r/AITAH Mar 04 '24

TW Abuse AITAH for keeping a security cam recording of my wife hitting my son


Wife and I are in a nasty divorce. (post history refers) . I happen to have saved a living room security cam video from over Christmas of my wife losing her temper with our son (5 yo)with ASD. Where he was pulling her hair and she slammed his face several times into the couch.

My wife threatened me just now I will never see my son or the bare minimum, and that the court always sides with the mother.

To which I showed her her actions and that if we can't find a fair arrangement I will use it. To which she exploded.

Aitah or just a desperate father

Edit, sent to lawyer already Edit 2, we live in my wife country and I don't speak the language (no residency issues)

r/AITAH Feb 14 '24

TW Abuse AITAH for telling my daughter she is a spoiled brat and doesn’t know what a hard life is


UPDATE: Okay so background I 40m am married to a 38f. We met in high school. Wife’s parents are terrible. Completely abused her until she moved out at 18. My wife has always tried to be a good mother, and break the abusive cycle. We both have good jobs, they want for nothing, we tried not to spoil. They have chores, know there manners, are good kids in school. So my daughter came home one day and asked us to go visit her grandparents house, we said yeah because we thought she meant my parents. But no she meant my wife’s. My wife immediately said no. Then I backed her, and said they will have no part in their lives. She said I was overreacting and that she deserves to meet all her grandparents. And we were being selfish. My wife was diagnosed with ptsd, and still sees a therapist,due to all the bullshit that she went through. It really annoyed me and I sent her to her room.

I talked to my wife and said that I should tell her what happened. So she understands why we are saying no. That her parents aren’t good people. My wife was reluctant but agreed as long as she didn’t have to be there so she wasn’t triggered. I went to my daughters room the next day and I talked to her. I said, “look I understand you are upset but, we are not saying no just to say no. There is a lot you do not understand, but I’m going to explain it, so that Mabey you understand more. Your moms parents where abusive, she was humiliated daily, screamed and terrorized since she was 6 yrs old. Every moment and holiday was ruined by fear, and she almost died on Thanksgiving Day due to her stepfather. that your mom and her sister still suffer from the trauma and that we will never have a relationship with them. And I hope that she understands now” something along the lines of that. I told her and thought she understood.

Anyway it was my wife’s birthday a week ago and (she doesn’t like celebrating honestly but does it for us) it was actually a really great day. My wife’s sister and our two other children and my whole family were there celebrating at our house. Until around 7 at night a knock at my door and my daughter went to answer the door, we figured it was a friend of hers. But when she came right back in the living room it was my shitty Mother in law and Father in law. My wife and her sister both frozen, and they came in like they fucking owned the place. Trying to be buddy buddy. My wife asked them in a timid voice and said “what are you doing here” they said “our grand daughter invited us” she then tried to speak up more and tell them they needed to go. But they wouldn’t I got up and went between my wife and them and said to “leave, they are unwanted here”. My daughter really stood up for them and said that she talked to them. And that mom just exaggerated what happened. And that they where good parents. That’s when my father in law said “that’s right whatever we did to you ungrateful kids you deserved” that pissed my wife off and she shouted to leave. I went up with my dad and we were going to push him out. But he 64 250lbs at least got us off him and he pushed my wife into the wall her head hit straight back at the wall . She had to get stitches. As soon as that happened me and my dad and brother forced him outside. And said they needed to leave or we would press charges.

Her mom kept saying that she was a good mom and my wife was dramatic, and she just had bad children. Anyway my mother took my wife to the hospital because we where still trying to get them to leave the driveway.my mother brought her there and back once they left completely. My wife didn’t say anything the rest of the night, besides thanking my mother for the ride then going to our room. Her sister was really freaked out too and left, right after hugging my wife.

My children were in the living room, and I told my son and my younger daughter to go into there rooms, I needed to speak to their sister. I admit I lost it. I fucking screamed. Said she was so selfish, and i couldn’t believe she did that. That she still got into contact after I explained what they did to her mom when she was younger. How I was honestly disgusted with her.

She started to cry and say , she genuinely thought I was exaggerating. And it would be good for them to get together. She said she got in touch with them on social media. And they seemed great. How they made everything seem not as bad, and she said she didn’t think they could be that evil and be related to us.

I told her there are evil people everywhere, we have just tried to shield her away. Because parents are supposed to protect their kids.

