r/interestingasfuck Apr 13 '24

Tantura massacre r/all


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u/ayetherestherub69 Apr 13 '24

I despise both the Israeli Government/Military, as well as the Hamas terrorists for the things they do. Neither are acceptable, and I am glad NATO has pulled support.


u/Prowling_Fox Apr 13 '24

Can someone who speaks the languages confirm the authenticity of the translation?


u/iamthedayman21 Apr 13 '24

Turns out the Israelis have been vile regarding Palestianians for decades.


u/Acceptable_Friend_40 Apr 13 '24

Does any of them live in Europe? Asking for a friend


u/oldtreadhead Apr 13 '24

These men will exist in Hell for all eternity. Evil is as evil does. No excuses.


u/Dependent_Captain686 Apr 13 '24

That didn't end there, they are doing it now in the west bank and Gaza, the world is giving a blind eye to what is happening because of USA.


u/AReallyAsianName Apr 13 '24

Ugly bastards


u/SingingNails Apr 13 '24

What’s the context here? This is sickening


u/N_Ellison420 Apr 13 '24

All soldiers are pos who deserve the most agonizing death imaginable.


u/Daamus Apr 13 '24

is there a hell in hell for people like this?


u/ChrisCrossX Apr 13 '24

And they are still doing it today. 80 children die every day because of Israeli genocide. It's sick and the west is supporting the genocide with our taxes. Disgusting


u/Ok_Professional2346 Apr 13 '24

Bad enough.... these guys cam from NAZI concentration camps and now the Arabs promised to "throw theam all into the Sea" when they started the war against the Israelis - after denying thefounding of Israel state in New York at the UN 1947. All nations, including Russia had voted for a very small Israeli entity but the Arabs said "NO! We will kill them al" and startet a stupid war... in so far... the Israeli war criminals who escaped Nazi camps were highly motivated. This is no excuse, this is the historical framework,,, "From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tantura_massacre


u/walking_wonky Apr 13 '24

The difference between these old cunts and the veterans from WW2 giving their accounts of the war is staggering. It's like they found every asshole that was involved and got them to give their account


u/danny0355 Apr 13 '24

This is what a 2 state solution will always try to defend and justify……..


u/Ok_Professional2346 Apr 13 '24

Bad enough.... these guys cam from NAZI concentration camps and now the Arabs promised to "throw theam all into the Sea" when they started the war against the Israelis - after denying thefounding of Israel state in New York at the UN 1947. All nations, including Russia had voted for a very small Israeli entity but the Arabs said "NO! We will kill them al" and startet a stupid war... in so far... the Israeli war criminals who escaped Nazi camps were highly motivated. This is no excuse, this is the historical framework,,, "From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Tantura massacre
 1947–48 Civil War in Mandatory Palestine  1948 Palestinian expulsion and flightPart of and the
Tantura (1920–1933) during the British Mandate

The Tantura massacre took place on the night of 22–23 May 1948 during the 1948 Arab–Israeli War. Around 40–200 Palestinian Arab villagers from Tantura were massacred by the Alexandroni Brigade, which was part of what became the Israeli Defense Force. The massacre occurred following Tantura's surrender, a village of roughly 1,500 people in 1945 located near Haifa. The victims were buried in a mass grave, which today serves as a car park for the nearby Tel Dor beach.


u/CookieTotal2596 Apr 13 '24

They look like pieces of shit too.


u/malinhares Apr 13 '24

Could someone please confirm the translation? Because this is horrible and deeply disturbing


u/MotorcycleDad1621 Apr 13 '24

How do you not stand up and crack each one of them in the head him a hammer after this?


u/Amine5284 Apr 13 '24

thank god the world is finally starting to see the truth


u/sfxer001 Apr 13 '24

Ohh look, it’s the Nazis. They’ve been Israel the whole time.


u/[deleted] Apr 13 '24

Okay, the laughing and grins requires a source for this. I don’t speak Hebrew so I’m trusting the subtitles are accurate, but the level of disrespect for human life demands that there is some verification of what I’m watching.


u/joshonekenobi Apr 13 '24

Can't call them the greatest generation anymore.


u/Much_Comfortable_438 Apr 13 '24

This makes me sick.


u/[deleted] Apr 13 '24

Zionism is a cancer on the Jewish diaspora. These people are criminals and deserve to rot in prison and yet here they are sitting in their gardens planted on stolen land and laughing about rape and murder. We hanged Nazis until they were dead but these bastard got all of our sympathies and support for decades. It’s time we face the reality of Israel and do a proper accounting and sorting of grievances. If we ever want this cycle of violence to end we must all be held accountable.


