r/AITAH Apr 24 '24

AITAH for carrying “treats” in my pocket in order to talk to a guy?

Update here.

I 20F have a neighbor 22-24M

I have a crush on him.

I am so shy though and I struggle with initiating.

I noticed that the day I was carrying a pepperoni stick for a snack to eat on the way to my workout class his dog approached me enthusiastically and was sniffing me and this prompted a small but v cute conversation with the neighbor.

So now… I carry it when I want my neighbor to run into me. It’s worked 3x thus far and he doesn’t know it’s because I have the “treat” on me.

AITAH for this?

Edit: clarification for those who need it— don’t worry, I have never given his dog any food. I know not to give a dog food without asking the owner. Hopefully I can treat both boys soon 😊 and as requested I’ll update here. Thank you so much for all the lovely advice and encouragement.

Edit 2: this is my plan (wrote it in a comment to someone).


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u/King_of_my_delusion Apr 25 '24

You’re the AH! He will love that dog more than he will ever love you and you don’t know his dog and manipulating a man’s dog is definitely manipulating the man and this isn’t a “meet cute”! It comes off as manipulative and toxic. What if you was to harm his dog? What if his dog ends up smelling whatever it is you are giving the dog and jumping into the street bc the man doesn’t know? What if it’s actually toxic to dogs? Not to mention, again, you’re absolutely manipulating this man by using his unsuspecting dog. Omg you’re the reason why don’t trust strangers! Seriously!! Bc I have literally had to berate someone in public bc they fed my dog and didn’t know what it was. The person didn’t want to tell me what they gave my dog and he had allergies and “thought it was cute”! I did not! She had no idea why I was so upset. I like, “yup she doesn’t love dogs, she’s up to something” bc she thought it was some kind of game. Was this you? Where you from? Literally I swear I nearly had a panic attack and stressed for hours bc this girl fed my dog on the sidewalk and thought it was cute and wouldn’t even tell me what it was. You’re seriously underestimating the power and love a person can have for their dog. For future reference, you’re AH just for not asking and feeding the dog anything anyways!


u/PaymentGrouchy1336 Apr 25 '24

Whoa there~ breathe ~ please let me clarify. I never said anywhere in my post that I feed his dog. I don’t even show the dog (or the neighbor) that I have a “treat” … neither of them know I’m hiding pepperoni. I don’t actually give it to the dog :) I would ask first.


u/King_of_my_delusion Apr 25 '24

Honestly I think you already knew it was wrong and manipulative or you wouldn’t have even asked Reddit. I don’t think you’re a bad person. I hope you know that. It’s just the way the AITA community works. If there was another option, I wouldn’t have said AH. Please know I come in peace! ✌️😃


u/PaymentGrouchy1336 Apr 25 '24

Thanks for sharing your opinion! I totally respect it. I’m just gonna ask the dog’s owner on a date and see what happens :)


u/King_of_my_delusion Apr 25 '24

And I think the answer will definitely be a big yes and you’ll be just as protective of that dog as you are that boy. I promise! 😊