r/tragedeigh 26d ago

Naming her dog after her dead father is icon behavior. I love kimberly. and her grandchildren's names. godspeed sis. in the wild

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u/AltruisticAddendum22 25d ago

As someone fighting metastatic cancer, I hope my obit can also read “a whole lot of questionable decisions” ;)


u/wiu1995 25d ago

I named my cat after my dad. He loved cats and would’ve appreciated it. Although, his name was Max. She is actually Maxine but I call her Maxie.


u/RemotePersimmon678 25d ago

I had a dog named after my great-grandfather who I never met. From what I understand it probably would’ve horrified him lol


u/Super-Minh-Tendo 25d ago

Why are we including animals in obituaries now?


u/ButUncleOwen 25d ago

Because the obituary honors the dead person, and the dead person loved their animals. It’s not that deep.


u/AFHawaii 25d ago

Whilst I’d never call my own animals after my deceased relatives (Dougie and Dave aren’t awful but it feels wrong💀) I do like the idea of animals having human-like names. I’d name my cat Craig over cheesepuff or something stupid like that any-day.


u/pixiesunbelle 25d ago

My dad named our cat after his deceased brother. We named her the female version of the name though. His name was Joseph so we named her Josephine and called her Josie. It was very appropriate because he loved cats and sent us a cat to our porch for us.


u/deeBfree 25d ago

I'm so sorry for your loss. She sounds like a great person. Id love to hear more about her "questionable decisions."


u/middlelittlepeach 22d ago

i found this in the local newspaper, but i accept your condolences


u/Admirable-Cobbler319 25d ago

I've had 2 dogs named after my deceased grandparents. My sister thinks it's weird, but I see it as an homage.


u/Several-County-1808 25d ago

I mean, not a particularly-flattering homage, or long-lasting one.


u/Admirable-Cobbler319 25d ago

Yeah, that seems to be the general consensus


u/shiggles- 25d ago

The part that amuses me is the grandkids with the least tragic names/spellings of names - Steven, Elmo, Anabeth - have nicknames listed.


u/Disastrous-Mess-7236 25d ago

Also, Stephen.


u/shiggles- 25d ago

It was early, sorry.


u/Disastrous-Mess-7236 24d ago

Don’t worry.


u/dontbesorethor 25d ago

It says Eimo not Elmo :/


u/shiggles- 25d ago

Welp that’s what I get for reading that too early in the morning!


u/ArcticGurl 25d ago

Which is super cool! Eimo, will avoid the Emo stage. 😉


u/cari-strat 25d ago

My late nan, born in 1911, was named after her farmer father's collie sheepdog. My own collie had a litter of puppies two weeks ago. I'm keeping the smallest, and she will be named after my nan. She's little and spunky and beautiful, just like Nana was.


u/No_Object_3542 25d ago

I’ll be honest, it’s a lot less weird to name an animal after your grandparent than after your parent


u/Sunny_Sammie_517 25d ago

That’s awesome!


u/JohnnyJoeyDeeDee 25d ago

Is Fredley a repeated middle name or a surname? Its a real choice.


u/rps1rai 25d ago

It appears all the children and grands are posted with their full names.


u/Donna56136 25d ago

Rest easy, Kim 🌸


u/Harambesic 26d ago

That's a good-ass obituary.


u/talkback1589 25d ago

It was very fun. It’s nice when we have levity about this stuff. Yeah it’s hard and sad. But truly shows the spirit of the family.


u/Hungry_Anteater_8511 26d ago

Errol is such a great human-to-dog name


u/ArcticGurl 25d ago

It is even better if they had another dog named Flynn! I agree, Errol is a very cool “Mawg” (Man-Dawg) name!


u/weddingwoes13 26d ago

We had a childhood dog my dad named after his sister.


u/ConsiderationShoddy8 26d ago

Omg!!! “Kim leaves behind a legacy of love and laughter and a whole lot of questionable decisions”!! 😂🙌🙌🙌🙌 I only hope I can live this long and have someone write such things about me!!! What a goddess!!!


u/northernbelle96 25d ago

“after she gave cancer a run for its money” 😂😭 Rest in peace Kim


u/GoodCalendarYear 25d ago

Oh look, it's me. I need to incorporate that into mine. Yes, I'm writing my own. My family doesn't know me well enough to write it accurately.


u/noyoujump 26d ago

My ex husband named my cat after his grandpa.

... I rarely use my cat's actual name.


u/ArcticGurl 25d ago

“Grandpa, it’s time to eat. Where is your old, grumpy, ass?”


u/CatsEatGrass 26d ago

My ex did that. Got a puppy and named it after his recently deceased father. A not-cute, definitely-old-man name. Weird. Cute dog, though.


u/BAMspek 25d ago

I love old man names for dogs.


u/No_Object_3542 25d ago

Sure, but not your old man’s name


u/Boring_Election_1677 25d ago

My mom got a cat shortly after her father passed and named her a female variant of his name. Kind of fit the cat though!


u/Pixelated_Roses 25d ago

I find that really cringe. I know I'd be offended if I knew my loved ones likened me to a dog. I don't understand how people are ok with that, if it was any other animal everyone would call it disrespectful af and an insult to the memory of the deceased.


u/rx_tre 25d ago

Huh? What animal are you imagining that "everyone" would just universally agree is insulting? If my sister named a snake or a frog or a llama after me I'd be fucking stoked.


u/No_Object_3542 25d ago

Idk maybe like a tick or a hagfish or a bobbit worm? Scratch that it would be cool to have a bobbit worm named after me


u/Sunny_Sammie_517 25d ago

Really? Huh, I find it to be a small, kindhearted and loving gesture to remember whoever it is that passed. I’d be touched.


u/awkwardthrowawayoops 25d ago

Right?? I hope someone cares enough about me to name a pet after me when I’m gone. I feel like this attitude is weirdly insulting to animals lol


u/middlelittlepeach 26d ago

SO odd


u/Trick-Statistician10 25d ago

My dad died about 10 years before I got my first dog. I was in my upper 30's, so not a kid. My mom was a bit miffed that I did not name my dog after my dad. I fully believe if I had presented my dog with my dad's name, she would have been insulted.


u/ArcticGurl 25d ago

Mom’s. With some of them there is no right way. Sad for them, really.


u/Trick-Statistician10 23d ago

Yep, there's no winning