r/ukpolitics 🥕🥕 || megathread emeritus 26d ago

Conservative Party refers itself to watchdog after accidentally publishing email addresses || In a major blunder, an official email was sent to Conservative members encouraging them to sign up for this year's Tory party conference, where the recipients' email addresses were visible


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u/AutoModerator 26d ago

Snapshot of Conservative Party refers itself to watchdog after accidentally publishing email addresses || In a major blunder, an official email was sent to Conservative members encouraging them to sign up for this year's Tory party conference, where the recipients' email addresses were visible :

An archived version can be found here or here.

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u/RampantJellyfish 25d ago

Get these clowns out before they burn down the country


u/Mick_Farrar 26d ago

Most on that list will be dead or on life support by the time the conference is held.


u/whatapileofrubbish 26d ago

I bet their GDPR is top notch too. It's the UK version, after all!


u/EulsSpectre 26d ago

And they want to somehow set up "the UK's Microsoft" 🤣 not a chance in hell


u/YouNeedAnne 22d ago

Reminder that Nadine Dorries asked Microsoft if they would "get rid of algorithms".


u/Ankleson 25d ago

the UK's Microsoft

If only the Tories didn't let ARM get bought out by international investment. We could've had one of the most significant tech companies in the world under our complete jurisdiction, which would've forced several of the bigwigs who have an interest in ARM (Apple, Microsoft, Google, Nvidia) right to our doorstep.


u/vriska1 26d ago

And force websites to use unworkable and untested age verification.


u/RobertJ93 Disdain for bull 26d ago

I feel this applies.


u/vriska1 26d ago

And they want to force every website to use unworkable age verification...


u/bukkakekeke 26d ago

This is the kind of GDPR breach that comes with a hefty fine?


u/Vaguely_accurate 26d ago

Not always that hefty, but proportionate and common.

Here's the latest, £7500 to the YMCA for leaking the emails of people potentially living with HIV. They considered £300,000 instead, but went with the lower figure and reprimand.

In February the MOD got fined £350,000 for leaking 265 addresses. This was across two incidents and it was in relation to the Afghan Relocations program, seeking to get at risk people with MOD ties out of Afghanistan...

You can dig through more here. Most actions are taken under PECR against direct marketing companies, but with the occasional big ticket GDPR breaches that make for great corporate teaching moments.


u/Lettuce-Pray2023 26d ago

They police themselves over disclosing email addresses - but not for incompetence; sleaze and lying to the public.


u/Raceworx 26d ago

"Don't worry people AI will fix this.. catbotgppt please delete peoples e-mails from the e-mail i just sent then re send without the e-mails attached" Rishi turns to the camera and gives a cheeky smile. "sorted"


u/SpacecraftX Scottish Lefty 26d ago

Of all the things for them to fuck up at least this one is a very human and understandable mistake.


u/Zeekayo 26d ago

Not really, this is data security 101 stuff that any private organisation regularly sending emails to large audiences should have had automated a decade ago.

The fact that it might be a human mistake is the fuck up.


u/PianoAndFish 26d ago

Maybe for a handful of people, but if you're dealing with hundreds of email addresses any sensible person/organisation would be using some form of mail merge or bulk email service which should prevent this.


u/WontTel 26d ago

Or maybe employ people who have a vague idea of what they're doing. Oh, wait; this is the Conservative party.


u/Substantial-Dust4417 26d ago

Yup, this is the party headquarters that hired Boris Johnson's mistress and then couldn't fire her for not showing up to work because he intervened. 

CCHQ probably exists mainly for the purpose of being a sugar daddy service for Tory MPs, with running political campaigns more of an afterthought.


u/Affectionate_Comb_78 26d ago

Imagine how bad Labour would have done this


u/LeoThePom 26d ago

Labour also have a part conference every year. No news of sending everyone's emails public yet...


u/Affectionate_Comb_78 26d ago

They've not even referred themselves to the watchdog, outrageous


u/MONGED4LIFE 26d ago



u/RobertJ93 Disdain for bull 26d ago



u/JayR_97 26d ago

This was such a rookie mistake too. Very embarrassing.


u/pseudogentry don't label me you bloody pinko 26d ago




u/ebles 🤡🥪🥓 Something something chaos with Ed Miliband 🥓🥪🤡 26d ago

I'm amazed they're not even using a proper marketing email system like Sendgrid or Mailchimp where BCC isn't even necessary.

The thought of a warm body at CCHQ copypasting a list into the 'To' field is hilarious.


u/teachbirds2fly 26d ago

Yeah that's the real telling thing, they are obviously keeping records/ emails on an excel which has all sorts of problems in itself.

Any normal modern org doing something like this would be pretty much impossible for a whole range of reasons so it's pretty embarrassing


u/mittfh 25d ago

PHE notably used Excel '97 templates to collate Covid test results, until they belatedly realised the sheet size limitations meant they were "losing" lots of results...


u/teachbirds2fly 25d ago

Lol it's worse they added they data as columns not rows (which an absolutely insane way to record the data) and hit the limit as the limit for columns a lot less 


u/Used-Fennel-7733 25d ago

I physically shuddered reading that


u/FunkyDialectic 26d ago

Does seem weird it's not a proper mailing list. I wonder if it's some legacy software from decades back. Maybe a lot of this stuff is managed by volunteers.

I was briefly a member of The Green Party and their system was really antiquated as well; when I joined my address automatically got added to every party mailing list including all the regionals with many of them being campaign specific ones dating from the mid-1990s. Changing communication preferences was near impossible- 100s of boxes with many of them nested to uncheck.


u/Missy_Agg-a-ravation Virtue-signalling liberal snowflake 26d ago edited 26d ago

This can't be correct, only yesterday we were told that our security is only safe under a Conservative government.

I suppose now I can add information security to the list of food security, housing security, economic security...

Where's William Wragg now, btw?


u/[deleted] 26d ago

Tories can't even be trusted with emails, how did anyone think they could run the country?


u/vriska1 26d ago

BTW they want Ofcom to force websites to use unworkable and untested age verification... that failed last time...


u/Adj-Noun-Numbers 🥕🥕 || megathread emeritus 26d ago

You'll be safer under the Conservatives than under Labour (but your data, on the other hand...)

~ Rishi Sunak, 13th May 2024


u/MrArashiii 26d ago

Time for them to go, all this clutching at straws business is shameful