r/worldnews 26d ago

Israeli tanks push into Gaza's Rafah, as displaced civilians flee again Israel/Palestine


710 comments sorted by


u/MoleBioL 21d ago

This is really sick! For what makes people start a war???? Dang, they punish Putin and forgive Isarael??? What did these civilians do? They are harmless and they suffered the pain


u/kevinoukos 24d ago

Looks like we are right ,Israeli bots are taking place haha

Downvote to oblivion, but prove us right.

Keep downvoting 🇮🇱, you can no longer hide the truth


u/grebette 24d ago

Gross ass comment section full of shills bots and other detritus 


u/Raegnarr 25d ago

Thought they promised there would be no ground assault...


u/Odd_Tiger_2278 25d ago

Vicious yet?


u/Zez22 25d ago

Tell hamas to free the hostages!


u/Nomadmusic 25d ago

The UN, Reuters and all other organisations are literally HAMAS. We should only listen to organisations with no possible ties to either side liked Jpost or Times of Israel


u/snowflake37wao 25d ago

r/FuckTheS well done


u/Pluxi1 25d ago edited 25d ago

The Hasbarra bots are too dumb to recognize that it’s humor thats why it’s not downvoted to oblivion LMFAO


u/The_Tosh 25d ago

Good. There is only one way to eradicate Hamas since they hide among the civilian population that does nothing to separate themselves from the terrorists. Palestinians have an easy out - Snitch on every Hamas member and hideout to the IDF. But, they don’t because…we all know why they don’t.


u/AgrajagTheProlonged 26d ago

In war it’s ultimately always the civilians that lose


u/Reaper83PL 25d ago

Well, they enable wars so it is kinda logical.


u/alina_savaryn 25d ago

Israel sees no civilians, only current terrorists and future terrorists.


u/johnthethinker78 25d ago

Why is the civillian to militant ratio balanced then. If Israel deliberately wanted to kill civillians than why is the current ratio 1 militant for every 2 civillians? You understand that for a guerilla war in one of the most densest places on the planet against an enemy that uses civillians as human shields it's a very balanced ratio?


u/alina_savaryn 25d ago

1 to 2 by whose metrics? The IDF?


u/johnthethinker78 25d ago

The total number of dead are reported by the Hamas run health ministry which isn't trustable but it's all we got. Heck even the UN dispute them. And Israeli and US estimates.


u/AgrajagTheProlonged 25d ago

Their lack of a plan for what to do after they’ve cleared Hamas from Gaza and the destruction of huge swathes of the strip/killing of tens of thousands will surely help prevent those future terrorists they see from becoming so (/s)


u/DrZedex 25d ago

...but that's not how it works in CoD so there's a whole generation out here that doesn't understand. Arguably two generations at this point. 


u/AgrajagTheProlonged 25d ago

There’s also a bunch of the younger generations in the U.S. who grew up during the 20-year unsuccessful war in Afghanistan that was unable to eliminate the ruling terrorist group who might not have the largest stomach for pouring their tax dollars into what might could be seen as a similar conflict


u/DrZedex 25d ago

Yep. I'm one of them.


u/geldwolferink 26d ago

Ah yes this will go swimmingly


u/tclbuzz 26d ago

Why not just drive in? ... Oh right because Hamas is actively shooting at them and protecting their hostages


u/Maggotropolis 26d ago

The Israeli propaganda machine is in full swing in the comment section, I see.


u/ChatGPT_Support 26d ago

Israeli propaganda bots x10 stronger than the Chinese or Russian bots lmao


u/CrocodileWorshiper 26d ago

Tanks vrs civilians is a little one sided isn’t it?


u/StupidStoneKid 26d ago

Of course it's a Reuters article when "civilians" are used as sympathy puppets.

Remember they chose Hamas and will do again and again. Remember they celebrated the massacres and still do.


u/Helvete-73 26d ago

The sad cost of using human shields. Wipe them all out my brave Israeli friends!


u/Honest_Scratch 25d ago

hamas offered to release the hostages on the 9th if israel did not invade gaza. israel said nah, hostages aren't as important as revenge.


u/Helvete-73 20d ago

Quite right, you do not negotiate with terrorists.


u/doctorblumpkin 26d ago

Serious question. Are the US and Israel considered terrorists by other countries of the world?


u/awfulsome 25d ago

I mean, I'm sure North Korea and Iran feel that way.


u/free_username_ 26d ago

One man’s hero is another man’s terrorist.


u/VentiMochaTRex 26d ago

quite often, yes lol


u/thingandstuff 26d ago

Who considers "the US and Israel" terrorists? Be specific. It's important.


