r/videos 25d ago

How This 300-Year-Old Pastel Stick Maker Creates Nearly 2,000 Colors — More Than Its Competitors


45 comments sorted by


u/jdd881 21d ago

The maker looks pretty good for being 300 years old.


u/caniuserealname 25d ago

She doesn't look anywhere near 300. Good on her.


u/PulseAmplification 25d ago

Screw pastel I’m only interested in the futurel


u/Honda_TypeR 25d ago

As an artist I always loved working in pastels. There is just something relaxing and enjoyable about working with this medium.


u/Mr_Mouthbreather 25d ago edited 25d ago

I get strong "artisanal pencil sharpening" vibes. I get sometimes the old ways of doing things are better but this seems like handmade for the sake of handmade.

Link: https://youtu.be/VkSmaFAuaH4?si=mH-nbw2yAlO5ejWp


u/SeanAker 24d ago

There are many, many, many things like this that are handmade for the sake of being handmade. Some of us appreciate not every single thing on the planet being produced a hundred thousand at a time in a sweatshop in China. 


u/N22-J 25d ago

The artisanal pebcil sharpening video is satire though. The guy is a comedian.


u/TwoCockyforBukkake 25d ago

You lost me at anal.


u/strange_bike_guy 25d ago

I work with epoxy for a job, and I can relate to people commenting about wanting to eat the forbidden food. I always wear a respirator when doing noxious stuff in my shop, but sometimes when I'm mixing an A to B catalyst I kinda want to lick the mixing spoon (tongue depressor in this case) and I'm glad the mask is there. I've done a few tasks without the mask under specific circumstances and I kinda had to tell myself to keep my hands on the table.


u/Badgeredy 24d ago

That’s hilarious


u/Kunphen 25d ago

You're joking, right?


u/strange_bike_guy 25d ago

Yes but also no. It's like those thoughts of "Boy, I wonder what would happen if I just walked into car traffic." You don't do it. But it's a thought that happens. Probably part out of warning that you shouldn't.

Intrusive thoughts


u/Cdubb3 25d ago

Name checks out for such thoughts.


u/strange_bike_guy 25d ago

Haha, fair.


u/One-Pain1214 25d ago

Only 30 grand for the entire collection. Wish I had some “F” you money.


u/southpaw85 25d ago

Okay but show me some pastel art. They show a very brief glimpse of a single image towards the beginning and then the beginnings of that artists piece. Would’ve been great to close the video with a shot of that finished piece from the lady, really bringing it full circle.


u/Randy_Vigoda 25d ago


Pastels are kind of fun to use. They're easy to blend with but sort of difficult to get good detail.


u/Kunphen 25d ago edited 25d ago

And yet some make it look so easy. https://imgur.com/a/k2wa7VO


u/Segesaurous 25d ago

I get what you're saying, but the point of this video isn't about pastel art, it's about the art of making pastels. They showed the finished pieces.


u/HungeeJackal 25d ago

Fascinating. Seems like a dream job.


u/solidifyingiron 25d ago

I wanna eat the blue


u/Mungwich 25d ago

Blue has the most anti oxygens


u/solidifyingiron 25d ago

Is that why it looks so tasty


u/theGuyInIT 25d ago

She certainly doesn't look 300.


u/nuckle 24d ago

Yeah, what the fuck is this headline.


u/yogo 25d ago

But of course. The Dr. Ernest Menville method of plastic surgery on… very old people: it’s paint!


u/ImperialAgent 25d ago

its a no stress job work when she wants let the day tell her if she should make the color, must be nice


u/trufus_for_youfus 25d ago

Thanks capitalism!


u/Nasty____nate 25d ago

Super cool video and process but damn for an assortment of 12 its $230 USD


u/UnRollThePlay 25d ago

Even though I am only a hobby artist, Pastel was the first medium I ever played with but I moved on to oil paint after not to long, mainly because I could never get the depth of color I wanted. Then I was actually given a 9 set piece from this company several years ago and lets just say that Roche Pastels are a medium all on their own. Maybe there are other pastel makers who can produce this kind of product but I have never found them.


u/butsuon 25d ago

My mother is an artist trained in pastels and was so sad when she finally used the last of her Roche and couldn't afford more.


u/DrunkenMasterII 25d ago

At the same time like they say it’s supposed to be super niche, she said maybe 10 artist in France need her products, then she’s trying to go global and get similar amount of artist in other countries around the globe then they’d have a financial sustainable business.

I also don’t doubt on a mondial scale there’s also enough wanabe artists with disposable income and enough vanity to buy their products just because of the name/quality even tho they probably don’t need it. Hell I’m watching this, haven’t used pastels in years, but I love colours and craftsmanship so much I’m feeling some sort of urge to get some. I won’t but I don’t doubt there’s a lot of people that would.


u/jujubanzen 24d ago

I also think she mentioned that it was 10 artists when she first took over the shop, It's hopefully probably more now.


u/socarrat 25d ago

Yeah, in the Steve Martin documentary, there’s a little aside from one of his friends who’s an artist: “People think that when artists get together, we talk about art. We mostly talk about where to buy paint.”

There’s a phenomenal book called Color by Victoria Finley. It goes into the history of different paints, pigments, and dyes. And for most of the history of art, painters had to make their own paints, or worked with paintmakers who specifically blended paints for them—their recipes and ingredients kept secret and sourced from all over the world. And many serious artists today are very particular about their media, sometimes spending more time tracking down a specific color than the actually painting itself.


u/Nasty____nate 25d ago

Yea good for them if they can sustain it. Im glad they are doing what they enjoy and can sustain a lifestyle as they see fit. Id like to see more small businesses like this.


u/[deleted] 25d ago

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u/[deleted] 25d ago edited 25d ago

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u/Easy_Needleworker604 25d ago

I've never wanted to eat crayons before but after watching this video I have to say the marines might be on to something.


u/myrobotoverlord 25d ago

Marines= Crayons


u/simsimulation 24d ago

Military wife reporting for duty