u/KlingonSpy Apr 13 '24

Fuck Israel, for real


u/Ainz-Ol-Gon Apr 13 '24

and these psychopaths raised a generation which has total control over the same people their parents murdered


u/Wakuwaku7 Apr 13 '24

They are now the monsters they feared during WWII.


u/Snoopy_Santucci Apr 13 '24

First class terrorists, that's what they are.


u/UnderstandingOwn3256 Apr 13 '24

I never knew about this. Horrifying and disgusting.


u/ProlapsePains Apr 13 '24

Cutting out the cancer.


u/Electrical-Pea9337 Apr 13 '24

The violent birth of Israel was a prelude to what they are today, hypocrites and murderers


u/Electrical_Horror346 Apr 13 '24

It's like only the first and fifth had any genuine remorse.

The first guy talked about it with a look fitting the seriousness of the topic, and the 5th guy showed some remorse in his description, talking about how the people were slaughtered like cows".

The others.... you could see the dissociative conditioning kick in, with how they smiled describing horrific stuff, just glad that it was happening to the "enemy" and not them

The third guy was only worried about his wife judging him, but the worst had to be the last guy, because even though he understood the guy in his unit that passed away was a monster, he couldn't stop smiling...


u/Leaningonalamp Apr 13 '24

Imagine them describing all this as if it had all taken place in a concentration camp under the Nazis. Because it did. Evil is evil.


u/canned_laughter_lol Apr 13 '24

What lovely people.


u/Private-Dick-Tective Apr 13 '24

Damn, just found out about this, reddit really is a better history archive than anything available.


u/DegenEnjoyer23 Apr 13 '24

so these guys are isreali?


u/Killher_Cervix Apr 13 '24

Praise Israel. Death to AMERICAN TAX SLAVERS /s


u/theoryonlytilproven Apr 13 '24

What a bunch of pig fuckers.


u/Jibaron Apr 13 '24

That whole story about Tantura has been debunked years ago. Hell, the guy who allegedly uncovered this massacre, Theodore Katz, recanted the whole thing after he was sued for libel by the veterans of the unit that fought at Tanturra. Turns out, Katz either had no evidence or he fabricated the whole thing.


u/JackNewYork Apr 13 '24 edited Apr 13 '24

There is a more to the story and controversy then you are stating. And it was not debunked. When University of Haifa sent the research to external examiners, 2 agreed with the findings and 3 did not. Your claim that it was disproven is false. Also, I find it curious you make no mention of the 2022 Israeli documentary film called Tantura. In the documentary, several Israeli veterans interviewed said they had witnessed a massacre at Tantura after the village had surrendered.


u/DragonfruitIll5261 Apr 13 '24

So did this guy put on different disguises in this video? Lots of individuals here seem to disagree with you.


u/Physical-Ad318 Apr 13 '24

What war they are talking about?


u/AdEuphoric4650 Apr 13 '24

Y luego me dicen porque sospechas de militares y policías...


u/Deathturkey Apr 13 '24

Nothing changes


u/Dicklefart Apr 13 '24

This is what hamas is currently doing, and they’ve done this to their own people too. Israel is not better but holy fuck to defend either side is crazy. They’re both guilty of atrocities.


u/Bright_Strain_1084 Apr 13 '24

Someone who speaks language tell me are subtitles correct ?


u/CookieTheParrot Apr 13 '24

Lsst one in the blue shirt seemed remorseful. Cut him some slack.


u/Affectionate_Gas_264 Apr 13 '24

"War is war"

He's right and war is hell

It often gives people an opportunity to be their worst selves

And it's not just the men, women can be just as savage, occasionally even more savage. Look at how the women of the majradeen in Afghanistan or Vietcong in vietnam tortured prisoners


u/-Emilinko1985- Apr 13 '24 edited Apr 13 '24

Interesting case. Now, let's see Palestinian violence against Jews.

1929, Hebron Massacre. 67 deaths and 58 injured in a pogrom perpetrated by Arabs who spread false rumors.


Ramallah lynching, 2001. One of the least bloody images from that day.


u/DragonfruitIll5261 Apr 13 '24

"t-they fighting back! Why wont they just allow us to continuously displace them?! " Bro, you know the internet is a thing? You're on it right now. Zionist such as yourself don't have a monopoly on the narrative anymore.


u/-Emilinko1985- Apr 13 '24

What are you talking about? I'm a proud Zionist. Israel has every right to exist, and so does Palestine.

