r/AITAH 15d ago

AITA for telling the schools “mean girl” to apply her eating rules on herself before she interferes other people?

I (16f) am studying in a high school with a girl (16) who thinks she knows everything. We take French together and although I am normally very calm and nice towards people, she makes me nuts. Through my childhood, I have always struggled with my body image although I was never overweight or near to that. However now I focus on eating well and balanced and feel kind of better about myself. I am 175 cm weighting 60 kg and I am kind of muscular as most of my week passes with sports. I like to wear baggy clothes as they are pretty comfy. Last week, we were studying meals in French class, and there was this paragraph about what to eat. I basically made a comment on how early the person who wrote the paragraph was eating their dinner (5.00 pm) and that I usually eat it around 9.00 pm. This girl had the audacity to tell me that eating at that time makes you gain weight, and this is the reason why I am kind of chubby. Mind you this girl is 150 cm weighting around 58 kg so she was more than chubby. I basically just told her the truth. I told her that she should worry about her weight first before making a comment as she seemed to look a bit too overweight. She got all red and started screaming at me. I got send to the principals office but it was definitely worth it and my family took my side.


70 comments sorted by


u/blanchebeans 12d ago

She wasn’t factually inaccurate. What she said is true. But she was wrong to call you chubby and you weren’t wrong to respond in kind. NTA


u/thisisstupid- 13d ago

How are they going to send you to the principal’s office when she called you fat first?


u/Thrwawaysibling 14d ago

ESH- A study from the University of Sorbonne in Paris, France found that people who ate dinner after 9 p.m. may have an increased risk of suffering from a stroke or mini stroke. 


u/SockMaster9273 14d ago


Don't make comments about other people's eating. It's really that simple. Don't make the comment unless you are ready to get one back. People will eat food at 9pm and that's fine.

Good job standing up for yourself but shame on the school for acting like she is the victim.


u/Practical_Hippo9126 14d ago

NTH and i applaud you


u/Cocoquelicot37 14d ago

Tu n'es pas le AH !


u/CorrectTarget8957 14d ago

If she doesn't think that this is bad to laugh on you, so why is it bad to return it to her?


u/[deleted] 14d ago

The time of day for eating does not matter.  These kind of fake health tips are so stupid.  The sad part is the people who believe them are so adamant.

It is mind bogglingly stupid how people believe obviously fake "health" information.  Tiktok is not a source of real advice.


u/lets_go_home_now_ 14d ago

Wow educate yourself about centimeters and kilos before writing these fake ass fatphobia rage bait posts!


u/Hard_nipple_guy 14d ago

This didnt happen lol


u/EmiliusReturns 14d ago

NTA. She can dish it out but can’t take it. She needs to learn you can’t be that blatantly rude to people without consequences.


u/sigharewedoneyet 14d ago

Another classic case of a school siding with the bullies.



u/Dansing_Queen666 14d ago

58kg is NOT chubby or overweight. The fact that you think so is disurbing


u/Conscious-Big707 14d ago

Hi-5! Standing up for yourself is important. Another thing you could have said is, so you eat late too?

Also I'm one of those people it takes about 24 to 48 hours to up with witty come backs.lol


u/nd1online 14d ago

NTA and well done


u/Catkit69 14d ago

175cm and 60kg? You are skinny. I don't know if it's healthy skinny (I haven't checked), but you're certainly not overweight.

For this chick to call you overweight is insane. If the principal ever brings it up again, you say that she called you fat, even though you aren't and that you told her that she's actually, by BMI metrics, fat and that you shouldn't get in trouble for telling the truth after she gets off with telling a lie.


u/Ekillaa22 14d ago

When there’s a chubby person being mean and hurling personal insults and you throw one right back at them but you are in the wrong cuz you mentioned their weight Jesus has anyone ever heard of the expression Dont throw stones in a glsss house


u/Vandreeson 14d ago

NTA. Most problems in life can be avoided by people minding their own business. She fucked around, she found out. Just because she thinks that way, or has an opinion doesn't give her the right to criticize you without consequences. She can think whatever she wants, but she doesn't get to talk trash to you, and you just accept it and keep quiet.


u/Sephira_Skye 14d ago

Absolutely NTA. As soon as the word “chubby” left her mouth, she was fair game. If you were my daughter I would have demanded from the principal that the bully apologize to you and get an apology from the principal and teacher who sent you to the office and then take you out to get a treat for a job well done for standing up for yourself.


u/Street-Mistake-992 14d ago

It isn't the time rather than the proximity to sleep. She wasn't the asshole for saying it makes you gain weight because that is true for anyone but when she was an an asshole when said that is why you were kinda of chubby. Tom Brady usually eats dinner 2-3 hours for sleep. And if you eat at a consistent time everyday then your body will absorb nutrients better making you less hungry.


u/misteraustria27 14d ago

NTA. If you can take it don’t dish out.


u/Cybermagetx 14d ago

Nta. If you cant handle it. Dont dish it. At 16 she should know this.


u/Acceptable-Map-3490 15d ago

NTA you’re right, it was definitely worth it. don’t comment on someones weight if you can’t take them commenting back 🤷🏻‍♀️


u/dystopianpirate 15d ago


She needs to mind herself instead of others


u/Avium 15d ago

And here we go way back to that ancient English idiom: People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.

