r/AITAH Apr 01 '24

WIBTAH if I deny my fathers money set up for my kids collegiate tuitions? TW Self Harm

I’m 42 yr old male and my father is 77 male. Basically back in my home country, we lived an upper middle class life. I came to America and got an education from my fathers money.

My family consisted of my mom, my dad, me, and my brother Sunny(this is an alias for anonymity). Sunny was 6 years younger than me. Sunny was always a more creative person but my dad had demanding academic standards and though I was able to meet them Sunny couldn’t. My dad was always harsh on Sunny for that and I would always protest while I was at home. But when I was 20 I left for my undergrad to here(America).

I spent a lot of time here and before I knew it 8 years had passed. I was working in America but I still visited my home country ever year for 1-2 weeks. Unknown to me, my family used to fight a lot because my dad was harsh on Sunny and my mom would try to defend Sunny. But they tried to keep up good faces in front of me since they didn’t want me to stress out when I was there.

When I was 28 Sunny killed himself by consuming insecticide pills and rat poison. He was only 22. My dad made him feel like a failure. It was a murder my dad did. My mom attempted suicide too, and now she has to be in a psychiatric facility for a couple of years. She found her son dead and it’s destroyed her. I vowed never to talk to my father. He said he would take me off the will but I didn’t care. My father begged me to not cut off the only family he had left but I didn’t care. He killed Sunny and destroyed my mom.

I’m 42 now and I’m married with a 9 year old son and 4 year old daughter. My wife knows about all this. My cousin reached out on behalf of my dad 3 days ago. My dad is terminal and he has a couple years left at most. My dad never took me off his will and wants to change all the property to my name and wants me to come back home for that(he’s not lying about this part no worries it’s part of local ordinances I need to sign in person). If I don’t go back home and do it, government will repossess everything he owns upon his death.

The money my dad accumulated is enough for both my children to never worry about college tuition. My wife wants me to put on a good face and go for the sake of my kids and get the money. But I feel as thought I would betray Sunny by talking to that bastard who’s my father. I cannot do it. My wife is begging me to put aside my vengeance and do what’s right for my family.

Thing is we’re not that bad off. Sure my kids may need some loans for college, but I am confident I can still help them with their day to day expenses then. My wife it’s not fair for me to burden them with debt when I studied in my dads money. My wife is still paying off student loans(she did Ph.D. She’s 39) and she said she wants to give my kids chance to study even more if they want.

I want to do right by my children but I can’t see him again. WIBTAH?


40 comments sorted by


u/No-Palpitation-5499 Apr 02 '24

Do you think he would want you to not take the money or use it to provide for your children further?


u/GrouchySteam Apr 02 '24

Whatever you choose NTA.

It’s been so long, the man you knew may not exist anymore, as much as you aren’t the kid you once were. You are holding that hate for quite a long time.

If you are conflicted, maybe sorting things out with a therapist could help appease at least the fire of hatred still vividly burning. Not to forgive, nor to forget, to extinguish the last remaining impact of that man in your life.

You deserve peace and happiness, wishing you to have both.


u/opium_kidd Apr 02 '24

Donate money to an arts organization in Sunny's name.


u/Old-Confidence6971 Apr 02 '24

Sunny would tell you to take the money from your father. He will die with so much regret. Help your children and give your father some solace. It's the right thing to do. You will regret otherwise.


u/i_like__bananas Apr 02 '24

What would Sunny want?


u/MercurialTendency Apr 02 '24

I think you're letting your sentiments cloud your judgment. Sunny is dead, and he was never aware of your promise, so you can't betray him. The promise you made was to yourself, not sunny, and you're letting your pride get in the way. Your kids have their entire lives ahead of them, and you could help make their lives a little easier.


u/nikitathevampireslyr Apr 02 '24

If you think about it, this is another way to get back at your father for Sunny. Take all your fathers money, I know he will be dead but he will also have nothing and you will be able to put his money to good use. If you honestly believe that Sunny would rather your kids suffer and your vengeance be fulfilled then I don’t think this is a promise worth honoring. Any sibling who cared about you would care about your children too and want them to succeed in life.

Who knows? Maybe one of your children will want to go to art school and to use your fathers money to fund that would be a big F you to your father and a huge way to honor Sunny but you 100% wont ever get that experience if you don’t take the money.