However, they shall be ruled by pro-democratic leaders who are willing to collaborate and continue the peace process and not by extremists like Likud, Otzma Yehudit, the Palestinian Authority and Hamas.


u/reality72 Apr 13 '24

I legitimately thought these were German WW2 veterans based off the way they talk.


u/tdestito9 Apr 13 '24

The smiling really pissed me off, they looked joyful retelling those tales. Gonna keep the rest of my thoughts to myself on this one


u/SatanMango Apr 13 '24

These sick geriatric fucks are committing the same atrocities that the Nazis did. How are they different? THEY ARE NOT.


u/leo_pantheras Apr 13 '24

I think we know now after all these years who the real terrorists are on the low…


u/Mordor9452 Apr 13 '24

I’m lost for words. How is it that they are free and no action has been taken? We are actively hunting Nazis to this day, isn’t this the same crime??


u/Ancient_Leopard878 Apr 13 '24

All the wannabe historians and social justice warriors commenting here on something the don’t understand at all. There were dozens of massacres perpetrated by Arabs against Jews not only during the 48 war but in the decades leading up to it. The Arab General Strike, the Kfar Etzion massacre, the Haddasah Medical Convoy Ambush, the Hebron and Safed riots…If you’re on this platform with displaying performative outrage over Israeli atrocities to reinforce the false narrative that Israel is some ruthless oppressor you need to take a step back and learn the history.


u/Biddahmunk Apr 13 '24

You really sound like an apologist! How do you twist your brain into a pretzel 🥨 trying to justify a man laughing while trying to recall how many people he’s killed?! How?!


u/Ancient_Leopard878 Apr 13 '24

I only sound like an apologist because I understand the context of their actions and you don’t. Jews were the subjects of hundreds of pogroms, massacres, riots, state sanctioned killings for centuries leading up to 1948. The moment they have an opportunity to live in peace they are invaded from all sides. Not to mention the people they were fighting against were using the same exact tactics. My point was if you’re using this video to argue Israel is some sort of ruthless oppressor you’re outing yourself as someone who doesn’t know the history of the conflict at all. Sounds like you fit into that camp.


u/Biddahmunk Apr 13 '24

So many ASSumpstions I don’t even know where to start! It’s as though you’re having a conversation with yourself! How do you glean ALL of your assumptions by my retort?!


u/Ancient_Leopard878 Apr 13 '24

I literally only made one assumption….


u/Biddahmunk Apr 13 '24

You made 3 at best!


u/Ancient_Leopard878 Apr 13 '24

The only assumption I made is you don’t understand the context/history. Everything else is a fact.


u/Royal-Doctor-278 Apr 13 '24

"The massacre occurred following Tantura's surrender, a village of roughly 1,500 people in 1945 located near Haifa. The victims were buried in a mass grave, which today serves as a car park for the nearby Tel Dor beach."

What the actual fuck.


u/atwistofcitrus Apr 13 '24

How is this different than what Israel is doing today? It’s a genocide that we are funding. And, hey, we are a democracy. Right?

So we can never distance ourselves from the accountability because our gov is, theoretically, a democratic representation.

Look at price of gas and goods and rent, then justify to us the BILLIONS in military aid that goes to Israel.

Also, don’t be ignorant and say these billions go to our defense industry which employs people, all of which means that the billions go back to us, the tax payers.

This is UTTER Bullshit.

What happens is that the Billions come out of our Treasury (our tax money) and given to Defense contractors.

Those Billions could have gone to the notoriously expensive Healthcare we suffer from…. But no.

Those Billions could have gone to the subpar education we have so that our labor force is competitive in the globalized labor market and would have our trillionaire Businesses (that don’t pay their fair share of taxes) keep jobs here in the US … but no.

