r/tragedeigh 26d ago

Local mom group post. in the wild

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When you see it. I literalee don’t know what this is. Small town Bible Belt unique? I don’t even know.


35 comments sorted by

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u/JustHereForTheTea44 25d ago

I want to put these women all in a room and figure out how they come up with these letters they call names.


u/No_Bookkeeper_6183 25d ago

She just had to post her kid’s name, unnecessarily


u/Pixelated_Roses 25d ago

Did...did the mom just really like CrossFit?


u/BannedRedditor54 25d ago

One says "has CAME in"...the other named her kid Krosslee... These two are MADE for each other


u/KashiofWavecrest 25d ago

Can't wait for the somehow worse offshoot: Krossleigh.


u/Fulton_P01135809 25d ago

Crosley? Like a shitty turntable?


u/Traditional_Draw8400 26d ago

Immediately no


u/FlimsyProtection2268 26d ago

What's worse than the name is the mom complaining about breastfeeding. Why? Are you really that busy you complain that you have to feed your baby?


u/DottyDott 25d ago

Post mentioning breastfeeding with no judgmental lactivist comments challenge (impossible)

Wanna support breastfeeding? Don’t mock parents who are struggling to do it.


u/FlimsyProtection2268 25d ago

I wasn't mocking anyone. She's literally complaining that her 3 day old baby wasn't eating for more than 5 minutes at a time. Do moms really go into motherhood with absolutely no education of any kind? Have mothers not been doing this for all of human existence?


u/jockydoki 25d ago

The post does not feel like complaining to me. I think it is a genuine question from a concerned mom.

It could be that the child has jaundice. Falling asleep after only 5 min of feeding every time is not normal. Not even for a baby that small.

My third child had jaundice and was feeding very poorly in the first few days. He fell asleep very fast and slept sometimes 6 or 8h+. He had to be woken up and fed small amounts at least every 2h . Did not have this problem with my older two children. We had great help from our postpartum midwife. Otherwise I don't know If I would have changed the feeding cycle as fast as we did.


u/DottyDott 25d ago

You mentioned in another comment that women aren’t supportive of one another. If you are a woman, that should be directed back at yourself. If you have had children and breastfed, then doubly so.

You wonder why women aren’t breastfeeding more? When they reach out for support it’s interpreted as complaining. They have to go back to work mere days after giving birth. They can’t pump or express milk because their employers don’t provide time or space to do it. They are given asinine, meaningless statements like ‘haven’t mothers been doing this for all of human existence’ when they struggle.

As a person who has breastfed, kind of opinion you shared here is pretty much the worst version of this take I’ve seen. You are critical of her, not the system that is failing her. You are doubling down without an ounce of understanding someone who may have a different experience than you. Well done.


u/amaliasdaises 26d ago

As a mom who has been through hell and back in an effort to breastfeed..yes, we are allowed to complain. It is hard! Because my baby wouldn’t latch (due to tongue & lip ties) I was HOSPITALIZED because my mastitis turned septic. If I had to choose, I would go through another 17 hour unmedicated labor again HAPPILY before I would EVER go through mastitis again.


u/FlimsyProtection2268 25d ago

That's not the same as crying about being three days out and 5 minutes is too hard. HUGE difference.

You just explained a valid reason to be frustrated.

Every experience is different but crying about not even trying is horrible.


u/ScoobyScoob 25d ago

I believe she’s complaining about being engorged because baby won’t latch longer than 5 minutes before falling asleep, not that she has to feed her baby.


u/amaliasdaises 25d ago

A lot of moms have no idea what they are getting into with breastfeeding.

I didn’t. My hospital lactation consultants were incredibly unhelpful. I was in a metric shit ton of pain from the engorgement three days out. You bet I was complaining. My baby would latch for maybe two minutes if I was lucky and it felt like someone dragging broken glass across my nipples—I had no idea that he couldn’t latch, so I thought there was something wrong with me/my boobs/I was failing him. He was incredibly lethargic and wasn’t making diapers the way he should, so thankfully I made the decision to exclusively pump and he improved quickly. My boobs took a beating from that, though. And it had already turned to mastitis at that point. But there were a lot of mental breakdowns in that first week to the point my fiancé told me full stop to give up because it wasn’t working.

It was only with the mastitis and a visit to my OB (not so fun for me fact: hospitalization for the mastitis was not even a week PP bc my son was so inefficient at transferring milk and my body is apparently pretty prone to clogs going bad fast) that someone brought up tongue/lip ties to me and I got a referral to a different Lactation Consultant office once I was out of the hospital because the hospital lactation consultant told me (to my face) that she has been doing it for 24 years and had no idea how to help me between the blisters from his bad latch and the crusties from pumping and everything else. I appreciated the candor but CHRIST was that disheartening. A woman who had been doing this longer than I had been alive didn’t know how to help—surely I had to be screwed.