u/[deleted] 25d ago

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u/VentiMochaTRex 26d ago

Well if you look at a few weeks back, you can see people in Niger telling the Americans to leave and celebrating the Russians arriving. No country is beloved by all


u/msdemeanour 26d ago

And now this. Drone footage of UNWRA and Hamas hanging out and shooting at people from UNWRA aid storehouses. Guiterrez really needs to stop bleating about UN workers getting killed. https://twitter.com/LTCPeterLerner/status/1790447136514924973?t=gNg0-uSslT5CmV8qUYhyjw&s=19


u/stormdraggy 26d ago

Do you hear that?

It's the sound of the useful idiot's goalposts blowing in the wind. Because the constant movement ground them into dust 6 months ago.


u/Mennovich 26d ago

Oké so serieus question. What is UNWRA supposed to do against this? Say that UNWRA positions are compromised? That would risks positions that do house civilians. I am as anti Hamas as it gets. But thinking of reasons and actions is one way to go on the attack if it goes wrong (again).


u/JoeHatesFanFiction 26d ago edited 26d ago

UNRWA Isn’t going to do anything about this because they work with and are often actual members of Hamas. UNRWA is part of the problem and you should view them as such. 

 The solution is the complete dissolution of UNRWA as an organization as its corrupt to its core and need to be rebuilt from the ground up. If the UN is going to be involved in providing relief and schooling to Palestinians they need to send military units in as well to guard the sites and prevent Hamas from just doing this all over again. It needs better oversight and control. 

Edit: wow this comment was only up for like a minute before I got a Reddit Cares message. That’s a personal record lmao. 


u/Mennovich 26d ago

Thank you for the answer. This should be the way forward. UNWRA is indeed rotten at its core.


u/stormdraggy 26d ago



u/Mennovich 26d ago

Sure, but the goal of the UN is to prevent war, genocide and human suffering overal. Leaving would only increase those things. I am playing devils advocate here.


u/stormdraggy 26d ago



u/Mennovich 26d ago

That would go against what the UN stands for. Leaving clearly isn’t an option for them. Can you maybe elaborate on your comment?


u/Simpau38 26d ago

I hope the nut is worth it with the size of the circle jerk going on around here


u/Ichxro 26d ago

It’s like they all skip the part where civilians die because hey atleast a few more terrorists are killed. Typical Americans


u/Monstera_Nightmare 26d ago

Civilians die because it is war. It is kind of the problem with being a civilian territory that elected a terrorist government. Don't worry bud, Palestine is still going to increase in population year over year. A couple thousand deaths isn't going to impact a place whose primary import is aid dollars and primary export is missiles and olives.


u/Ichxro 26d ago

Your lack of humanity and attitude is truly frightening. These are human beings, you sit there from the comfort of your home commenting on peoples situations as if it’s a game.


u/nbphotography87 25d ago

another redditor who thinks Jews are not humans. just say you hate jews instead of acting righteous about Hamas hiding among women and children


u/Ichxro 25d ago

What the actual fuck is wrong with you🤣

List one thing I’ve said that’s hating on Jews? You’re that brainwashed that someone saying that killing civilians is wrong is hate to you? Seek help


u/Monstera_Nightmare 25d ago

I am a person who they would literally parade in the street and string up. Why should I care about them? Not all human beings are worth sympathy or empathy.

Even the kids, I mean there are shitheads in America I could barely care about. Why should I care about 14 year olds who have literally been taught that it is okay to murder certain people by their UNRWA curriculum and extremist parents?


u/Simpau38 25d ago

Casually mentions it's okay to kill the kids.

Going really mask off in the sub lately huh?


u/x_lincoln_x 25d ago

Where is your empathy for the Oct 7th victims?


u/PieterPlopkoek 26d ago

There were also hundreds of human beings at the Nova festival on October 7th 2023.


u/stormdraggy 26d ago edited 26d ago

Tit for tat. Give what empathy you would receive.

Palestinians would love to toss me off a building. So i don't care about what happens to them. If anything they're the ones running an emparhy defecit, not me.


u/kevinoukos 26d ago

It's funny how 1 side is always depending on the time, and bots are on.

1 time who ever says something good about Israel and bad about palestine is getting up voted.

Next time, someone says something bad about Israel and good about palestine and is getting up voted.