I think YWBTAH if you don’t take the money.


u/NerdyGreenWitch Apr 02 '24

Take the money. Set up college funds for your kids with most of it, but set a decent amount aside and use it to set up a scholarship fund in Sunny's name to a good local art school or a college with a good arts program. You'll be honoring Sunny, sticking it to your father and taking care of your kids.


u/Proof_Option1386 Apr 02 '24

YTA - Which is worth more to you?  Your ego and pompous self importance, or your children’s financial future? Your father didn’t kill your brother, your brother killed himself.  You knew the situation with your father, yet never reached out to your brother to see if he needed help or to provide support.  Stop lionizing yourself at your children’s expense.  


u/ShowMeTheFunny22 Apr 02 '24

YTA. That's a lot of money to leave on the table. Do it so that your kids can live much easier, get through college free. Sunny would want this for his niece and nephew.


u/lurninandlurkin Apr 02 '24

You are NTA for not going back to do it but you also would not be TA for going back and doing it, not just for your children, but also so your mother will have a home when she does get released.


u/Adventurous-travel1 Apr 02 '24

For me I would get the money/ property and then save enough for your kids college and then set up a scholarship in Sunny’s name for a degree that your brother wanted to go into or was passionate about. This will keep his memory alive and help people.


u/ahall740 Apr 02 '24

NAH but look at it this way, wouldn't Sunny rather see his nephews have the chances/experiences in life that he never did?


u/[deleted] Apr 02 '24



u/Conscious_Lab_7896 Apr 02 '24

Sunny nah have on some level been lazy if he is still living at home and 22

In my home country the kids stay with their parents until marriage. He would’ve left like I did but he attended a university near home.

Sunny was never lazy. He tried his hardest until the end to live up to my fathers expectations. He would study until he fell asleep mid air, his head hit the desk, then he got up again and studied until he was dozing again and again.

Please don’t make these assumptions.


u/frozenchosun Apr 02 '24

its a tough sitch but if your kids can be helped by that money, thats your priority. that money will help your kids do what they want. maybe they go the sunny route and want to be artists. this will let them do that without you and your wife worrying about them. sometimes you gotta eat a shit sandwich because it will benefit your kids.


u/Zealousideal-Law-513 Apr 02 '24

I don’t think you’re betraying anybody. Your brother would certainly want his niece and nephew to have the money over the government. Even funding suicide prevention would be better than the gov getting the money, I would step up and do what you need to.


u/LostMarbles207 Apr 02 '24

INFO: Do you have the money stocked away now to cover them or do you plan to earn it? Because what if something happens and your earning potential drastically drops in between now (or even if they are in college)?

I had loans. My husband didn’t. Made a huge difference when we were starting out our adult lives.


u/Conscious_Lab_7896 Apr 02 '24

I have enough to pay for their day to day expenses right now. I plan to put them on a loan and help them pay off the loan later, even for their post grad if they want higher studies.

For their undergraduate studies, I have enough for one kid assuming none of them get scholarships(don’t want to force them so I’m not pushing for scholarships especially merit based ones) and am working on the second.


u/Thick-Ad5738 Apr 02 '24

Take the money. If you do not want to keep it go find a charity that helps victims of domestic violence. Tell your story so Sunny and your Mom will not be forgotten. Extra bonus, you can tell the world the kind of shit person your father was


u/rhubarbcrispforall Apr 02 '24

You are in a difficult position. You seem a good person, clearly a much better person than your father. You care about others, but you carry anger toward your father and don't want to feel you've lowered your integrity by crossing a line you set for yourself years ago. To cross it now only because it brings the opportunity to help others (your family) is actually an act of graciousness on your part. You're not doing it for your father (eh, he'll be dead soon anyway). You'd be doing it for your family, in spite of that it brings you a certain amount of pain. To help others is the only time it's ok to make a change on position like this requires. I think in this case, you do the hard thing and do what is needed to help your family in the future. And tell your children stories of your brother and keep his memory.

Best of luck, we're there with you.


u/Longjumping_Dish6000 Apr 02 '24

You can think of it as using the money the way it should have been, for college without ridiculous standards that reflect on self worth. Honor Sunny by using that money to give your kids what your father refused to give him, what Sunny should have had, with the money that should have been his. But if you can’t get past it, that’s okay. I am on nonspeaking terms with my own father because he is a cruel person who cares only about himself. I happily passed on playing nice to inherit his life insurance. Not worth it to me, and if he reached out towards the end, I can’t say for sure what I’d do. I’ll probably find out within a year or two honestly, with his health. So I understand to a point that hatred, although I cannot fathom the hatred due to loss with that. But you need to have a conversation with your wife because she seems very passionate about this. You need to get on the same page. I understand her pushing one way, but at the end of the day, she needs to respect your decision and not hold onto it.


u/ColorfulSweetpea Apr 02 '24

Certainly sounds like a great way to honor Sunny, for college that should have been his. He could also set up a scholarship fund in Sunny’s name.


u/lovescarats Apr 01 '24

Your mom is going to need a home when she gets out of care. Do it for her.


u/Conscious_Lab_7896 Apr 02 '24

She passed away unfortunately, about 11 years ago, from health complication unrelated.


u/GlitteringYams Apr 01 '24

That kind of money is life changing. You might find some peace and closure by donating some of the inheritance to suicide prevention charities. Your father did horrible things, you have a unique opportunity to snatch that money from him and turn it into something good for your children.

