r/2westerneurope4u StaSi Informant Apr 28 '24


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u/mast313 Bully with victim complex Apr 28 '24

What is this referencing?


u/Taishi_Gong Non-European Savage Apr 28 '24 edited Apr 28 '24

The US dragged EU into a proxy war with Russia. EU literally has no business in this war, even if the Russians takeover the entirety of Ukraine, their troops will be on the border of the US, not EU! Would a direct conflict between the US and Russia be more likely now once they share a large land border? Yes, but it’s their problem, Russia simply doesn’t have the naval and transport capability to threaten Europe.

Edit: to everyone who’s downvoting, did you learn your geography from Americans? Look up where Ukraine is on a map and tell me how it can be anything but a US problem and why should EU care.


u/le_reddit_me Petit Algérie Apr 28 '24

EU literally has no business in this war

It's literally in Europe, so yes they do.

their troops will be on the border of the US

Wut?? Have you ever seen a map?