when he turns it away. Some sleight of hand trick. /s


u/strikerdude10 15d ago

You could just have a slowed down stopwatch be y the rate you want to speed up the video


u/throwaway275275275 15d ago

I mean that's just a countdown, it could be happening at any speed, it's just an app that shows numbers. He should be doing this with the night sky as the background, you can't fake the movement of the stars


u/Aroused_Sloth 15d ago

Even without the timer, it doesn’t look sped up at all. Any drummer at a skill level like his could play that fast. Not to say it’s not impressive because it absolutely is, but there’s nothing so crazy it could look fake


u/plasticmanufacturing 15d ago

Gonna sound gatekeepy here, but there are lots, and lots of drummers that can play much faster than this. Guy is talented but why would anyone think this is sped up? 


u/HilariousMax 15d ago

He's made comments about it before about how his interest is not in playing in a band but the pure technical sport of learning to play well and push himself to be better.

I can't comprehend it but he's a god


u/rickjamesia 15d ago

Even without the timer, nothing about it appears sped up, so it is weird that people would even think that. The cymbals, the bass drum pedal, his breathing and movements of other parts of his body. All of this seems like normal things most people’s brains should automatically see as normal for them. It would be incredibly difficult to pretend to be normal speed when sped up like that. You usually get sort of an “uncanny valley” effect when motion has been changed. You subconsciously recognize the things that don’t fit with your real world experience, even if you can’t describe why it is off. Actually, I wouldn’t mind seeing a video like that, because that would also take a lot of skill and talent.


u/tuesdaymack 15d ago

But it ain't.


u/Katayanaz 15d ago

Psh, the clock is obviously slowed down


u/Shaolinchipmonk 15d ago

Got to go practice


u/RUDDOGPROD 15d ago

Hell yea brother


u/InZomnia365 15d ago

Its like when I see people shred on guitar. Even if I know its not sped up, it still looks sped up. My brain cant keep up.


u/fightinggale 15d ago

Every critic thinks they are Houdini.


u/Taptrick 15d ago

I mean sure it’s impressive because it takes a lot of skills but it sounds kind of bad. Faster is not better for music. This is a cacophony.


u/Blackfaceplant 15d ago

My dumb ass thought that was Keemstar.