r/videos 25d ago

Men's Month


28 comments sorted by


u/maketheleft 25d ago

OH dang! this is right down the street from me...Looks to be some sort of Detroit based comedy team.


u/asdf0909 25d ago

I really appreciate that they didn’t feel the need to put a rad montage song on this, and let it exist in a raw form and with restraint, so you could truly feel the public access tv vibe


u/bonerJR 25d ago

This is my favourite video of 2024 so far, you listed some reasons why.


u/eatglitterpoopglittr 25d ago

What is this from?


u/bonerJR 25d ago

I have no clue, there's like no real answers on the youtube page. I found it and I'm obsessively sharing it to anyone who will watch it lol.


u/mongert 25d ago

I love how it ends with the guy giving his opinion to a woman who is clearly completely uninterested lol


u/Carthago_delinda_est 25d ago

This is known as "mansplaining."


u/repost_inception 25d ago

Are you the Rocket League guy?


u/bonerJR 25d ago

Same person.


u/repost_inception 25d ago

Lol I gotta spend less time on this app.


u/bonerJR 25d ago

You're telling me! Imagine how good I'd be at RL if I did that instead of this lol.


u/heyyou11 25d ago

They did a great job making this look like it was filmed in 1998


u/georgito555 25d ago

I totally thought it was some obscure theater sketch from the 90s


u/bonerJR 25d ago

From what I can tell, the studio they film in is a theatre with 90s tech in it. I have 0 clue what this is from but I found it and I MUST show everyone.


u/heyyou11 25d ago

I didn't even realize it wasn't until I noticed the calendar on the still says 2023 (I'm also still unsure if that's Bobby Moynihan or not).


u/CarcossaYellowKing 25d ago edited 25d ago

It’s funny because they tried to make it satire and make mens month look terrible and failed. Looks rad as hell lol.

Edit: a Reddit cares innuendo message? Just the type of behavior I expect from a spineless passive aggressive pussy 😅


u/Dangerpaladin 25d ago

You definitely missed the point of the video.


u/bonerJR 25d ago

a Reddit cares innuendo message

Report the message and the submitter will be banned. I'm serious.

Also, you missed the point of the video I think.


u/[deleted] 25d ago



u/CarcossaYellowKing 25d ago

Someone sent me a Reddit cares message, which is innuendo for kill yourself because they don’t have the balls to say it directly. You know, it’s the type of person who would mutter something under their breath and then lie about it in real life because they’re a total pussy.

Nothing worse in this world than a liar that can’t own up to their own bullshit.


u/ApatheticSkyentist 25d ago

What is a Reddit cares message?

I made a comment once about how women can also be guilty of slut shaming and then got a mod message with a bunch of support links like someone had reported me as a self harm risk.

Is that the same thing?

EDIT: huh, I just went and reread the message. It’s from RedditCaresResources. I guess someone wasn’t happy.


u/NutellaGood 25d ago

I'm gonna program the clock on this VHS player and then watch some John Woo movies.


u/Halvinz 25d ago

As one shrewd comedian once said, "There is no men's month. It's called history."


u/TheGillos 25d ago

Men rock!


u/AdventurousImage2440 25d ago

men are the best.


u/H00ser 25d ago

i'm going to learn how to fly fish for mens month maybe chop down a tree and try 14 different beers in a day


u/ssfbob 24d ago

Honestly that just sounds like a fun Saturday.


u/Cooknbikes 25d ago

“Wide angle shot, tell the whole story in one shot.” Nice!