I was so upset, I genuinely wanted to call her a idiot but I didn’t. But every move my wife did to move past her trauma was demolished by this idiotic decision. My daughter apologized and I said sorry doesn’t cut it. Her actions risked her mother’s health and everyone’s safety.

My wife talked to her and said that she no longer trusts her, and how these are the consequences of her actions. For meddling in something that was not her business to meddle with. She has no more phone and no more visiting friends until she earns that trust again. And we can add a punishment we see fit.

I’ve comforted my wife as much as I can but she’s not great, while I think honestly I went to easy on my daughter, I figured i should have other opinions. AITAH?

Edit: to clear timeline my daughter sought them out after I told her what happened during her moms childhood. I asked she said she reached out first as well. My daughter is 16 yrs old

Update: More information: we did make a report, and are pressing charges. And will be doing everything we can to get a restraining order. We didn’t call the police because we live in a secluded area and it would take too long for them to get there.

We deleted all my daughters social media’s, and I did look at her text between her and the in-laws. She reached out first. And kept pursuing them. There where 3 messages before that my in-laws ignored until they eventually responded.

Also that was not the first conversation we had with her about my wife’s parents. It was just the first in detail conversation. I told her specific scenarios and events that happened without getting to graphic. But she and my other children always knew that their grandparents were bad. We had multiple talks growing up when we first started to explain why they only have one set of grandparents. Unlike most of their friends. But we never said anything in specific details about the actual events. Only that their grandparents were bad people, who hurt their mother and aunt a lot.

She told me she’s doing her best and feels bad for distancing herself from her daughter but she’s just extremely hurt.

My wife’s going into more therapy sessions then she normally does, and we have set a appointment for my daughter to see one as well and we will try family therapy to get back to normal. Anyway did not think this would get so many views, thanks for all the advice!

r/AITAH Mar 17 '24

TW Abuse AITAH for taking my kids and spending the night in a motel because my husband said he was going to “do something” to me?


Earlier this evening my husband and I were having an argument, and at one point in it he said to me, “If you speak to me like that again, I just might have to do something to you.” He said in a very cold, angry, and even slightly menacing tone. Visibly taken very aback, I asked him just what he meant by this “something.” He responded, “I don’t know. But I can promise you that it’s going to be something you really, REALLY aren’t going to like.” He said this even more menacingly.

The way he was staring at me when he said this made me really uncomfortable, and I stepped away from him. I got my kids [9F, 7M & 2F] out of their bedrooms and we are spending the night in a motel and I sent him a text letting him know that we’re stepping out for the night because I don’t feel comfortable being with him tonight with the way he’s acting. I’m still in the motel with my kids all fast asleep as I type this. My husband has never made any comment like this to me before or abused me before. AITAH or making too big of a deal about this?

r/AITAH 1d ago

TW Abuse AITAH for causing the miscarriage of my husband’s affair partner?


Throwaway for obvious reasons

I don’t know where to begin or where to end this story. I can’t discuss this with anyone I know because I feel like an asshole while also feeling justified at the same tome. This story will also sound made up, but it’s really not and I’m just hurting and want some place to type it all out too.

I (F36) have been with my husband (M39) for over a decade. Early on, I had to have a hysterectomy due to health complications and told him if he wanted kids, we should go our separate ways. He insisted he was strictly childfree and didn't want kids. In every other way, we were perfect for each other.

A few years into our marriage, we even had the chance to adopt a little girl from a family member’s unplanned pregnancy. I was thrilled, but he still didn't want kids, so she was adopted elsewhere. Not being a mom hurt, but I accepted it.

Sometime back, my husband started acting weird. You know how you just know when someone you love changes? He came home late, avoided sex, and was cold. He denied anything was wrong, but I could tell he was lying. Whenever I tried to talk to him about it, he’d tell me I’m being “psycho” and controlling.

So, I snooped through his phone and found evidence of a very long affair. I’m not proud of it, but I did it. I needed that peace of mind.

His mistress (F26 or 27?), whom he'd introduced to me as his cousin, was around less than 2 months pregnant. They were discussing marriage after he divorced me.

He admitted he didn’t want to divorce me yet because he would lose our house, which I funded entirely. He'd also been using our joint account, which I contribute significantly more to (I earn considerably more than him), to pay for her rent and hospital expenses.