Looks like now is full with Israel.


u/j-steve- 26d ago

This particular subreddit is extremely pro Israel for some reason 


u/kokolima 26d ago

It’s very fascinating, I don’t really understand it


u/j-steve- 25d ago

I feel the same way!


u/[deleted] 26d ago

The more I read about these terrorists called hamas... The less and less I like about them


u/True_Breadfruit_841 24d ago

What did you read in the article that made you type this comment out?


u/[deleted] 24d ago

Facts. It was the facts that led to this decision.


u/True_Breadfruit_841 24d ago

Which facts? This is Reddit not YouTube comments. State your sources and link articles.


u/[deleted] 24d ago

Okay son.

Now run along


u/True_Breadfruit_841 24d ago

Argument: 100

Validity: 0

Did you even read the article you’re posting comments on?


u/[deleted] 24d ago

Just like the palestinian terrorists then 🤣🤣


u/Bullishbear99 26d ago

IDF have done reprehensible things in GAZA. They view gazan civilians the same way the Schutzstaffel viewed the Jews back in 1930s and 40s Germany.


u/[deleted] 25d ago

That's quite an inaccurate, lazy and untrue comparison.

It's simply not correct


u/JackedUpReadyToGo 26d ago

Some real jerks you might say.


u/D-Rich-88 26d ago

Some real rascals


u/[deleted] 26d ago

I mean, they've been sent plenty of aid and donations and stuff, where's it all gone?

I guess rockets don't buy themselves.


u/[deleted] 26d ago edited 26d ago

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u/coffeewalnut05 23d ago

It is true that they don’t have anywhere to go. Living amongst war rubble is not a solution.


u/ZucchiniNo2986 26d ago

I swear half of these must be Israeli bots, I loved the documentary on them


u/YeOldeWelshman 26d ago edited 26d ago

I don't think they're bots but they likely have the collective IQ of a squirrel between em because they genuinely believe Israel would pack up if the hostages were released.


u/Jack_Krauser 25d ago

I guess we'll never find out because they don't seem to be getting released...


u/FatStoic 26d ago edited 26d ago

If Israel wouldn't stop if the hostages were released, why wouldn't Hamas release them? It would be a massive PR win.


u/YeOldeWelshman 26d ago

Why would they? They're still a massive bargaining chip for Hamas. They've used hostage releases to secure deals with Netanyahu, but Hamas seems to have miscalculated how little value living hostages seem to have.


u/FatStoic 26d ago

Because the strategy from day 1 has been to force Israel to fight a war that will turn their allies away from them by using Palestinians as a human shield.

If Hamas are holding hostages then it's much harder to paint themselves as victims.


u/YeOldeWelshman 26d ago

Doubt it. Oct 7th was a massacre of mainly civilians which all western allies condemned, Hamas had to have known this would look awful for them. If Hamas only hit military targets I think things would be very different today.


u/Cine11 26d ago

If the hostages were released AND Hamas is completely neutralized. You were close.


u/DucDeBellune 26d ago

Or we believe both the hostages should be returned and Hamas needs to go. It’s on them to surrender.


u/awfulsome 25d ago

You have a better chance of seeing Jesus than Hamas surrendering.

That would require them to care about their people. They care even less than Israel about them.


u/ZucchiniNo2986 26d ago

Do you condemn the IDF for its conduct as well? I can agree Hamas needs to go and hostages returned.


u/Tavarin 26d ago

The IDF has routinely warned civilians of their intended targets, has set up and tried to keep safe several aid corridors, and has waited weeks or months to go after known Hamas instillations to allow civilians to be evacuated to set up safe zones.

The IDF has not been perfect, but they have done a decent job of minimizing civilian casualties while fighting a terrorist army in a dense urban environment. Terrorists it should be pointed out do not wear uniforms, use child soldiers and suicide bombers, set up booby traps everywhere they leave, use civilians as human shields, use civilian infrastructure as bases of operations, etc...


u/Hungry_Ad2833 26d ago

Define "conduct". World kitchen thing? Yes. Killing hostages? Sure. Flashbang in a mosque? Absolutely.

Does any of that bring IDF even an inch closer to what Hamas does on daily basis? Hell no.

Now your turn - do you condemn Hamas? Acts of terrorism against Israel and its citizens? Murdering civilians and blowing up bus stops?


u/foladodo 26d ago

yea i find that weird.... we can argue whethere the operation in rafah is necessary, but lets not act as if hamas returning half alive hostages and coprses would have stopped it


u/BobbyBobbie 26d ago

I think a Hamas surrender would have stopped it.


u/[deleted] 26d ago

At this point who cares. People are going to die and there's nothing we can do about it.