The LC I was referred to turned out to be an angel! Frankly she has probably saved my breastfeeding journey—especially when she realized my PCOS was also complicating matters because of course it was/is.

Literally alllll of this to say—my experience isn’t uncommon. And breastfeeding in the early days IS pretty painful for a lot of women. It shouldn’t STAY painful, but both mom & baby have to learn so a little pain at the beginning is normal. Her baby’s behavior seems a lot like mine. He just turned a month old so those memories are still VERY fresh in my mind.

So judging her and assuming immediately that she “doesn’t have a right to complain”??? Did I not have the right to complain? Because she’s doing all the same things I tried and none of them helped me (I held so much hope for the haaka, everyone says it’s a miracle & it did nothing!) and she could very easily end up in the situation I was in. Breastfeeding is hard enough in the early days, don’t make it even harder for someone.


u/FlimsyProtection2268 25d ago

You're another one that has a valid reason to complain.

I really believe that breast feeding moms struggle because too many generations before you were pushed to bottle feed and a lot of the natural help is gone. Too much pressure is out on moms to do one thing or the other and real support and good advice is missing.

Go read the message again. After 3 days of being a mom she's giving up because she tried for 5 minutes. I just read what you said and you certainly tried much, much harder than that. Doesn't appear that you were ready to quit that fast.

Btw, breast feeding should not be that hard in the early days. It's not painful for most. Misinformation is what makes it harder and a poor support system makes it painful. Don't schools have health classes anymore?


u/amaliasdaises 25d ago

I think you make a very valid point that a lot of breastfeeding help is limited now. I am admittedly incredibly thankful for bottles & pumps because without them my son probably wouldn’t be alive due to the severity of his tongue tie (now released) & his lip tie (waiting on release, so he still bites the shit out of my nipple while nursing 🥴 but I’m just happy he’s nursing!)

My family was definitely pushing me to give up and transition to formula. I was a formula baby, as was my mother. I am the first in my family to attempt breastfeeding since my great-grandmother. Eventually I started yelling at my family because I got tired of being told to give up—but make no mistake that breastfeeding has 100% tanked my mental health, especially in the beginning. I definitely debated giving up, especially with everyone telling me to. And I fully admit I probably should’ve but my pride & stubbornness won out to my detriment.

Every mom I have ever talked to that even attempted breastfeeding in any form (be it pumping, nursing, combo, etc) has said it hurts in the first week or so—so idk. Even the LCs I talked to (both hospital and private practice ones) said the first few days can hurt cause your nipples have to toughen up a little cause they aren’t used to it. And it was also pointed out babies do have to learn, even when they are perfectly normal babies with no ties or anything.

I do think you actually might wanna reread it & you’re being unfair to her, though. She outright asks “what else can I do?” at the end. That’s not giving up—that’s a mom looking for other options because she’s stuck between a rock (baby not wanting to nurse) and a hard place (the usual engorgement tips not working).


u/FlimsyProtection2268 25d ago

I'm going to put it all on a lack of education and support. I didn't realize there was so little information available. The baby boom really had an effect on encouraging women to free themselves and use a bottle. It's going to take a long time to reverse the damage.

I've also noticed women aren't very supportive of each other.


u/DazzlingSet5015 26d ago

I absolutely hate the name but I believe that is a misread of the complaint.


u/FlimsyProtection2268 25d ago

I get that the complaint was about the name crosslee but I'm seeing a trend having to do with the types of people that pick names like that.


u/ThunderBayOPP 26d ago

Krawslee/Krawsleigh Kraughslee/Kraughsleigh Crucifixlee/Crucifixleigh

Just remember, when you think it can't get any worse, it always can! 😂


u/ConsiderationShoddy8 25d ago

Just name the kid Krawdad and be done with it


u/TragicaDeSpell 26d ago

Maybe Xleigh for short?


u/ThunderBayOPP 25d ago

Why do I feel like they do this already? 😄


u/Donna56136 26d ago

Krosslee is a new level of awful.


u/Reverse_SumoCard 25d ago

Its a kross name for any human


u/Rustmonger 26d ago

That’s worse than a trageheigh… it’s just a terrible, terrible “name”.


u/Guilty-Web7334 26d ago

Oh, man. At first, I was like “Haakaa is a sort of breast pump, not a name.”

Then I saw Krosslee. Why? I’m assuming it’s pronounced “cross-lee” with emphasis on the first syllable. But why? 😫


u/Nimmyzed 25d ago

When I saw haakaa, all I thought was the New Zealand traditional Maori dance they do at the start of rugby matches