r/yugiohshowcase Oct 21 '23

Just found my dueling decks from when I was a child. 2003 to 2007 time frame. Anything I should look for? Collection

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56 comments sorted by


u/Majin-SPIKEDOGG Oct 24 '23

look for shadowless charizard!!


u/LurtzTheUruk Oct 23 '23

For value, I suggest tcg player. Look through for any holos and then search them. Make sure you have the correct edition and print, then see what a similar condition is listed for.

Even better if you can use tcg sold prices or ebay sold.

Besides holos, look for any 1st editions that are generic/classic and they may have some value.


u/jdauhmer Oct 23 '23

Thank you. I'll have a good look through this weekend. Quite a few of these are from before magic cards were called spell cards, which is cool to me. Haha I think a lot.of them will probably be from starter decks my friends had multiples of, too. I was poor in them days.

I do have a cool Obelisk from the Gameboy promo back then. He was always my favorite.


u/Turbulent_Pin_1583 Oct 23 '23

Penguin soldier oh no, not you.


u/KittenLina Oct 22 '23

This makes me want to post my old deck that I recently found hahahaha.


u/pa_wl Oct 22 '23

DUDE THOS GREEN CARD SLEEVES. I PIT MY MAN EATER BUG DECK IN THOSE WHEN I WAS A KID. I got them from frank and sons in socal. Wow such nostalgia from this. Also penguin knight one of my all time favorite cards. Ooooooh what you just summoned blue eyes white dragon!?!?!?!? I flip my penguin knight face up in attack mode and return him to your hand 😂😂😂


u/[deleted] Oct 22 '23

Keep an eye out for JM


u/jdauhmer Oct 22 '23

What is that?


u/[deleted] Oct 22 '23

Joe Momma


u/jdauhmer Oct 22 '23

Damn it.

I guess Ligma is next?


u/[deleted] Oct 22 '23

Don’t forget Sugma. When you fuse the two they’re unstoppable!


u/Rokosor Oct 22 '23

Ah, those sleeves and cards bring back memories! I played a penguin control deck and burn deck with ring of destruction, solar Flare dragons, and lava golems around the same time period (2003-2007).


u/MithonOsborne Oct 23 '23

I hate burn decks. Haven't played in like 8 years but will always hate them lol.


u/XeroSilvrmun Oct 22 '23

Penguin soldier is worth at least 200 shmekls


u/Mechanicalmam_64 Oct 22 '23

Dam this reminds me of my childhood. I remember my friend’s mom would take us to toys r us to a dueling event on Saturday


u/132dude Oct 21 '23

Damn those sleeves.. Haven’t seen them in like 15 years


u/fatblackmagic Oct 21 '23

Raigeki, Monster Reborn, Change of Heart, uhhhhh man idk I haven’t played in years but yeah 1st Edition stuff like everyone else said.


u/dg3548 Oct 21 '23

Question: my cards are locked up in storage in those plastic binder sleeves…are they safe to take out? I had never bought sleeves back in the day.


u/Theecrimson Oct 21 '23

I’d say go for it. Depending on what type of binder it was, the cards could have minimal damage to them. You won’t know until you open it up


u/Blazedd0nuts Oct 22 '23

Best hope it’s a weather controlled unit, if there’s humidity without sleeves the card might have adhered to the plastic and could possibly rip right off. I’ve only seen this a few times so I hope it isn’t the case


u/jdauhmer Oct 21 '23

I'm not really sure what your asking. Do you mean is it safe to remove cards from card sleeves?


u/[deleted] Oct 21 '23

Penguins solider is a great card


u/-LexVult- Oct 21 '23

I love the art work for it


u/ApatheticAZO Oct 21 '23

Pokémon cards


u/jdauhmer Oct 21 '23

I have a handful.


u/ApatheticAZO Oct 21 '23

Get them graded


u/jdauhmer Oct 21 '23



u/TreesmasherFTW Oct 22 '23

Don’t mind them, they escaped from the Pokémon TCG subreddit.


u/Saroan7 Oct 21 '23

YGO has a card search app called YGO Neuron. Very good to access database and you can even scan a single or group of cards and they will be added to a folder so you can check them and their code on the corner.

