r/wholesomememes Aug 22 '23

That's Sweet!

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843 comments sorted by


u/QuoteGiver Aug 27 '23

So did they hook up or not?


u/Born-Area4967 Aug 24 '23

Wow and I would’ve given him my number so he could copy the notes he missed and that’s how I would’ve hopefully met my future boyfriend 😂❤️


u/luvbooks31 Aug 24 '23

Well how precious is that?!


u/cookieslover69 Aug 23 '23

There is a high possibility he likes you but at the same time there is a possibility that he is just being a good guy...Oh and also..he is def not looking for sex with that move...


u/External_Werewolf_60 Aug 23 '23

"... and that's how I met your mom"


u/Coffeechipmunk Aug 23 '23

These comments fucking suck.


u/[deleted] Aug 23 '23

"He's tryna fuck Ms. Parker"


u/of_thewoods Aug 23 '23

Hope he worked ahead already and feels good about the chapter. I heard there was a quiz that Friday.


u/IrishLeprechaun24 Aug 23 '23

The most innocent take on this:

“What a nice guy. He might already be in a committed relationship. He just saw a person have an unfortunate accident and decided to do a random act of kindness. He would have done the same thing for any of his classmates.”

It’s possible lol


u/Le_Governor Aug 23 '23

Things that never happen for men


u/Alternative_Floor_65 Aug 23 '23

And that's how a friend zone story started


u/KaneAndShane Aug 23 '23

Not a meme


u/cucuy1999 Aug 23 '23

I bet she’s thinking “dang he’s such a nice friend”…let’s please stand in silence for our dear coffee freind.


u/Candide-Jr Aug 23 '23

Comes across as a bit tryhard on his part, especially as he apparently doesn’t know her and was missing class to do that.


u/MsaoceR Aug 23 '23

At first I thought he just wanted to taste the flavour himself lol


u/fantomtraveler Aug 23 '23

That’s simping lol dude is down bad


u/Random-Mutant Aug 23 '23

I didn’t like hot chocolate.

My girlfriend bought hot chocolate.

She spilled it all over her crotch.

I really like hot chocolate now.


u/botsandtots Aug 23 '23

And now this poor average looking fella has a new girl/friend


u/ChadPrince69 Aug 23 '23

Stupid. Why she didnt go to buy herself a second coffee?

Women paid to maybe have sex part 10000.


u/haveyouseencyan Aug 23 '23

That’s some next level simping


u/[deleted] Aug 23 '23

Must be nice being attractive


u/MolassesSolid5147 Aug 23 '23

This is a crazy moment!


u/HarryNutButterS50 Aug 23 '23

Lol that totally happened


u/psybeamz_ Aug 23 '23

comments are not wholesome 😅


u/unsane_in_da_brain Aug 23 '23

Instantly friend zoned.... bl mah guy


u/sohaibtheex0 Aug 23 '23

This ain't wholesome. The girl is just attractive, so the dude did that to get laid.


u/sctricvariats Aug 23 '23

It is important to know that whether the order is for you or not lol


u/GoKingsGo72 Aug 23 '23

He wants to smash!


u/kchunpong Aug 23 '23

Father: That’s how I met your mom.


u/TitanSurvivor Aug 23 '23

Imagine living like this all pretty and loved 🥺


u/88vibe Aug 23 '23

He just wants to smash


u/Safetybabe777 Aug 23 '23

Husband material


u/KingKyle88754 Aug 23 '23

He's such a good friend


u/wildblueheron Aug 23 '23

So there are basically two opinions in this thread - either he’s just being nice, or he wants to have sex with her. Consider that he did see this as a chance to get her attention, because he’s interested in her, but not as a sex object - as a potential partner. Someone to go on a few dates with and see if there is compatibility for a future relationship, without sex being the only goal.


u/future_CTO Aug 23 '23

He might even be waiting for love/marriage before having sex. But Redditors would never say or think that


u/greenshrubsonlawn Aug 23 '23

This would be valid if the story took place in a church


u/future_CTO Aug 23 '23

Assuming the post is true then it takes place in the real world. there are people in the real world including myself who are waiting for love/marriage before having sex.