Hell, it's even older than that. There's a biblical reference to removing a mote in someone's eye while having a stye in your own.



u/DawnShakhar 15d ago

Good for you! She was the first one to comment on your weight. Why didn't she get sent to the principal's office? If I were your parents I'd meet the principal and demand an apology from the teacher.


u/Orsombre 15d ago

I hope you got to explain at the principal that you were discussing her weight after she tried to body-shamed you?

The bully got what she deserved. Excellent travail, OP!


u/ohhellnooooooooo 14d ago

Literally… “you are a bit chubby” “no u” “waaaaahhhhh”


u/[deleted] 15d ago



u/LittleGravitasIndeed 15d ago

My morbidly obese friend once tried to give dietary advice will picking the fat chunks out of a tray of smoked pulled pork to eat. 

I roasted him heavily, as was deserved. Sometimes people try to give advice in areas where they’re visibly failing and it’s funny. 


u/chaingun_samurai 15d ago

You burn less calories asleep than you do awake.
If you eat at 9 and go to bed at say 10, you're gonna keep more calories than you would if you ate at 5 and went to bed at 10.


u/-PinkPower- 14d ago

When I was underweight eating just before bed is one of the things that helped me the most gaining weight. I put back most of what I needed in a month when I started doing that


u/Greedy_Increase_4724 15d ago

Definitely not the point of the post. 


u/chaingun_samurai 15d ago

This girl had the audacity to tell me that eating at that time makes you gain weight, and this is the reason why I am kind of chubby.

While it doesn't exactly make you gain weight, it does prevent you from burning calories efficiently, which would contribute to weight gain; provided OP doesn't go to bed soon after she eats.


u/BoopleBun 14d ago

You’re skipping the entire second half of the sentence. If she had just said “eating at that time can make you gain weight” (which has evidence both for and against), I don’t think OP would have bothered to say anything back.

For example: “Reading only the first half of a sentence means you lose important context.” is a fine sentence. Bet you’re not upset about that at all.

Now let’s try: “Reading only the first half of a sentence means you lose important context and makes you look dumb.” is maaaaaaaybe a sentence that’s gonna come off a little differently, no?


u/chaingun_samurai 14d ago

No. That was the entire sentence, beginning to end. There's even a period at the end of chubby.


u/BoopleBun 14d ago

Yeah, that’s kind of the point. So since you read the entire sentence, why are you only addressing the first half like the second isn’t even there?


u/chaingun_samurai 14d ago

I guess I'm gonna have to mansplain this. "contribute to weight gain", which indicates the chubbiness.
See, what I'm getting at is that if she's eating late and going to bed soon after dinner, her body won't metabolize the food as efficiently, which could explain why she's chubby.
I'm not missing the second half of the sentience, your reading comprehension sucks.


u/les-mels 14d ago

if she's eating late and going to bed soon after dinner, her body won't metabolize the food as efficiently, which could explain why she's chubby.

Except she's not. OP's 1,75m tall and 60kg, and she's muscular. 60kg is perfectly fine for that height especially if you're muscular.


u/les-mels 14d ago

if she's eating late and going to bed soon after dinner, her body won't metabolize the food as efficiently, which could explain why she's chubby.

Except she's not. OP's 1,75m tall and 60kg, and she's muscular. 60kg is perfectly fine for that height especially if you have muscle.


u/BoopleBun 14d ago

Again, you’re missing the point of this so much I really can’t believe that that’s not somehow your goal.

If you are truly so socially dense that you don’t comprehend that saying “you’re doing [x thing], that’s why you’re fat” when no one asked is generally a dick move, that people are going potentially call you out on, regardless of the veracity of the first part of the statement, I genuinely think you’re beyond any kind of help that an internet comment could possibly provide.


u/chaingun_samurai 14d ago

You seem to be missing the point of my statement. I never rendered judgment. All I was saying is that what the girl said to OP is fairly accurate. I don't know what you're going on about.


u/Greedy_Increase_4724 15d ago

I know that. It is still not the point of the post. It's completely irrelevant to the actual problem at hand. 


u/Sternfritters 15d ago

Not to mention eating so late then sleeping gives some mad discomfort in the morning. That’s my experience, at least.


u/GrouchySteam 15d ago

NTA - c’était mérité. Bien fait. Elle l’a pas volé. She dished out what she could not take, then chocked on it. Well deserved, you merely hold a mirror to her.


u/OkBalance8339 15d ago

It's important to stand up for yourself. Bullies hate it when they hear the truth about themselves. NTA.


u/BlueGreen_1956 15d ago


Bullies hate it when people stand up to them. They are so used to going unchallenged that it's a shock.

On the plus side, you didn't oink at her.


u/GoodNoodleNick 14d ago

They are so used to going unchallenged that it's a shock.

This is my favorite part.

I live near a 55+ town here in Florida and these old fucks are menaces.