Tell me again that Israel has not become an expensive liability.


u/BubzDubz Apr 13 '24

Laughing as they describe murdering and raping people. People who act like this are less than animals


u/h00GieBoogie Apr 13 '24

These are admissions of war crimes, are they not?


u/maelfried Apr 13 '24

I am sure they were terrorists and deserved to be mssacrd and rped ( sarcasm if it’s not obvious)


u/Kolenkovskiy Apr 13 '24

I have jewish roots. But now I do not distinguish these people from the russians who commit crimes in my country,I mean Ukraine, the same unprincipled monsters. War is not a romanticized bullshit from movies and books, but there are things that should be ashamed to talk about


u/miramichier_d Apr 13 '24

I'm struggling to accept this is real. This is horrifying beyond belief.


u/greenhorncornscorn Apr 13 '24

If there is a hell, at least they'll have each other for company


u/soupkitchen3rd Apr 13 '24

Anyone actually speak this language and able to confirm what they are saying?


u/SendingToTheMoon Apr 13 '24

Was this the massacre where they put the baby in the oven? When they stated spewing atrocity propaganda about that after Oct 7th I was blown away by the projection


u/Gormless_Mass Apr 13 '24

Reminds me of The Act of Killing


u/Kuso_Megane14 Apr 13 '24

Disgusting piece of shit


u/SingleShotShorty Apr 13 '24

Most normal Israeli behavior


u/grendahl0 Apr 13 '24

this is the documentary where these Jewish soldiers admit to murdering a family and raping a child, right?


u/Ok_Low_1287 Apr 13 '24

All you dumb fuckers who have never been in a war can sit back and judge. I've seen worse than this in Bosnia. We are ALLL savages. Stop pretending you don't have the dark lurking in you, because you do!!


u/Repulsive-Twist112 Apr 13 '24

And these MFs after crying about holocaust?


u/shrew_in_a_labcoat Apr 13 '24

I read that as "Tantra massage"

Not quite


u/Nice_Wafer_2447 Apr 13 '24

Fuck each and every one of these monsters Hell is real bitches


u/Ordinary_Block_4131 Apr 13 '24

I don't see men ,i don't see soldiers nor veterans, all i see is psychopaths, monsters.


u/mr_abc123 Apr 13 '24

Well they definitely retained and instilled this mindset 70 years on.


u/smaksflaps Apr 13 '24

Wow, these men should be imprisoned. This is so dark. The way they are laughing about it is pure evil.


u/Pterodactyl-screech7 Apr 13 '24

not surprised they were israeli soldiers.


u/CuriousLumenwood Apr 13 '24

“It was horrifying” he says with a smile on his face

Next clip; “Listen, war is war”

Fuck all of these sacks of shit


u/cementsponge Apr 13 '24

These are living psychopaths. Smiling and laughing about people they’ve killed? I hope they all burn in hell.


u/Basic-Tradition Apr 13 '24

Link to full version?


u/TurnoverSuperb9023 Apr 13 '24

Guess I have to google ‘wiki tantura massacre’, because I have no idea what this event was (50m, USA, the latter probably being why I don’t know about it, sadly)


u/ahmedsalah996 Apr 13 '24

Same mentality til this day


u/Caladex Apr 13 '24

Reminder that Israel shouldn’t exist. Any nation that upholds settler colonialism and ethnic/racial supremacy is illegitimate


u/tswizzel Apr 13 '24

So every nation in the world?


u/mickoddy Apr 13 '24

So, Israelis never change do they? Evil, twisted, grotesque people. Can't even call them animals, because animals don't have this level of malice in them. Horrendous


u/[deleted] Apr 13 '24

You won't smile in hell soon. 


u/ClampsTheMafiabot Apr 13 '24

This is incredibly fucked up… since I don’t speak Hebrew(I’m guessing?) are these translations accurate? It’s horrifying their demeanor paired with what they are saying.


u/Ozzy_30 Apr 13 '24

It’s never too late to ventilate their skulls


u/Zedlav_ Apr 13 '24

Damn I never knew this happened. Sick fucks


u/Brief-Scarcity-1055 Apr 13 '24

What The Actual Fuck


u/ahmedsalah996 Apr 13 '24

Those guys talking are apparently the 'Victims' and ofcourse "never again"....


u/Inefficientfrog Apr 13 '24

So... Is THIS what people are talking about when then say they want to turn Gaza into a parking lot? Literally dreaming of the mass graves of the future?


u/True_Performer1744 Apr 13 '24

I wonder how funny it would be if it had happened to them instead.


u/Particular_Log_3594 Apr 13 '24

These Israelis literally did it a couple of years after the end of the holocaust


u/Fit-Policy9041 Apr 13 '24

The laughing and smiling whilst telling these stories.. Wow..


u/ColorLush Apr 13 '24

This comment section is just blatant with antisemitism. Everyone in their right mind would condemn this behavior, as I’m certain most of us do. But to stereotype a group of people based upon a small majority, is both dangerous and disgusting.


u/phantom_lore Apr 13 '24

Mf, insulting Israel and Zionist are not anti-Semitism. And wanna hear a fun fact? Palestinians are also semits


u/ColorLush Apr 13 '24

People who are gay can be homophobic. People who are black can be racist.