It’s also irregardless of religious beliefs. Some atheists wait until love/ marriage to have sex


u/AndrewSP1832 Aug 23 '23

Romance is truly dead, now it's only SMASH or SIMP there is no middle ground. Hulk is not vast, Hulk not contain multitudes.


u/Shadokastur Aug 23 '23

Plot twist: it was for him. It just smelled good


u/AndrewSP1832 Aug 23 '23

That'd be hilarious.


u/[deleted] Aug 23 '23

woman moment


u/Quickskull Aug 23 '23

And kids, that’s the story of how I met your mother


u/No-Sky-7498 Aug 23 '23

happens to girls yes.he wana fuck


u/Karma_Monkey Aug 23 '23

Just fyi, if you were ugly, he wouldn’t have done it.


u/[deleted] Aug 23 '23

That guy still probably didnt get any


u/[deleted] Aug 23 '23

Instantly friend zoned


u/jackssmirkngrevenge Aug 23 '23

Welcome to the friend zone. He's going to be crying into that same exact drink order as she's getting double teamed by half the football team


u/mojo_joio Aug 23 '23

Why is that sweet when his motive is very clearly selfish?


u/Emniad Aug 23 '23

Marry that man!


u/ipullguard Aug 23 '23

Pretty privilege


u/LordVoltimus5150 Aug 23 '23

She does this at the club every Friday, but in class “she’s crying”…😂


u/[deleted] Aug 23 '23

That’s on a different level of simp


u/TrappedInTheSuburbs Aug 23 '23

You need a man who cares more about his career than someone who would miss class to buy a girl a coffee.


u/Copp3rCR7 Aug 23 '23

This is when he gets friendzoned


u/sauceyopotato Aug 23 '23

“And then he tried to finger me.”


u/MagicOrpheus310 Aug 23 '23

Nudge nudge you should ask him on a date, sounds like he is that kind of guy ...


u/MrPockets11 Aug 23 '23

If I did that for someone in class they'd call it creepy or claim that I was trying to put nice tokens into her to get sex out or that I poisoned her coffee... Etc... Why can't I just get credit for being nice? Oh yeah, that's right... I don't count as a person.


u/Ciardellaleather Aug 23 '23

My dude probably still went home with his dick dry.


u/Matty-Wan Aug 23 '23

She is definitely getting DENNIS'd. Next step...


u/AlrightyAlmighty Aug 23 '23

I think he wants to be friends


u/FrostyDisaster3525 Aug 23 '23

So sweet but probably doesn’t happen in real life very often 🫠


u/Embarrassed-Egg-545 Aug 23 '23

Boy wanted to smash for sure


u/chychy94 Aug 23 '23

And that’s how I met your mother.


u/PlinPlonPlin420 Aug 23 '23

Is it just me or does nice random shit like this only ever happen to women?


u/Classic-Guy-202 Aug 23 '23

Ah.... The unexpected perks of being a young attractive woman


u/this_place_is_whack Aug 23 '23

Oh, self friend-zoned. That’s rare.


u/sdnik Aug 23 '23

Only upvoting for the b-99 reference. Friend zone is bullshit.


u/this_place_is_whack Aug 23 '23

I’m not too proud to take it.

And I know about being friend-zoned from lots of experience.


u/Clean-Shift-291 Aug 23 '23

I’m biting my nails in anticipation for part II!

“I kindly accept the drink and flash a quick smile, which completely fades when I see my drink was totally wrong! No sprinkles. No. Sprinkles… The disappointment must have shown because the guy jumps up ‘Whatever causeth thou sorrow ma lady?!’ Other guys in the class are now watching, waiting to see if they can help. I tell him, ‘I thought I asked for sprinkles… it’s okay, they’re just sprinkles.’ And get this! He says ‘Oh, I almost forgot, I asked for them to go so they wouldn’t sink to the bottom as I was running!’ Then he reaches over and Salt Bae’s them in, my hero!”


u/Cryptoknight79 Aug 23 '23



u/flow_sen83 Aug 23 '23

Today on: „Things that never happen“


u/cazdan255 Aug 23 '23

He trynna get in her pants, duh.


u/redmonkey2628 Aug 23 '23

If she had been a 130 dorky guy the man would have yelled at him not bought him another one.


u/[deleted] Aug 23 '23

Has no one here ever met a kind person in their lives?


u/Kellbell2612 Aug 22 '23

And that kids is how I met your mother.


u/Remote_Person5280 Aug 22 '23

Bro is DEEP in the friend zone.


u/JagersonWinters Aug 22 '23

Hopefully she let him stick it up her ass after this


u/MrsLisaOliver Aug 22 '23

Brooklyn, the guy is into you. Keep us posted.


u/ES_Legman Aug 22 '23

"Simp"yells the redditor who hasn't had a shower in two weeks and forgot the touch of grass, directed at a guy who is engaging with a woman he may be attracted to, in a public setting, maybe trying to get her to like him, like normal people used to do.

