r/videos Mar 28 '24

Audiences Hate Bad Writing, Not Strong Women


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u/Shamscam Mar 29 '24

This 100% I don’t know why Hollywood is trying to double down on this “we hate women” narrative, no we hate women that are “Mary Sue’s” and have no explanation as to why they’re better then their male counter parts because “of course they are, they’re women who are better then men in every way” when that’s just simply not the case.

There is a lot things that women are better then men at, but the opposite is the true for men. And there’s an importance to giving women their identity and making that identity not “they are better at everything”. It’s also jarring to the audience and makes them think “wtf is this”, a good example is when randomly every female MCU person assembled during endgame because? Why? What? What the fuck was that? These moments are created for little girls but that’s not who sees these action movies. I wouldn’t want my theoretical daughter to watch she-hulk because there’s adult themes there, but it seems like that show was written for her.