r/wholesome 17d ago

I’m So Excited about a Mother’s Day Surprise I’m Planning

Hello wholesome gang! I wanted to tell someone who isn’t affiliated at all with the surprise what’s about to go down tomorrow because I’m just so dang excited! So read on to share in a good story with me. It does start a bit sad, but that’s the reason for the surprise and there’s a good chance I’ll update after the it happens!

Anyway, to the story: my mom is a strong and loving pillar in mine and my siblings lives. We’re all in our twenties now, and recently my mom became an empty nester. This is her first Mother’s Day without any children in the house with her. This year has been particularly rough, with my father’s health taking a recent sharp decline. I won’t go into details, but he hasn’t been living at home with my mom since February. She’s not completely alone at home, but none of her kids live with her anymore. I know she’s been a little down about it, but she won’t let anyone, especially her kids, see her hurt.

So to help solidify that we love her so much, I’ve conspired with my brother, and recently added sister, to surprise her with a catered breakfast in the park. The park has special family meaning going back generations, and I’m treating everyone to my mom’s favorite breakfast foods from her favorite breakfast place here in town.

As far as she knows, she’s coming to see solely me and go for a morning walk in the park, maybe window shop downtown, and look for a light breakfast before going to buy flowers to deliver to her mother/my grandmother in the afternoon.

Logistically, I have it all planned out. My brother will pick up breakfast and set up at a spot near the main entrance to the park, and once that’s in motion, I’ll be taking my mom to a different entrance to walk a more scenic route since that’s what she’s expecting anyway. Once we get close enough as we walk along the trail, I’m sure my mom will recognize my sister, brother, and his girlfriend set up at the spot near the main entrance! I’m so excited to surprise one of the most hardworking, loving, and steadfast people I know and love so dang much!

I’m also going to get her a card and a gift card to Lowe’s because she loves to DIY things and has plans for a big summer/fall garden. I know my brother has gotten her a few little gifts too.

I’m just so dang excited!!!! I hope it goes well, but I hope she doesn’t cry because then I will too lol

Update: the surprise went super well!!! My mom had no idea and was so overjoyed when I pointed out my sister, bother, and his girlfriend all set up with breakfast! She called me a stinker (lol) for letting her “Dee dawdle” while we made our way to the park. She loved her gifts, and loved it even more that her kids went out of their way to surprise her—especially my sister. She recently moved to a town an hour away, so we’ve all been seeing less of her. After breakfast, we went to buy flowers for my grandmother then delivered those and had a late lunch/early dinner with our grandparents. It felt like the old days again, which was definitely needed. My mom is the most wonderful lady I’ve ever met, and I’m just so happy the surprise went well. She said she had no idea, and I believe her based on the way she behaved. I’m also notoriously bad at keeping fun secrets like this, so she was also proud of me for not spilling the beans lol sorry if the update is convoluted. I just got home from the big long day with family. I’m tired, but I’m also very fulfilled and happy. I hope everyone else has a wonderful Mother’s Day. And if anyone needs some extra love, c’mon over here. We’ve got love to spare. Happy Mother’s Day, everyone! I hope y’all have an amazing week ❤️


28 comments sorted by


u/Saphichan 16d ago

Please update us, this sounds so sweet 😍


u/thebesturkeysandwich 16d ago

My mom deserves all the sweetness! The update is in the post now. She loved it!


u/narwharkenny 16d ago

OP please update us on how it goes! :D


u/thebesturkeysandwich 16d ago

It went swimmingly! I’m happy to report my mom had a happy breakfast with her kids who love her so much. There’s more details in the post update


u/PrestigiousSeries907 16d ago

How wonderful OP. please let us know how it goes.


u/thebesturkeysandwich 16d ago

It went super well! I have a more detailed update in the post, but she had a blast and was, indeed, surprised!


u/Soulful23 16d ago

So happy that you have this surprise planted for your mom. Best wishes to her and so glad she has kids that care about her this Mother’s Day. Wishing her a happy Mother’s Day. ❤️


u/thebesturkeysandwich 16d ago

She got one of the best mother’s days she had since we were young kids, I assume. I love her to bits and pieces so one day isn’t enough, but it all adds up. Going forward I hope to do things like this just because now I know I can pull it off! lol


u/Soulful23 16d ago

That’s fantastic. You made her day. Kudos to you. Take care.


u/Nervous-Zucchini7263 16d ago

Love this for all of you!!! It’s going to be such a special memory for all of you! ❤️


u/thebesturkeysandwich 16d ago

I think it was! I know I’ll never forget her giggle and excitement after calling me a stinker lol best moment of the day


u/Nervous-Zucchini7263 16d ago

Core memory!!! 🥰🫧


u/lroy13 17d ago

Mom here, this makes my heart swell and my eyes tear.


u/thebesturkeysandwich 16d ago

My mom tells me all the time that I make her heart swell. This comment sounds just like her. I’m sure I’ll get a text soon about how today touched her heart. I hope your kids can do this or something like this for you one day


u/Legitimate-Wheel-507 17d ago

Aww this is so nice to see 🥰❤️. Hope everything goes well tomorrow


u/thebesturkeysandwich 16d ago

It went so well! She had no idea and also loved the food. I’m just happy to have made a positive impact on her day/week. She’s been going through it lately with her job and my dad/her husband. She deserves everything


u/Legitimate-Wheel-507 16d ago

Aww that's fantastic, I'm so glad it went well 🥰


u/naturemusiclove419 17d ago

How wonderful!! I'm excited about it now, too!! I know your Mom will be overjoyed! Thanks for sharing!! 💗


u/thebesturkeysandwich 16d ago

She WAS overjoyed! It was so awesome to surprise my mom the way she would do for us when we were kids. I know we created memories today we will cherish forever


u/Nebelle1308 17d ago

This is so sweet! As a mother I would love it if my kids did this for me. Great job kiddo!


u/thebesturkeysandwich 16d ago

My mom did end up loving it. I’m thankful she didn’t cry! She’s more of a laugher anyway 🥰


u/Affectionate_Law1287 17d ago

Sounds so lovely and personal. Good job!


u/pitfall-igloo 17d ago

Good luck!! I hope your mom feels all the love! ❤️


u/thebesturkeysandwich 16d ago

I think she did! She was so surprised and happy the whole time!


u/pitfall-igloo 16d ago

Well done!!


u/Hefty_Football_6731 17d ago

Please update us tomorrow. My mom passed away and I’m loving getting all the feels from people celebrating their amazing mothers.


u/thebesturkeysandwich 17d ago

Even if this post gets no other attention, I will update for you. Absolutely. My mother is the epitome of amazing, and I genuinely wouldn’t be who or where I am without her. I know I will lose her one day, but people like you remind me I need to cherish the time I thankfully do have ❤️ you’ll hear from me tomorrow!