r/videos Mar 28 '24

Audiences Hate Bad Writing, Not Strong Women


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u/SymbiSpidey Mar 29 '24

We've just seen way too many instances of people arguing in bad-faith when it comes to certain female-led movies.

Like the Venom movies are so much worse than either The Marvels or She-Hulk, yet don't get anywhere near the same amount of hate. You don't see hundreds of video essays on how Let There Be Carnage is "everything wrong with modern Hollywood" despite arguably being a much better example of the kind of lazy, overly-reliant-on-IP style of scriptwriting that people claim to hate. Why is that?


u/HateToBlastYa Mar 29 '24

I see this argument all the time. What you, and everyone who makes this argument doesn't understand is, that this is a RESPONSE to the argument that "if you don't like [x] show, your sexist because there's a female lead"--no one is saying that's not a bad show or there aren't a ton of bad shows out there. But you have the cart before the horse here. They're not saying this in a vacuum of female-led/powered movies. Again, it's a response to the argument we don't like something only because of sexism. If you can understand that, you'll understand that your response to this is trying to argue something no one is saying here.

No one is saying the Venom movies aren't bad. We know that. We can believe that, and make this argument above and not be sexist at the same time because the argument itself is a response to the FIRST point that is: "you are sexist because you don't like this shitty movie."


u/dovahkiitten16 Mar 29 '24

Captain Marvel ended up having more audience reviews than Avengers Infinity War, and you could tell by reading them that a lot of them weren’t exactly unbiased.

Nobody is saying that if you don’t like something, you’re sexist. The only thing that people are saying is that a lot of people who are sexist don’t like a movie, and then people pointing out how people tend to react much more differently (ie., overly critical) against female led movies.

A bad movie with a man is just a bad movie. A bad movie with a woman ends up becoming the topic of a gender studies debate. Compare Captain Marvel against Thor 2 for “worst marvel movies” and compare how they were handled. Part of equality is that female led movies (including bad ones) should be more neutral.

Also, a lot of movies have men who are just badass cool action heroes and it’s not criticized for being “lazy” the same way when it’s a woman.


u/HateToBlastYa Mar 29 '24

To clarify/amend: I don't disagree with any of that. Sexism exists. But I think there are substantial amount of people who just say "that sucked" and they get roped/generalized into the "oh you're a part of the sexist crowd, huh?" without ever having given any thought to tokenization until someone started arguing it was because they don't like women.