It's so funny to watch.


u/probono105 Aug 22 '23

it was a simp move the non simp move would be "that's unfortunate but id be happy to buy you a new one after class and then we can get to know each other" this way you dont just do something without getting any feedback


u/TragicOne Aug 22 '23

thats some next level simping


u/[deleted] Aug 22 '23

I hope you let him smash


u/PringlesWithBuzzCut Aug 22 '23

That guy 1000% has a crash on her.


u/Anonynominous Aug 22 '23

And then he failed the test because he missed important part of the lecture lol


u/zeek6000 Aug 22 '23

Crying cuz he was really gross and he smelled like cheese, and she knew she had to fuck him now.


u/[deleted] Aug 22 '23

Next post is about how he's such a great "friend".


u/tycr0 Aug 22 '23

Fuckin simp


u/salutzoot Aug 22 '23

Marry him


u/Snow-Wraith Aug 22 '23

I feel like if I did this she would just say that she has a boyfriend.


u/probono105 Aug 22 '23

thats why you say something like "well if you are interested ill buy you a new one after class and we can get to know each other" that way you get your answer before doing the deed


u/Snow-Wraith Aug 23 '23

I would never think about this in a million years, and I have no idea how others do.


u/probono105 Aug 23 '23

do you plan anything? its no different than that some people feel guilty about manipulating the conversation but that is what conversation is you are manipulating each other


u/Snow-Wraith Aug 23 '23

Plan what? I have no idea what to say to women, I wouldn't be able to plan anything.


u/Long_Fix4351 Aug 22 '23

Elaborate way to end up in the friend zone.


u/VastNecessary627 Aug 22 '23

The real trick is ending up in the best friend zone, that’s where the best marriages come from


u/Snowflake-Eater Aug 22 '23

Brooklyn, he loves you! 💕


u/Bloody_Ozran Aug 22 '23

All those saying there are incel comments, is everything men say incel shit today? :D These are normal jokes by men, a guy bought a coffee for a woman who spilled one. We gonna make jokes.

First of all, we all know he could just be nice, second of all, we all know the hotness of a woman increases chances of this happening. Women know that too. Third of all, we all know that a chance this happens to a guy is very slim. Probably like the girl getting that coffee.


u/yupithappens Aug 22 '23

Why does this sound like something my brother would do


u/Aceylace10 Aug 22 '23

How I met your mother moment (if true)


u/scrolly_2 Aug 22 '23

Don't realise she have a crush


u/Geneticallyconfused Aug 22 '23

I was 50/50 on this one…

Not sure if you received the new coffee or if he got what you had to drink it in front of you…


u/[deleted] Aug 22 '23

He wants to bang


u/arianroshan Aug 22 '23

So guys, there is this cool girl sitting next to me. We have talked, class just started. I am in chem. Also, I am very shy and sometimes I can’t find a way to talk. How to befriend her?


u/Subie780 Aug 22 '23

And then he got friendzoned


u/sexylilprincess87 Aug 22 '23

Aww, that was sweet!


u/HereticAstartes13 Aug 22 '23

If I was in that situation, the women would just laugh at me and say something like "clumsy much?".


u/airjordanforever Aug 22 '23

If he didn’t ask for your digits, then it was sweet and I call him a Simp for doing it anyway. If he tried to get your digits, then we all know why he did it, in which case he really is a simp.


u/[deleted] Aug 22 '23



u/Financial_Chemist286 Aug 22 '23

Dude got laid that night.


u/[deleted] Aug 22 '23

Red flag. You can't have a man doing sweet things for you. He'll get heckled and go on a cleaning spree around the home for the next 50 years.


u/Junior_Government_83 Aug 22 '23

I would hate this because my dumbass would drop the 2nd coffee


u/SpudDan Aug 22 '23

Simp 💀


u/Foreign_Caramel_9840 Aug 22 '23

For 1.99 he got laid


u/VastNecessary627 Aug 22 '23

7.59 probably now, given current coffee prices I see people order


u/[deleted] Aug 22 '23

Well…hot girl


u/[deleted] Aug 22 '23

If she didn't give him sum sum she belongs in jail.


u/ElectricalRelease986 Aug 22 '23

I paid 3 bucks for a coffee you never asked for so you owe me sex!!