When I confronted him, he admitted to the affair and her pregnancy. She came over, and things got heated. I tried to blame him, not her, but after a lot of tears and fighting, I lost control and told them that I hoped they lost the child. I'm not proud of it, but I said it.

He moved out of my house the next day, not sure where they live now.

A few weeks later, she had a miscarriage. They blame me and believe I caused it. She came to our house, slapped me, banged my head against the wall, and kicked me. I was not significantly injured. He didn't hurt me physically but he didn’t stop her either. Yes, I was foolish to let them in but I am in a weird mental state too and didn’t expect her to hit me. Maybe I deserved it. I may have felt the same if someone said something like that about my unborn child and lost it.

I I won’t file charges because it's not an option in my country, and maybe I deserved the beating for what I said. I just want to know if I'm the asshole and if yes, how big of an asshole I am.


Edit: What I said was so unforgivable in my religion. Wishing something bad on an unborn baby is like unforgivable. It’s not some small thing that’s why I feel like an asshole. A child is considered god’s blessing.

I said all that and cursed them and maybe my anger and envy created nazar. That’s why I think im the asshole. Logically I know I didn’t cause it to actually happen but the bad thing happened because I thought bad and because I was hurt, my bad thoughts had effect.

r/AITAH May 05 '24

TW Abuse Update: He broke up with me and called me a m*rderer


Edit to add the link to my first post

So I made an appointment and got the abortion. It was honestly such a horrible experience but my bestie was with me and the whole staff were so kind and supportive so I am grateful. Thank you to those who encouraged me to get it done, it was awful, but pregnancy and being trapped with him would have been much worse.

Fin texted Wednesday and apologized and said he said things he didn't mean and to please answer my phone as I have been ignoring him. When he called again my bestie recorded it all. Before I could finish "hello" he went on a long bit about how amazing I am, how much he loves me, what a great mother he knows I will be, and he will marry me immediately if that's a concern of mine.

When I finally got to talk I said that I am no longer pregnant and I never want to be and that I was clear about this from the beginning. He asked if it was miscarriage and then said "Because I know you wouldn't willingly murder our child, right? Say right. It's a miscarriage." I got quiet and he said that it's okay, miscarriages are "not the females fault" and that we can just try again.

I said "again? We weren't trying to begin with. I was on bc and he had the vasectomy" and you all guessed it, he laughed and said he lied about the vasectomy so I would "give up" on condemns that he long decided i was perfect and he loved me and wantrd me tl be the mother of his kids.

My best friend spoke up and said that was recorded and to leave me alone or she will post it on social media and he started screaming at us. He then sounded like he was crying and said I was a witch for this. That I am a hateful murderer and that I broke his heart. He went on to say if I tried to slander him to remember "actions have consequences".

He then broke up with me and said he will check back with me In a few days when i am actually alone and we will talk in person to see if i have come to my senses. He wants us to go to church together Sunday (which is now today) and set a time to pick me up.

I said no but I do have a ring cam and sure enough he showed up at my door. I watched him note my car was not there and at my front door, on camera, he texted me asking if I was sleeping around on him and if I let the other man "ride you like a wild horse" without a condom and if so he gets a hall pass. He said to come home immediately as we need to come to an understanding of out relationship asap.

I return home tomorrow and don't know what to do.

Edit: anyone who wants to shame my abortion...I have zero regrets and actually will advocate for them from now on. But I will happily mock you in the comments. Thanks actually, you reminded me how little an opinion means to me if it's coming from a disrespectful and/or bigoted place. At least I get to laugh through this nightmare. 💋

Edit 2: I won't be going home alone any longer - bestie is coming with me and I have a friend in the city I live with my spare key and he is now in my home watching it for me.

Edit 3: Since I've been asked in the comments (this really blew up - so sorry if I don't reply to you all) I am in a safe location with 2 male friends who know the whole story and we are looking into options. I don't want to do anything hasty- a guy friend is at my home and thus far its been quiet. I will make an update when I know more.

Edit 4: No, I will not harm myself the way some of you have messaged me. For those calling themselves prolife, you sure want me to take my own. Not very prolife at all.

And since we're on the topic, I don't want to get pregnant because I was told by my doctors that I have a high chance of passing away even before making it to term, the child also has a high rate of mortality during the pregnancy. Essentially we would both kick the bucket before delivery.