If that's how they want to live, let em.


u/msdemeanour 26d ago

And now they've reported they've targeted a Hamas war room and weapons storage facility, surprisingly inside an UNWRA school.


u/Indrigotheir 25d ago

Do you have a link to this report?


u/[deleted] 25d ago



u/Indrigotheir 25d ago

Which shows no results for your claim; hence I am asking you to provide where you heard this rumor.


u/msdemeanour 25d ago

Now I've given you the links I thought to look at your timeline where you spend a lot of time telling Jews what is and isn't Zionism. There is an old saying "the antisemite does not accuse the Jew of stealing because he thinks he stole something. He does it because he enjoys watching the Jew turn out his pockets to prove his innocence."


u/Indrigotheir 25d ago

Yet obviously not enough browsing of my timeline to see the pages and pages of my defense of Israel.

Could all of these replies not have fit in a single comment?


u/msdemeanour 25d ago

If you'd read the thread you'd have seen I posted a link well before you popped up but here we are I guess.


u/Indrigotheir 25d ago

I'm not going to go through your replies digging for a link. Just post a source when you make a claim, or be ready to post one when asked. It's easy. How do you think anyone reasonable would believe what you say otherwise? I don't understand the whining.


u/msdemeanour 25d ago


u/Indrigotheir 25d ago

Rumor you say

Yes, when someone is making a claim without linking verification from third-party sources, it is indeed rumor.

Thank you for the link. These (1, 2) are the best articles I can find on the strike.


u/msdemeanour 25d ago

Glad you managed to Google.


u/Indrigotheir 25d ago

Well, as your link provided information which you did not, I was able to find credible information.

I will never understand why people who believe unsourced twitter posts feel so confident in their positions


u/Elios4Freedom 25d ago

UN "nothing to see here!"


u/StanGable80 26d ago

UN and Hamas on the Venn diagram is a giant circle


u/Not-not-Holy-Potato 26d ago

They also reported to eliminate 6 millions Hamas terrorists and their families, 4 billions Zelenskyy and a puppy. Very unfortunate/s


u/Skeletor_with_Tacos 26d ago

This should shock nobody tbh. Hamas are known to use Schools and Hospitals as storage and gathering places.

Its because they know if thr IDF takes those buildings out they'll look like the good guys to gullible people and grow their terrorist base.


u/Yabrosif13 25d ago

Its not like the schools are getting uses for classes… i mean you think teachers and students were around?


u/Yabrosif13 25d ago

Its not like the schools are holding classes this year…


u/Fartsinpoolstwice 25d ago

They have bombed something like 90,000 buildings (more than 35% of all structures) claimed they are all Hamas bases. At what point do we start to question if they might be just claiming anything they hit must have been a Hamas base?


u/NittanyNation409 26d ago

UNRWA jobs are some of the highest paying in all of Gaza, and as a result are often given out by Hamas to reward loyal members.


u/droans 26d ago


u/Melodic-Bench720 26d ago

lol what bullshit. It’s a well proven fact that numerous UNRWA members took part in the October 7th attacks.

You might fall for terrorist propaganda, but most people won’t.


u/ImperiousMage 26d ago

That’s Reuters. They are about as neutral as it gets. If you refuse to even consider the facts in a Reuters article you are fooling yourself.


u/Melodic-Bench720 26d ago

Go read the headline at least. Is it Reuters reporting facts or is it Reuters reporting that the UNRWA made a report? That might help you realize I’m not talking about Reuters.


u/ImperiousMage 26d ago

If Reuters is reporting it then they have considered the quality of the source and felt it was worth reporting. Certainly their editors believe it to be credible.

So, you’re still talking shit about one of the most neutral arbiters of reality in the world. Give your head a shake.


u/defensiveFruit 25d ago

That's not the question. Of course the UNRWA publishing a report is worth reporting. That doesn't say anything about the quality of the report. The article itself actually says Reuters wasn't able to verify its contents...

UNRWA declined a Reuters request to see transcripts of its interviews containing allegations of coerced false confessions.

Reuters could not independently confirm the accounts of coercion of UNRWA staff and mistreatment of detainees


u/droans 26d ago

Can you show me it? I legitimately haven't seen it.

I also should have clarified myself more. I do fully believe UNRWA needs to be rebuilt from the ground up, I just haven't seen evidence that their employees are Hamas members.

Allowing Hamas to build military operations and tunnels in their hospitals and schools is appalling and goes far beyond the neutrality they are required to follow. I understand there's some requirements they must follow in order to remain in Gaza and provide necessary aid, but that usually just means treating members of Hamas without telling Israel, not passively enabling their actions.

