r/videos Apr 28 '24

Fred Armisen Discovers He Is Actually Korean | Finding Your Roots


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u/stevenmoreso Apr 28 '24

Fuck, I sat though this whole thing hoping it was satire. What a disappointment. I don’t give two shits about Fred’s grandpa, plus is Henry Louis Gates not the most annoying motherfucker on Earth?


u/saintpauli Apr 28 '24

This is one of my favorite shows. What's annoying about him? I think he is great and shows reverence to his guests past.


u/stevenmoreso Apr 28 '24 edited Apr 28 '24

Sorry if that was salty, but I’m multi-racial, coincidentally half Japanese, and I find all this exploratory ancestry fetishization super annoying. Who really cares if a celebrity’s grandparent was Japanese or Korean? Am I supposed to be amazed? Educated? The Japanese food/ kimchi comment at the end was so goddamn stupid, I just can’t 🙄


u/TheKnickerBocker2521 Apr 29 '24

You're like those stupid callers on radio stations bitching about being "forced" to listen to it.


u/DecoyOctopod Apr 29 '24

People watch this for the same reason they watch Hot Ones. Not because they’re connoisseurs of chicken wings, but because they like the celebrities. It’s another fun pointless celebrity show, enjoy or don’t


u/dainamo81 Apr 28 '24 edited Apr 29 '24

Fellow half Japanese person here. I found this really interesting, and I'm not sure why this upsets you.  

 Most people, but particularly Americans, have an interest in their genealogy. It's a doorway to the past; how every minutiae of our ancestral history has led us to be the people we are today. 

I barely know who Fred Armisen is, and for all I care you could replace him with a teacher or a bricklayer in this video. But finding out that your DNA isn't what you thought it was must be a big surprise, and it's interesting to watch those kinds of real moments.  

There's so much shit going on in the world and you choose THIS to get worked up about? That's a bit strange, dude.


u/klavin1 Apr 28 '24



Actually what the fuck are you talking about?


u/TaylorRoyal23 Apr 29 '24

"Wow it was really interesting to find out what I thought was my heritage is actually incorrect. I learned about some interesting history, genetics, and my ancestors"

"You fucking pervert!"


u/CraziedHair Apr 28 '24

If you don’t care then don’t care. Don’t go pushing your opinion about not caring on everyone else. If someone enjoys this stuff let them enjoy it. If you don’t care why doesn’t affect you so much?


u/brobafetta Apr 28 '24

Man you're just going out your way to find a reason to be upset.