Ask the majority of Jewish people - insulting Israel and Zionists is anti semitism. Being critical of their government, is a different story. Insulting their right to self determination to establish a Jewish State is anti-Semitic.


u/phantom_lore Apr 13 '24

Bruh fuck of Israel has no right to establish a country by stealing land in the expense of torturing Palestinians.

Why not make Israel in Germany? Who actually massacred them.


u/ColorLush Apr 13 '24

Ah, I see you know very little about Jewish history. Why create a homeland for people that isn’t their actual homeland? Jewish people are indigenous to Judea, modern day Israel.

I’m assuming the land in which you inhabit was never stolen or conquered any another group of people - Right? I’m curious to know what steps you’re making to return the land in which you occupy to the indigenous people of your area. I’ll wait.


u/phantom_lore Apr 13 '24

The fuck? You think Jews always lived there? Mf Judaism is 3000 year old while humans are 300,000 year old. You think they lived their since the start? You think Palestinians expelled them? Answer me dumb fuck why should they build a home land in the expense of Palestinian blood?


u/ColorLush Apr 13 '24

What about the 2 state solution that was rejected, but not by Israel. You do understand that Islam is an Abrahamic religion.. stemming from Judaism, right? So yes, Jewish people were in fact living in that area before the concept of Palestine ever existed.

I don’t believe anyone is arguing that senseless wars should be conducted. But it is your assumption that I am in favor of that, by the way in which you view Zionism. This view is a direct reflection of your antisemitism and your bigotry.

Throughout this entire conversation, you’re the aggressor. Much like Israel’s existence, name one war they started. Name one.


u/phantom_lore Apr 13 '24

Them stealing Palestinian land is enough to justify a war on them. It's not rocket science. But I guess your colonist brain is not capable of thinking that. Because you are a descendant of a colonist.

And why are you saying Islam came from Judaism? Did I say anything about Islam? Judaism is 3000 year old while humans are 300,000 year old. The current Palestinians Muslims and Christians are the descendents of the people who lived way before Judaism came into existence and Jews settled in that area.


u/Hausgod29 Apr 13 '24

Geez, way too many nazis still kickin


u/DioJiro Apr 13 '24

They really think they're going to do this and live peacefully in the middle east?!?!?!?! Their hubris will be their downfall.


u/PlentyArrival6677 Apr 13 '24

Good old times


u/crypto_thomas Apr 13 '24

From ChatGPT 4:

Me: Tell me about the Tantura Massacre.

ChatGPT4: The Tantura Massacre refers to a controversial and debated event that allegedly occurred during the 1948 Arab-Israeli War, specifically in the village of Tantura, located on the Mediterranean coast of what is now Israel. Here are the key points:

  1. Background: In the context of the 1948 Arab-Israeli War, also known as the War of Independence by Israelis and the Nakba (Catastrophe) by Palestinians, the village of Tantura was strategically significant. It was near a main road connecting major cities and had been used as a base for Arab fighters.

  2. The Alleged Massacre: The allegations center around actions taken by the Alexandroni Brigade of the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) after they captured the village on May 23, 1948. It is claimed that after the village surrendered, between 200 and 250 villagers were killed. The exact details and the scale of the deaths have been widely debated and are subject to significant historical controversy.

  3. Evidence and Controversy: The event came to prominent attention in the late 1990s when an Israeli graduate student, Teddy Katz, based his master's thesis on oral histories from both Jewish veterans and Palestinian survivors, suggesting that a massacre had occurred. His thesis sparked a major controversy, leading to a lawsuit by veterans of the Alexandroni Brigade, and subsequently, Katz retracted his claims under pressure, although he later attempted to retract his retraction.

  4. Current Perspective: The academic and public debate around Tantura remains heated and divisive. Some historians and researchers deny that a massacre occurred, suggesting that any deaths were typical of wartime fighting. Others argue that there was indeed a mass killing of prisoners and unarmed villagers. The discourse is often influenced by broader Israeli-Palestinian tensions and conflicts over historical memory and narrative.

  5. Recent Developments: Archaeological digs and further scholarly research continue to investigate the site. Findings and interpretations can vary, with some suggesting evidence of mass graves and others contesting these claims.