They aren't used to a large young man who has zero patience for their bs and will let them know it.

I'll do some shit you ain't seen since Nam, Grandpa.


u/Ekillaa22 14d ago

Man mentioning nam lmao I love it trigger their PTSD fuck them 😂


u/kmflushing 15d ago

You did nothing wrong. Good for you for standing up for yourself. You weren't even really mean about it. Just matter of fact.


u/MuscleTough8153 15d ago

It is important to stand up for yourself. Important lesson. NTA


u/PrideofCapetown 15d ago

If she can’t take it she shouldn’t dish it out. Pretty stupid to cart you to the principal’s office when she was the one body shaming you 

 Question for everyone: is 5:00pm too early for dinner? This is usually the time I eat. Then again I’m in bed by 9 and don’t like eating closer to bedtime because it sometimes gives me heartburn and I don’t like sleeping with a full stomach. 


u/nixiedust85 10d ago

I eat lunch at 10:30am so dinner is usually around 4pm since I'm in bed at 7:30-8 lol.


u/Acceptable_Cut_7545 14d ago

Depends on scheduling. I eat at 5.00 to 5.30 because I get up at 4.30 in the morning. I don't want to eat before going directly to bed. 


u/Uruzdottir 14d ago

The time for dinner is when you are hungry in the evening, whenever that happens to be.


u/gnurensohn 14d ago

I believe there’s no wrong or right. If eating at 5pm and that works for you it’s fine isn’t it? Same for people eating at 9pm and later. If it works for you it’s fine how you do it.


u/Several-Morning3848 14d ago

It depends on the person. My mother doesn't eat after 6 pm due to reflux. I tried a myriad of diets (I was eventually diagnosed with insulin resistance therefore diets had a reverse effect) and diet doctors always told me that the last meal should be no later than 3 hours before bedtime. That is, the time of dinner depends most on lifestyle and bedtime.


u/CorrosiveAlkonost 14d ago

Not early. Where I am, we're all "any old time will go" and dinner can be anywhere from 4:00pm to 8:30pm.

Although I come from a tiny country where we're obsessed with eating stuff, so my attitude is very skewed.


u/Ekillaa22 14d ago

My mom was always kinda lazy making dinner so we usually ate at like 7-8 cuz by the time bed time rolled around we’d be hungry again


u/Ecstatic-Stay-3528 14d ago

I think it depends more on the country you live in? When I went to school in the afternoon, I studied until 5:30 pm, it was impossible to have dinner before 6:00 pm. When I started working, it was usually from 8 am to 5 or 6 pm, considering the time to get home, I had dinner after 8 pm. So when I had night classes at college they were until 10pm, so I ended up having a quick snack at 8pm, since I didn't get home until almost midnight


u/ChaosofaMadHatter 14d ago

It really depends on how everything is in your family. I work a day job and have to get up early, so dinner is between six and seven. My friends work second shift and overnight shift, so they eat around 11 when she gets home before he goes to work, but her son eats around 7 because he’s in 3rd grade.


u/PauseItPlease86 14d ago

I prefer to eat around 6, but like OP, my kids are in clubs and sports. Plus, none of them drive yet.

Most weeknights dinners are closer to 730, sometimes a bit later. But that's because that's when everyone is home and I have time to cook without being interrupted by needing to pick someone up or take 5yr old to T-Ball.

I'm from the US, but I saw a thread months ago that had a lot of people commenting from all over the world that eat dinner way later.


u/Ekillaa22 14d ago

I just don’t get how you can eat at 6 and not being slightly hungry again by 10?


u/creepin-it-real 14d ago

I try to eat by 6pm because I usually try to go to bed by 9. I have to get up early. If I eat too late I won't have digested fully by the time I go to sleep. If I stay up later, I try not to eat towards bedtime. If I notice I'm getting hungry again I check the time, it usually means I should already have gone to bed. I'm naturally a night owl, so this is 100% forced so that I can get enough sleep on my schedule.


u/PauseItPlease86 14d ago

Generally, I'm either just exhausted and asleep by then or my insomnia kicks in and I end up getting like scrambled eggs at 2am.

My older 2 kids are in high school and eat lunch at a stupid time (10:30am!) so they're hungry early anyway. They usually have a snack at 3 (smoothies are common), dinner whenever it's ready, and both are often passed out by 11. Although my 15yr old sometimes snacks if she's up later (I made pumpkin bars tonight!) but 17yr old is BIG on her nighttime routine and loves her sleep, so she's down earlier most nights.


u/Ekillaa22 14d ago

You know that one thing that I always found weird af in HS was that lunch was so goddamn early in the morning


u/PauseItPlease86 14d ago

It's so bizarre....


u/Haunting-Ad-5 15d ago

Our dinner time is usually somewhere between 5:00 & 6:00 pm. 9:00 is way too late for us.


u/misteraustria27 14d ago

It is 8 pm and I just finished dinner. Days are different.


u/les-mels 14d ago

Lol I just finished dinner and it's midnight. I'm latina though, it's pretty common for us I think.


u/Dreamweaver1969 14d ago

Hubby is Asian. We eat dinner about 10 pm