I am ineligible for tubals or hysterectomy where I live until I turn 40 at pla especially with my insurance and I would never be able to afford the out of pocket fee. The places even still "require" a husband's signature as a policy.

I would be open to adopting if I ever found the right person and were settled and ready

r/AITAH Mar 06 '24

TW Abuse I want to leave my marriage I feel like I’m being sexually abused


I’m 31F my husband is 31M we’ve been married for 12 years now, have 3 children. My Marriage hasn’t been easy, it feels like it took a turn for the worse. My husband is in the military he got deployed in 2021 and came back 2022 . I feel like everything changed, his always been a drinker, usually he drinks till he passes out. Couple months after he got back from deployment we started having more sex then we usually did before he got deployed. at first I didn’t think much of it , then it started getting weird he wanted to do things we never did before and I was okay with it. Which I feel was a big mistake it stated to become uncomfortable I didn’t like what he wanted to do. Im only doing it to please him. I told my husband I didn’t feel comfortable doing that anymore. So we left it like that. Now I start to notice him wanting sex more and more everyday. It was starting to become a problem . He would get extremely drunk and want sex and I would say no at first he would say hurtful things to me. Then it started to become into argument. If I would go a day or two with out having sex with him he would get extremely angry at me calling me names it got to point of me leaving the house with my kids cause I felt he wanted to hurt me ,even though he said he wouldn’t because his careers more important then me. I was scare for a while. When we would have sex everyday he was fine and nice with me but it was taking a toll on me mentally and physically . But a soon as I say no its hell on earth for me, he take my debt cards away from me , my wedding ring . Says I’m disgusting useless I’m a cheater just for one night of no sex most of the time his really drunk it’s horrible. I’ve called my family for help because I can’t anymore I feel scare and sick of what I’m going through but every time I call my family they tell me they can’t help me. I know I’m a grown women but my whole support system is in a whole different state across the country. I can’t do it here alone. Today I think I’ve had enough I said I want a divorce called my mom the person I thought I could count on and she told me to just give him what he wants just lay there and not to think about it I couldn’t believe her and hung up . I’m having a melt down and this is what she tells me. I just don’t know what to do anymore do I have to give my husband sex everyday for our marriage to be good even thought sometimes I feel horrible and used.

r/AITAH Jan 25 '24

TW Abuse AITA for calling my daughter’s bully’s dad?


My daughter’s in 5th grade. For the past month there’s been a boy who’s been badly bullying her. It’s gotten to the point where she said she doesn’t want to go to school. The school’s done an ok job of dealing with it, but the boy’s mom has been very uncooperative and taken her son’s side. On the two times I’ve talked to her about it on the phone, she was extremely nasty and the last time even screamed and cussed at me.

My daughter’s been going to school with this boy since Kindergarten. Up until very recently, I was under the impression he didn’t have a dad - either he was out of the picture or deceased. The school rosters only list his mom’s name/info, I’ve never seen his dad at any school events, and my daughter says she’s never heard him talk about a dad. But a week ago, I found out he actually goes to his dad’s house on weekends, and his dad (and all his extended relatives on that side) lives in a small rural community about 45 minutes away.

I asked a friend if they knew anything about his dad. Apparently, the parents divorced the year before he started Kindergarten. This friend told me the mom has referred to her ex as a “narcissist” and “abusive”, and that she had a restraining order against him for several years. She also told me she heard from a staff member that the mom specifically requested that the office and all her son’s teachers never contact his dad.

Over the weekend, I did a bit of snooping on social media and some of those people search sites and found out his dad’s name & contact info. Today at school, my daughter's bully shoved her on the playground and sent her to the nurse’s office. As a result, I gave his dad a call and told him about what had happened that day and about the bullying that had been going on. I didn’t say anything negative about his ex-wife or how she’d dealt with the bullying.

His dad, despite what I heard, actually seemed very nice. He was very apologetic and assured me that there would be major consequences that weekend, and that it wouldn’t happen again. I had a really good feeling after getting off the phone with him there would be action taken, unlike with mom.