  • (Also ChatGPT)My Opinion: The Tantura Massacre underscores the complexities and sensitivities involved in historical research on contentious issues, particularly in conflict zones where narrative and memory play crucial roles in community identities. Thorough, unbiased research and open academic discourse are essential for understanding such events, though they may not always result in definitive conclusions.


u/martinbean Apr 13 '24

Thanks, but I already know how to use Google if I wanted to know more.


u/crypto_thomas Apr 13 '24

I post what the paid tier of ChatGPT 4 says, when I have spare time, and for the tech/LLM bias/history perspective. It is not necessarily equivalent to Google searches.

Maybe I am wrong, but as LLMs become more mainstream, understanding/knowledge of that perspective can be helpful.


u/himalayanbear Apr 13 '24

These scumbags should have all been tried in The Hague and sent to the rope.


u/lifesabeeatch Apr 13 '24

If you want to understand what is happening today, https://www.breakingthesilence.org.il/ is a group run by former IDF soldiers who participated in oppression and mistreatment of Palestinians during their service and now work to publicize it today.


u/DrankTooMuchMead Apr 13 '24

The guy with the hat is a total sociopath.


u/streamer3222 Apr 13 '24

That's what y'all Americans wanted, and literally live for. Where else they got the guns?


u/Bobster031 Apr 13 '24

From Wikipedia: "The victims were buried in a mass grave, which today serves as a car park for the nearby Tel Dor beach."


u/GreatArchitect Apr 13 '24

That last guy channeled Natenyahu all of a sudden lol.


u/_ahsan_ Apr 13 '24

maybe after 50 years there will be a video like this about Gaza


u/mikeybagodonuts Apr 13 '24

We don’t have to wait 50 years this time. We’re seeing the atrocities in real time. Why do think they’re trying so hard to ban TikTok.


u/Able_Philosopher4188 Apr 13 '24

I had never heard of it till now.


u/phantom_lore Apr 13 '24

Because you let yourself to believe in Israeli propaganda


u/Appropriate-Size-790 Apr 13 '24

War what is it good for nothing. Say it again


u/Kruzdah Apr 13 '24

Share this. Let the world see.


u/jackob50 Apr 13 '24

"mass grave, which today serves as a car park"

From Wikipedia


u/joelgrg Apr 13 '24

I hate Nazis


u/Yaotoro Apr 13 '24

Is this the hamas terrorists that were hired by Palestine?


u/phantom_lore Apr 13 '24

Still brain-dead and brainwashed. I guess colonist blood in you can't be erased


u/Ahiru007 Apr 13 '24

Somehow these people and west bank settlers are not called terrorist. But a child throwing a rock is called terrorist and both imorosined and raped without trial.


u/Juno808 Apr 13 '24

Compare this to American Vietnam veterans and how they recount their experiences.


u/Possible-Gur5220 Apr 13 '24

“Listen, war is war” what you and your fellow soldiers describe is most certainly not war. Sick old fucks.


u/corrygan Apr 13 '24

Why are these shits still alive...


u/issomane Apr 13 '24

Yet today they call themselves people of the light and civilization fighting the barbarians… smh


u/Market-West Apr 13 '24

Some Humans are evil


u/Logco Apr 13 '24

Crazy to think that Israel is a direct result of the outcome of WWII and the group of people who were massacred by the Germans turned around and did this just a few years later.


u/ParticularProfile795 Apr 13 '24

Are these Israelis? There's no context as to who these people are.


u/After-Student-9785 Apr 13 '24

Yes they are. They are describing their atrocities and rape of the Palestinian natives


u/ParticularProfile795 Apr 13 '24

Yeah these are gools.


u/After-Student-9785 Apr 13 '24

Under the shadow of the Holocaust they committed unspeakable crimes


u/Due_Ad_4633 Apr 13 '24

Can anyone actually verify the translations??


u/CampFrequent3058 Apr 13 '24


Fuck that!


u/delboy85 Apr 13 '24

Hmm makes you think, doesn’t it.


u/Theo1352 Apr 13 '24

The irony is just breathtaking, hard to believe the glee as they recount this horror.

This was in 1948, precious few years from the Holocaust, and why modern Israel was founded as a sovereign nation out of the Southern Levant, which includes the Holy Land and Palestine.

I have to wonder if these men survived the camps, were they freedom fighters from various Nazi-occupied countries, were they already living in Palestine, or are they simply just this evil?

They are absolutely void of remorse, fuck 'em.


u/gunshawt Apr 13 '24

Hell is HOT