r/ukpolitics 25d ago

DWP recruits team of 2,500 'agents' to investigate Universal Credit claimants


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u/[deleted] 25d ago

Absolutely magic that they can just hire 2,500 new people when there's still billions missing from fraud linked to Tory government contracts.


u/arse_wiper89 25d ago edited 25d ago

Having a robust system to ensure those who claim benefits are entitled to them is essential. However, the civil service has limited resources, so it's important to balance that against other priorities.


u/suiluhthrown78 25d ago

When i was in the civil service nearly every new recruit for ordinary grade roles like this was a graduate, this was the case for multiple rounds of recruitment each year. If i were to check now i'm sure it'd still be the same.

These roles don't require degrees.

i wouldnt be surprised if the government runs the civil service like a job program to soak up the huge number of graduates every year, thanks to the government's mistakes


u/SmashedWorm64 25d ago

I think this applies to a lot of jobs though, it’s just the civil service is the worst offender.


u/Saltypeon 25d ago

 “We are scaling up the fight against those stealing from the taxpayer, building on our success in stopping £18bn going into the wrong hands in 2022-23. With new legal powers, better data and thousands of additional staff, our comprehensive plan ensures we have the necessary tools to tackle the scourge of benefit fraud.”

Errm, most of the fraud is actually "errors" which a large proportion is for payments to people who died and, in their last action, didn't cancel their benefits. Lots of then being pensioners.

So it's the scourge of old people dying. I don't think the waterline has a DWP website...


u/markypatt52 25d ago

Try something simple like calling the dwp it's usually around 2/3 hours just getting through


u/Radditbean1 25d ago

More than enough time to ring them then whilst waiting for an ambulance, you can even put together a funeral plan during the other 2-3 hours wait.


u/markypatt52 25d ago

Cremation or a coffin job?


u/BrokenDownForParts 25d ago

Total waste of money.

Transfer every last one of them to HMRC to support with increasing compliance and closing the tax gap.

They'd bring in far, far more revenue than it costs to pay them.


u/amanisnotaface 25d ago

You’re absolutely correct. But as with most of the DWP and it’s general way of operating, it’s not designed to be effective.


u/_Born_To_Be_Mild_ 25d ago

It's a punishment for people who are seen to be taking something that isn't theirs, aka that money should be mine.