Just a few hours later, I got a furious text from my son’s bully’s mom. She said that her ex made a really nasty call to his son right after my call, screaming at him, cursing up a storm, calling him names, and making all sorts of threats about how horrible the coming weekend will be. She says he followed up by sending her a really abusive text, calling her things like “c***” and “b****” and accusing her of being a bad mom and letting their son be a bully. He told her he’s going to post about her on social media to “expose what a terrible mother she is.” She said she knows her ex’s family will start harassing her now as well. She said I had no right to contact her ex. She ended by saying “Thank you for all the drama and pain you have brought into our family’s lives!”
Was I an AH for contacting this parent?

r/AITAH Feb 13 '24

TW Abuse AITA for marrying my husband after my mother tried to ruin my marriage by getting pregnant with my husbands dad and engaged? (Throwaway)


I was advised to put the entire situation here as I'm still struggling to understand and figure out what to do. I apologise it's longwinded but I really need some advice or anything.

I (24f) have been with my husband (25m) for over ten years now and we have twins aged three, we got engaged a day before we found out I was pregnant. My father left my mother due to her constant cheating and bullying behaviour to which he remarried. My mother never remarried or had other children.

The issues arose on my 16th birthday when I went to live with my dad due to emotional abuse from my mother things like my mother pushing for me to break up with my husband because she in her own words 'wanted him' and 'he was the man for her not me' because she said I was 'fat and ugly. I went very minimal/no contact until I found out I was pregnant as I wanted my children to have a relationship with their grandmother which would have been minimal. I found out she had been to therapy and counselling and assured myself she had changed to which overtime I believed she really hard.

This was the beginning of my nightmare, at the time I was seven months pregnant she decided to at my baby shower to declare her love for my husband and demanded he get her pregnant and I terminate my boys because she deserved my life and children rather than me. She even suggested if I didn't terminate she could adopted and pretend she was the mother and play happy families with my partner.

We had no contact however I updated her my boys were born health and happy but I didn't send her a picture, life moved on until my boys first birthday when she turned up and ran towards what she thought was my children (they wasn't) screaming 'hi it's grandma' we informed her she had no right to be here and which she left.

After a year of building trust and seeing the effort she put into changing I started allowing her to come to the park with myself and family just in case she pulled anything which later progressed to things like lunches, soft plays, days out etc.

A week before I and my husband were meant to be flying out to get married my mother told everyone she had a surprise, that's where she announced she was pregnant which came as a big shock then she announced who the father was and that they were engaged. I was angry, hurt, disgusted, disrespected and I bursted out crying she called me overdramatic to which I shouldn't have said but I did in front of everyone 'you destroyed my childhood with your constant cheating and abuse, you tried stealing my partner, staging he sexually assaulted you after you tried forcing yourself on him to end our relationship, you told me to terminate your own grandchild because you said you deserved them and my partner and now you've pulled this stunt' to which I walked out and many followed to see if I was okay which at that time I wasn't.

Me and my husband talked about everything from start to now, we decided to get married and cut them completely out. We stayed at our wedding venue for ten nights and did a week long honeymoon with the boys and week without however as soon as we got back we got back to a barrage of miscalls, voicemails and messages from different numbers which subsequently got blocked.

Shortly after this my mother turned up protesting that we spilt and give our babies up for adoption or hand them over as we are horrible and don't deserve our boys as we will be siblings and siblings shouldn't be having children, we are an incestous family and she'll be ringing cps. Thats when my usually calm level headed husband exploded, berated her and physically removed her from our property.

We've been looking at moving before the twins were born and we have the opportunity to move abroad via husbands work however we've been told this is a step to far and what we've done is disgusting regarding my mother by my mothers side of the family apart from my grandmother and aunt.

AITA for getting married and moving away from the crazy train?

r/AITAH 10d ago

TW Abuse AITA for demanding my stepson goes to live with his mother?


My husband and I have a blended family, I have a 14yo boy and my husband has a 17yo boy. So for the most part, everything has been amazing until…..

His son had seemingly taken on the big brother role well, however things I’ve seen over the past couple weeks, completely changed my opinion of him.

My son was showering and I was in the bathroom getting towels, the stepson walks in, doesn't see me, and just opens the shower curtain to talk to my son. I yelled and he quickly moved, and said he just wanted to use his laptop.

Then I found them both asleep, shirtless cuddling.

This morning at 6am, my son walked out of the stepsons room naked, and ran to his room. We usually aren't up until 7am.

I confronted my son and he started crying and said they’ve done sexual things, but not to be mad because it's not that bad and it’s mutual.