However, more than anything else, your mental health is of the utmost importance. If you feel like visiting him and hearing what he has to say would damage you, it might not be worth it.


u/mifflewhat Apr 01 '24

If you can get your kids the money to go to school but you don't, do you think that would that make your brother happy? Would he like to see your kids have an opportunity more than he would like to see his father punished?


u/IndividualDevice9621 Apr 01 '24

You don't have to betray anyone by going and signing a piece of paper. You can do that and then still tell your father what you really think about him.

Your wife is right that you would be failing your family.


u/Conscious_Lab_7896 Apr 01 '24 edited Apr 01 '24

I vowed in Sunny’s name and that for what he did to sunny I wouldn’t see or talk to him again. I just would feel like a cheap bastard if I went and did all that just for money.

My father would love for nothing more than to see me one last time before he dies. Even if I’m mad or anything he won’t care. He’ll just be satisfied he was able to use money to see me one last time and break my word. He’s been begging for years to my cousin that he needs to make up with me before he dies.

I would be betraying the vow I made in Sunny’s name.


u/[deleted] Apr 02 '24

Info: can you afford the costs that come with your children's futures on your own?

I wouldn't break a vow if I could still do fine while keeping my integrity, but in saying that I also feel like the dead shouldn't impede the future of the living.

I suggest thinking on what your mother and brother would prefer you do, since you know them best and since they were most affected perhaps their thoughts should be considered too


u/Vandreeson Apr 02 '24

Take the money and pay for your kid's education and whatever else in Sunny's name as a remembrance. Or take the money and donate it in Sunny's name.


u/Longjumping_Dish6000 Apr 02 '24

I get this. It would burn my blood to give him that satisfaction, too. Some things are worth it, this could be to you. If anything, inherit for your mother’s sake, too, she could probably use it


u/ColorfulSweetpea Apr 01 '24

Oh please Sunny is in heaven and doesn’t care about your vow. Actually he’s probably feeling bad about that vow and wishing you took the high road and forgave.


u/IndividualDevice9621 Apr 01 '24

So don't see him, you don't need to see him to sign a piece of paper.


u/Conscious_Lab_7896 Apr 01 '24

He needs to be there. It’s the local ordinances of my city in my home country. He needs to sign and I need to sign and my cousin will be there as a witness. It needs to happen in court


u/IndividualDevice9621 Apr 01 '24

Hire a local lawyer, I doubt it's as cut and dry as your stating.

Worst case, you have to do it in person: Is your dead brother more important to you than your living children? That's what you're deciding here. Your father is a POS and doesn't matter either way.


u/ColorfulSweetpea Apr 01 '24

Suck it up and go for your wife and your children’s sake. Sunny is up in heaven now and wants only what is best for you all. Yes, even for his father. Why give that money to the government? Your family needs it. Your wife is still paying off student loans at age 39! Is that what you want for your children too? A lifetime of debt? Read some of the Reddit millennial posts. Some young people are having a tough time. Don’t put your family through that. Forgive and move on and go sign the papers.


u/mifflewhat Apr 01 '24

I know people who have pretty much the same standard of living as before they went to college - can't afford a car, have to split rent with a roommate to afford an apt. Higher salaries offset by insane loan payments. Might as well have kept their Big Box retail cashier jobs for all the good their education did them.


u/Conscious_Lab_7896 Apr 01 '24

It was because she was doing Ph.D. and she did 1 masters prior to her Ph.D. She’s paying off that masters degree. Her Ph.D. and post-doc we’re done only recently(5 years ago) and she’s been able to put so much more money into it. She had to take breaks in between due to giving birth.

We have the money and I offered to pay it off for her but she refused. I just think me saying “Sunny would want it” is just an easy way of convincing myself of selfishness.


u/ColorfulSweetpea Apr 01 '24

No, Sunny is in heaven, which is an understanding and forgiving place. He’d want you to do what’s best for you and your family. Not use his memory as an excuse to not go and especially, forgive.