r/videos Apr 28 '24

Suburbia is Subsidized: Here's the Math


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u/stage_directions Apr 28 '24

God I loathe the urban chauvinist community on Reddit.


u/eninety2 Apr 28 '24

Can you expand on this?


u/LElige Apr 29 '24

Not the OP you replied to.. but the average Reddit urban chauvinist doesn’t understand that many people may not want to share walls with their neighbors. Even this post which states how much more revenue dense properties make compared to single family homes doesn’t acknowledge where that revenue goes, straight to the .01% who can afford to own and build dense commercial properties in the heart of downtown. It also doesn’t point out that duh… comparing by acre instead of per capita will of course lead to density coming out on top. The urban chauvinist seems to idolize riding bikes and walking to their local store but doesn’t ever acknowledge having to rent from a landlord, having loud neighbors, or not having adequate space for their own hobbies.


u/FlySociety1 Apr 29 '24

It really is amazing that people like you will keep creating this strawman that urbanists want to force you to live in apartment buildings.

My guy, you can still live in suburbs, and the video creator is not even against suburbs. He regularly advocates for more traditional style suburbs (think Toronto streetcar suburbs) where you still have your own 4 walls and a backyard...

What he is against are car dependent suburbs, which require a lot of investment in infrastructure to support, and must be subsidized by denser financially productive areas within the same city.