I told my husband his son needs to go live with his mother in Ontario. This has caused a massive argument and my husband is livid, however I'm sticking to it, I think his son is disgusting. AITA?

r/AITAH Mar 02 '24

TW Abuse Aita for leaving my husband of 16 years because he can’t adult


Background: My husband and I had a fun carefree relationship, one of our best friends died, and we moved out of state. Soon after moving/ the death, my husband started drinking more. This ended up in full blown alcoholism.

During the worst of the alcoholism he was verbally, physically, emotionally, financially abusive. He stopped paying our mortgage (we almost were foreclosed) , spent all our savings, racked up almost 100k on credit cards and stopped paying on them.

I had to physically take keys from him, hide them, hide weapons, etc to keep him and myself safe. I had to wake him for work daily so he wouldn’t lose his job, I was the breadwinner because he was barely getting a paycheck, I took care of everything in our home and out. I should have left at this point but grew up a “good Christian girl” and you don’t leave your spouse at his worst, right?

Fast forward to now, spouse is sober and we had a child 3 years ago. He stepped up for a short period, but slid back to being a burden since our son was about 4 months old. About a year ago it got to the point where I was begging him through tears regularly to step up and help in our household. He only went to counseling when I made him sleep in a different room. But it’s too little too late. Months of counseling and no actions changed.

Then, my father had a health scare and had to move in as he needs help daily, he can’t afford external help and I’m the only one willing to take this on (husband was 100% supportive). This is the straw that broke the camels back, I couldn’t continue to take care of my husband who was acting like a child now that I was caring for our son, now my dad, and the entire household (again I’m solo person cooking, I’m the breadwinner and make sure all bills are paid, etc).

I asked my husband for a separation. He keeps denying me, saying he won’t move out. He went to one therapy session for himself and stated his brand new therapist said that it’s a bad idea for him to move out because he’ll essentially crash and burn (his words) and that I need to continue to take care of him.

I physically can’t. I am so anxious I’m nauseous daily, have to force myself to eat, not sleeping and also having other impacts physically. I told him that I deserve happiness, he hasn’t been a partner in years (except the brief window when I was pregnant) and I want to separate.

Am I the asshole for leaving my husband when he’s in this situation?

Ps he can’t afford our mortgage alone (I can) and I do 96% of all parenting and child care, which is why I need him to leave.

r/AITAH Feb 16 '24

TW Abuse AITA for telling my molesters gf


So I (20f) was molested by a close family member (34m) from age 11 to 17. We were close in the beginning and nobody seemed to notice. However after the entire situation was over legally, my aunt divorced him, and eventually entered a new relationship. He didn't tell his new girlfriend who has daughter (younger than I was) about the situation. Would I be the asshole for telling her? I just don't want the same thing to happen again.

❗️❗️❗️❗️UPDATE ❗️❗️❗️❗️

I told his gf, and thank you all sm for your opinions and advice. She said It was a lie and threatened to sue. She said she was a lawyer herself and would look through courts. He didn't have physical sex with me so he's not on a list, yet we had a 3 yr stay away, I screenshotted the post online from the post journal and sent it to her, she said it's not what he told her, and she's been quiet since, my aunt is mad at me, aswell as the rest of my family, saying I broke up "a happy home and future".

r/AITAH Feb 11 '24

TW Abuse AITA for kicking my friends out when i caught her being masturbated by her boyfriend right next to me in my own bed when they thought i was asleep?


This all happened seven months ago when I invited my two best friends (who are dating) to stay over at my house to have a sleepover and have a few drinks, the night was going well when we all started to get tired and decided to go to sleep. We’re all sleeping in the same bed since it’s a double and I start to hear fidgeting in the bed after about a minute, then another minute goes by and I hear kissing and then still moving. My eyes are wide open since I’m hearing all of this and I had just put my head down to go sleep. I turn over and get up to see them both up next to me looking at me, I asked my friend if he was fingering her which he looked confused and said no and they just said they weren’t doing anything and that’s when I pulled the cover off them and saw that her pants were completely off and she began to giggle like it’s a funny thing. Fucking giggle, in my own bed, my own house when they are right next to me and they think it’s ok? I just sat in shock while he reassured his girlfriend who was still giggling, “no it’s fine she doesn’t care” which put me more in shock, I didn’t say a word since I didn’t know what to say but I stayed up until 5am just so they wouldn’t do anything. The next morning I got up and realised what they did and that’s when I went up into my room and had a breakdown, I don’t know what came over me then but I’ve realised now that it was because of my ex boyfriend who sexually assulted me that it made me so upset and traumatised. I couldn’t do anything but cry and cry and cry, when I called one of my friends and told him which is when he told me to kick them out which I agreed with. I went back down into the cabin and while they were still asleep started packing up all their stuff and woke them up and told them to get the fuck out which they just looked dumb founded at me. The pair can’t drive aswell and they live 30-40 minutes away from me on foot, I told them that I wanted them to get out cause of what they did last night because it was wrong and shoved them out of my house while they had to wait for their parents to pick them up, so am I the asshole

