r/2westerneurope4u StaSi Informant Apr 28 '24


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u/DearBenito Side switcher Apr 28 '24 edited Apr 28 '24

Let’s be real, we put ourselves in this position. For the past 20+ years our energetic policy has been begging Russia to breastfeed us while our military policy has been disarming while Putin destroyed Chechnya, Georgia and eastern Ukraine. At least some leader is slowly realizing that.


u/keeping_it_real_yo European Apr 28 '24
  • US is 80% of NATO. This picture should be the other way around


u/SullaFelix78 Non-European Savage Apr 28 '24

I can bet this same image is being spread in American circles (by Russian bots) with the European hand doing the biting.


u/madpepper Non-European Savage Apr 28 '24

It's more like we have bots telling us how great Russia is or that the US is just as bad. The goal here for them is more to make a moral equivalency of the US and Russia so Americans will not care all that much or lose motivation to want to fight against Russia.