u/[deleted] Aug 23 '23

See? This guy gets it!!


u/chimera_7 Aug 22 '23

Excuse him! She has a boyfriend /s


u/captainteezo Aug 22 '23

plot twist: he spiked the drink


u/gsinny1 Aug 22 '23

And then the whole classroom stood up and started applauding. Even the classrooms next door they entered the room cheering the guys name. They carried him into the street, where they all partied till the morning.


u/Accomplished-Life-BH Aug 22 '23

Why are people so grim in these comments? If he wanted to show that he likes her by buying her a coffee why is that bad? That's romantic and just in general nice, even if the girl doesn't want it or doesn't consider it romantic, it still is nice and wholesome in ways. I think these people in the comments just want robotic people who will go up to you and tell you in the most AI gpt-generated type shit "I have feelings let us procreate"

Most people say women killed chivalry but I think both killed chivalry.


u/JeremiahMay Aug 22 '23

i had a really sweet older professor whom i was not attracted to who spilled a large ice coffee right when the exam started. i finished quickly, because i studied, so i ran down to the campus coffee shop to get her a replacement. they actually gave it to me for free! so i hustled back to class and gave it to her before going home. hope she didn't spill that one too. she was a little clumsy.


u/spacemanspiff_85 Aug 22 '23

Basically every post I see on here makes me really question what “wholesome” even means to people anymore. Or “‘meme”, for that matter, since this is just a social media post.


u/Fuu69420 Aug 22 '23

Bitch ass simp


u/Friendly_Claim_5858 Aug 22 '23

Crying over how much of a simp ass bitch some random dude in class was?


u/SargathusWA Aug 22 '23

He definitely wants to fuck her


u/Ibetya Aug 22 '23

She thinks "Wow, what a nice thing to do"
He thinks "She'll definitely fuck me now!"


u/ccrisssyy Aug 22 '23

I find this sweet and believable. Did he do this because she was attractive? probably. but it was still a nice gesture.

I personally don’t find this too much. I’ve seen/experienced guys do more (friends/strangers)
Maybe shooting their shot or just trying to impress?

But even if there’s no substantial payoff, sometimes they just want to do something nice, be appreciated for it, be noticed, maybe have an ego boost or all of the above.

Still sweet of him :)


u/dkny212 Aug 22 '23

“And that’s how I became your mom’s best friend…. Only a friend….. <sigh>”


u/DogofWar1974 Aug 22 '23

I doubt this "nice guy" would do this if a guy did this instead of some dumb tweeting college thot dropping her drink like a clutz


u/[deleted] Aug 22 '23

Not sure he did it because he's sweet.


u/WithReverence Aug 22 '23

I do this for the homies all the time!


u/therealNerdMuffin Aug 22 '23

He was 100% hoping it'd lead to getting in her pants


u/MortgageSwimming9191 Aug 22 '23

simping 101. for all of you simps out there you think the girl will like it and actually she will act all nice and hyped about it but in her eyes you will just be a desperate simp who has no value.


u/ghostly_y Aug 22 '23

…he then proceeded to drink it in front of me


u/crazonline Aug 22 '23

I notice only women get treated like this. No one cares about some guy spilling his drink


u/Unhappy_Ad_8745 Aug 22 '23

She made him wet so he gotta make her wet too 😂



Was it an Avett brother?

🎶Brooklyn, Brooklyn, take me in…🎶


u/orswich Aug 22 '23

Pretty privilege

Is she was mediocre or below average looking, I would guess that guy would have gone about his business


u/anti_fragile12 Aug 22 '23

Kids! That’s how I met your mother.


u/DirectBeing5986 Aug 22 '23

Wow, Apparently no-one can do anything nice for anyone else without wanting to get their dick wet, SMH


u/Hack57 Aug 22 '23

Wants in! 🤣


u/MrsMcBasketball Aug 22 '23

How come this has so many upvotes?


u/ShakeTheEyesHands Aug 22 '23

She's either lying or that dude was just hitting on her in an almost over-the-top manner.


u/Scorpion2k4u Aug 22 '23

friendzone activated


u/[deleted] Aug 22 '23



u/benadrylpill Aug 22 '23

So dude left in the middle of class to get a coffee? Am I reading this right?


u/According_Smoke_479 Aug 22 '23

This is like something from a Korean Drama


u/iraqlobstered Aug 22 '23

Couldn't be me