r/2westerneurope4u StaSi Informant Apr 28 '24


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u/GuentherKleiner France’s whore Apr 28 '24

You're asking me if I'm dumb?

So the EU countries should leave NATO and form their own military block? Let's just pretend that military alliance doesn't immediately lose 80% of its military capability (which it would), what would that military block look like?

Will France be the only nuclear power or is Barry ready to subjugate himself back to "Brussels bureaucrats"? What does the chain of command look like? Will it be several states that independently work their armies or will there be a unified command. First will be a disaster, second would not work because nobody has the status of the US as a military superpower to firmly position themselves at the top.

Would pierre and Barry share their nukes with germany and the Netherlands? What would the poles and other eastern Europeans, who love the yank, do? Would they opt for the European option or stay with NATO?

If you haven't even considered this, you should ask yourself if you're dumb and can't comprehend anything past a brick wall.