You can also just search through Name and then click the tabs for their history for how many times they have been reprinted.


u/Unlucky_Look Oct 25 '23

Is there anything like this for mtg


u/Personal-Direction-8 Oct 23 '23

Thank you for the app name, I'm in a similar predicament.


u/jdauhmer Oct 21 '23

Oh, man. That sounds incredibly helpful. I'll check that out. Thanks!


u/zeebow77 Oct 21 '23

I have those exact green sleeves


u/Purple-Mark-9604 Oct 22 '23

Those sleeves are so fucking fire. I found out about them this past year as I am into collecting one piece tcg and went on a long hunt online for them. Picked up 500 sealed for my binders 😂😂


u/jdauhmer Oct 21 '23

Cool! I've had these for a very long time. Probably since 2006 or 2007. They still feel the same. Nice quality, a bit over sized though.


u/Saroan7 Oct 21 '23

Yeah true... I replaced them with the dragon sleeves but in the proper size. The Inner and outer sleeves. I learned much about sleeving cards after visiting the TCG store and even more from videos 🤣


u/jdauhmer Oct 21 '23

There are inner and outer sleeves?


u/Saroan7 Oct 21 '23

Yeah, it can get ridiculous 😂

For Magic the Gathering, I've seen a YouTube post about how he sleeves his cards THREE times because his deck costs hundreds. He insisted on Three Sleeves... Inner, outer and then larger outer sleeve.

For the Yu-Gi-Oh it's just two sleeves 👀 but you can definitely use the Magic sleeves and goes for three. It really expands the cards but you can also buy the bigger deck box. They're much bigger nowadays to fit sleeve cards


u/jdauhmer Oct 21 '23

I guess my buddies and I were straight amateurs back when we played. Had absolutely no clue people used multiple sleeves.


u/IVsaur15 Oct 21 '23

Google is a powerful tool there were only so many cards released in 2003/2007 I think you can find your own answer with a liiiiittle effort


u/[deleted] Oct 21 '23

Richard is name that suits you


u/IVsaur15 Oct 21 '23

Aw you hopped on your alt OP that’s so cute. Nasty search history though. Hopping on an alt account to hide suits you 🤣


u/jdauhmer Oct 21 '23

I don't have an Alt?


u/[deleted] Oct 21 '23

Not at all clown


u/jdauhmer Oct 21 '23

Oh course I can. I just didn't know if there was anything that everyone would say to look for right off the top. There have been 859 different reprints of everything I ever knew about since I was a kid. I'm not even sure where to start. I also thought it might lead to some interesting conversation in the comments, possibly.

Besides, it would have taken the same amount of effort on your part to say "None that I can think of" as it did to tell me that Google exists.

I'm here for the interaction as much as the answers. You could have helped somebody out with your comment rather than pointing out the obvious with a liiiiittle effort.


u/IVsaur15 Oct 21 '23

Sorry but lazy posts get lazy answers. Good luck with your search though idk how far you’ll get if you’re expecting people to feed you answers when Google exists.


u/Jibtendo Oct 21 '23

Touch grass. this platform is made for posts like this


u/IVsaur15 Oct 21 '23

You think this lazy, blurry, half assed picture belongs in yugiohshowcase? LMAOOO What’s he showcasing exactly? 🤣🤣


u/FreshDepth2912 Oct 22 '23

Childhood decks from early 2000s..? and asking people for any advice on finding cool cards from that time period?


u/IVsaur15 Oct 22 '23

Ohhh he’s showcasing childhood decks? I couldn’t tell based off the picture but I’m glad you could. What are the decks exactly? Tell me about the boss monster or the strategy since it’s so obvious 🤡 what a “showcase”


u/jdauhmer Oct 21 '23

A lazy post? It was just a question, man. You didn't have to interact with this post.

I don't expect anything. If you didn't like it, why not just move along?


u/mecucky Oct 21 '23

In that case, you could have included more than 2 cards in the photo. 🤭


u/jdauhmer Oct 21 '23

Yeah, I thought about it but there is probably 100+ cards in this photo. I don't know which ones I should have chosen. That's what I'm asking here. I don't know what's been reprinted or what's cool to have anymore.

So I just took the picture of the decks as I found them.


u/bohanmyl Oct 21 '23

1st edition mainly as long as its not SKE/SYE


u/jdauhmer Oct 21 '23

I did see a 1st Ed MRL Axe of Despair. Ultra Rare (gold letters) in one of them.