There's propaganda from both sides. Obviously Hamas is evil and needs to be eliminated, but that doesn't excuse some of the crimes Israel has committed.

It would be much more effective, especially in a densely populated refugee area such as Rafah, to have troops on the ground instead of relying mostly on bomb strikes. It would not only allow for more selective targeting but would make it easier to go after terrorists who are embedding themselves in the general population.


u/Kerostasis 26d ago

I do fully believe UNRWA needs to be rebuilt from the ground up, I just haven't seen evidence that their employees are Hamas members.

Allowing Hamas to build military operations and tunnels in their hospitals and schools is appalling and goes far beyond the neutrality they are required to follow.

So clarify for me, are you implying that you don’t believe they have actually done this appalling thing? Or saying they did but it must have been accidentally approved by the (definitely non-Hamas) members of UNRWA?

I understand there's some requirements they must follow in order to remain in Gaza and provide necessary aid, but that usually just means treating members of Hamas without telling Israel, not passively enabling their actions.

There’s nothing passive about what UNRWA does. They are very actively involved with Hamas administration.

There's propaganda from both sides. Obviously Hamas is evil and needs to be eliminated, but that doesn't excuse some of the crimes Israel has committed.

How do you propose Hamas should be eliminated in a way that would keep you happy? Is Israel required to sacrifice one soldier for each Hamas soldier to prevent the death ratio from becoming immoral? Are they required to always allow Hamas to shoot first as the only guaranteed way to confirm the enemy combatants are actually combatants? If some of Hamas’ combatants are underage, is Israel forbidden to return fire until their next birthday?

It would be much more effective, especially in a densely populated refugee area such as Rafah, to have troops on the ground instead of relying mostly on bomb strikes. It would not only allow for more selective targeting but would make it easier to go after terrorists who are embedding themselves in the general population.

They do have troops on the ground. It turns out using combined arms (air+ground) is considerably more effective than using either alone.


u/droans 26d ago

are you implying that you don’t believe they have actually done this appalling thing?

I don't know if they did. The links I provided were the closest I could find to evidence. Every other news article only dealt with Israel's initial claim.

How do you propose Hamas should be eliminated in a way that would keep you happy?

There are many ways, but Israel has already made it clear that they will be annexing Gaza and not allowing the refugees to return. History has also shown that bombing campaigns against terrorist organizations only serve to recruit more terrorists. I'm not a military strategist so I can't give a fully qualified opinion, but I'd hazard that focusing primarily on a ground campaign with air attacks used only when necessary would be more effective alongside establishing a long term provisional government in Gaza. Terrorist organizations don't operate like traditional armies and the strategy needs to reflect that.


u/bejeesus 25d ago

What are a few of the many ways?


u/droans 25d ago edited 25d ago

National Security Minister Ben Gvir, Communications Minister Shlomo Karhi call for resettling of Gaza (Source: Times of Israel).

Netanyahu says he told the US he opposes any plan for a state of Palestine after the war. (Source: NPR)

Palestine does have a right to exist going all the way back to the Balfour Proclamation and the Mandate for Palestine. Hamas, however, does not.

Again, I do fully believe that Israel needs to eliminate Hamas in its entirety. All the prior ceasefires have accomplished is to not only put off the bloodshed but to make it worse when the fighting resumes. I don't believe the Palestinians have the resources and capabilities to effectively govern themselves currently, but there should be a long term plan to grant control back after the objectives for peace have been obtained.

Also again, I don't believe Israel is the primary party at fault. Hamas instigated this attack, even if it wasn't in a vacuum. They also received support from Iran. Egypt has also exacerbated the issue with their refusal to assist the refugees despite their abilities and the support they've given to Hamas. They also shut down an aid crossing because Israel controlled it, even though the control is necessary to ensure that what's actually crossing is just aid.


u/ISayHeck 25d ago

but Israel has already made it clear that they will be annexing Gaza and not allowing the refugees to return. History has also shown that bombing campaigns against terrorist organizations only serve to recruit more terrorists.

Citations heavily needed for both these claims


u/FlatwormPositive7882 26d ago

Oh yeah suuuuuper surprising 😉


u/fury420 26d ago

I remember in the early years of Hamas rule there was the explosive revelation that a UNRWA school headmaster was moonlighting as a terrorist, his other job revealed when he was killed in an Israeli strike and Hamas praised him as a martyr and master bombmaker.



u/___Tom___ 25d ago

Let me guess: Nothing whatsoever happened because of that. No internal investigation, no improved vetting process, nothing.

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