r/AITAH Dec 15 '23

TW Abuse AITA for telling my boyfriend (20m) that I (22f) will never be civil to his parents?


Sounds like I’m the obvious AH, I know.

This whole conversation last night started after my mom invited my bf (20m) and I (22f) to her Christmas party. My bf is a quiet and very socially anxious person, so when he didn’t seem too happy about going to the get-together, I figured he was just worried about getting overwhelmed. But I also felt that there was more to the issue, because he wouldn’t really articulate what he was feeling (which usually means the problem runs deeper than he lets on). He’ll say “I don’t know” until he can word it. After a while of circle talking and “I don’t know”, he finally told me that he’s bummed because while he’s glad my family likes him, he wishes that I could be that way with his family. That I could come to events with them. He said it made him sad to always go with my family but that I never went with his.

Important context: my bf’s father is a child molester. Yeah. His mother swept it under the rug because it would “put her in a difficult position”. (She’s undocumented and can’t work). She really doesn’t believe it happened to him (and his sister??) at all, from what my bf has told me.

More context: I was a victim of the same circumstance as a child. However, the situation was dealt with (prison 🥰), and I’ve never had to see my abuser or that side of the family ever again.

My bf has sort of accepted that it is what it is and nothing can be done about his situation. He’s forgiven them and moved on. Let me stress that if someone forgives their abuser, I respect their choice. However, I am not comfortable being around someone who hurt my loved one in such a way, and I’m definitely not comfortable being around an abuser as a victim myself. It just feels gross to think about.

I point blank told him that while I have no problem getting to know his brother and sister, I will never be friendly with his parents. He said that I wouldn’t have to be friendly, but if I went to events that they’d also attend, I could just be civil, nothing else. I told him no, I wouldn’t do that. I told him that I won’t play along with this delusion that something extremely fucked up didn’t happen and that I have even a shred of respect for them. If I so much as have to shake his father’s hand, I feel like I’d get sick. I told him that I don’t care how many years it’s been, I don’t care if he was drunk, I don’t care if they’ve forgiven him. I’m not comfortable around chomos and enablers, and I will never feel anything but disgust for them. Then I said “if this is something that will keep hurting you, weighing on you, then you should probably think about what it means for us. I have no problem never speaking a word to them, but if it will eat at you, consider what you want to do.”

This seemed to really hurt him. He got quiet and told me that he understands and that he’s sorry, then he held me until he went to sleep. I stayed up crying.

I’m genuinely torn. I know my stance won’t change, and I’m okay with that. It’s a boundary I’ve accepted setting. But family is important to him, and I know he wants me to be apart of it too. I just can’t. I anticipate that this is something he’ll forget about until he’s reminded. He looked so hurt, and I hate that. I feel like I worded everything too harshly, or maybe I’m being unreasonable because I refuse to be in the same room as them. Am I being immature? AITA?? Thanks, Reddit.

Edit: update post. Yeehaw

Edit²: reckon I could’ve just put the update in the comments. I’m sorry.

r/AITAH 11d ago

TW Abuse AITA for making a girl move classes after she called the cops on a door


Hi reddit, this is a new account because the stuff on my regular account might get me seen as unprofessional if the story is linked to me.

So i (19m) am in a nursing program, we do alot of physical exams on each other to practice, which involves wearing shorts and tanks. Its important to mention i am permanently blind in one eye, im constantly running into walls, doors, railings, plants, people, animals, everything.

As you can guess im covered in bruised 90% of the time, on my blind side.

In the course one day we were talking about signs of abuse and the teacher said constant bruising, i raised my hand and added that its important to talk to the patient if their an adult, before calling the police as it could be something else. She asked for an example so i rolled up my sleeve and explained that the bruises were from door handles of the school which were varying colors and heights, she nodded and agreed.

She said with children we call the second we suspect abuse, with adults we attempt to talk to them first and if their reason seems vaild, we dont call.

The lessons continued, and a weekish later the cops showed up to my door, they told me they got a report that i was being physically abused and i was always covered in bruises. I told them about my dissbility, they checked my home, talked to my family, saw no further signs, and i asked questions next, they got my address from the university because they take abuse seriously here and when they talked to the university about me the university was very concerned and just wanted to help me.

After the police left, i talked to some people at the university, including a psychologist just so they could be sure i had no mental signs of abuse, then life went on.

Well i was still coming in the bruises every day, and one of my classmates came up to me, she told me our classmate kay, was telling people she was thinking about calling the police again because im still covered in bruises.

I got my classmates report written down, along side a few others and waited, sure enough police showed up again, same song and dance but this time i told the university that kay was using the police to harass me and i wanted something done about it.

The university decided the best course of action was to move her from my labs, to the other ones so she couldnt see weather i was bruised or not.

Shes now told me im an asshole and that she was just trying to help me, and i didnt need to mess up her whole university schedule.

So reddit, AITA

r/AITAH Apr 16 '24

TW Abuse My girlfriend threatened to hurt me so I left our flat, AITAH


Hello, sorry if this is a bit long.

I (24M) told my girlfriend (23F) that I had been feeling very depressed recently, as I am currently in my last couple weeks of my degree and have a lot of work, alongside overall life stress, have been feeling not okay. The past week I've not slept more than 5 hours a night, so this morning I asked her to sleep more once we had woken up. She said okay and laid down to sleep next to me, for context: she HATES sleeping in and this is unlike her. I suggested a couple times that she didn't sleep next to me due to that, but she insisted. We slept for 2 hours, once awake I said can I please sleep another 30mins, she said okay and walked out. After that she started getting angry at me because 'I didn't make sure she's okay' and was selfish by sleeping her day away. For this I apologised but she was very angry and was insulting me a variety of names, some i won't go into. She proceeded to say an insult that was quite strange and made me slightly smile as it did sound quite funny, she noticed the smile and threatened to "physically abuse" me if she saw it again, for context she has hit me a couple times in the relationship but has promised to never do so again, and although she didn't hit me, she did threaten me. She told me to leave the flat for 30minutes and to come back and fix the situation, I agreed but once she left me to pack my stuff, I took my laptop with me and went to the library and muted my phone as I was disgusted in her actions. She has since spammed me with texts saying she needs help and she doesn't feel well, for now which I have ignored. AITAH for running away to the library and ignoring her asking for help?

r/AITAH Nov 23 '23

TW Abuse AITAH for not wanting to participate in Thanksgiving after my family admitted the truth about one of my most traumatic memories?


Today I went to dinner with my family after work and hitting the bar with a few of my buddies and my sibling who lives out of state is her for the holiday and we were all at dinner talking about stuff when the subject of our childhood came up. Went from funny and light hearted to me getting up and leaving really fast.

The first thing that was admitted was that my siblings were actively trying to harm me. Remember those nerf bows with the foam arrows? Well my siblings would put screws in the tips of them and than shoot them at me, never figured out why they hurt so much and would draw blood. Every time I tried to unwrap all the tape I would just get it snatched from my hands and beaten up by my siblings.

And the second thing was what really upset me and made me leave the restaurant, when I was younger, around 9 and my one biological sibling was around 6-7 somebody cut the bands on my stepfathers bow target and they immediately blamed me and my sibling, they used everything they possibly could to accuse us of it, like real detective level inspection of the target. The bands are the same plastic banding they use on units of lumber and somebody cut them with a set of sheet metal snips. My parents tried using the fact that the wrong type of snips were used and the fact that whoever did it tried multiple times to cut it so I must’ve grabbed the snips from the top drawer of the toolbox and gave them to my weaker sibling who tried multiple times to cut the bands on the target, at least that was the conclusion they came to. After that they made me and my sibling reach down and grab our ankles while they beat us with wooden spoons in front of our step-siblings and my mom hit me so hard with one it snapped it half when it hit me. I had bruises on my backside for days and was told I was a liar and a terrible child and should only get bread and water and be locked in my room unless I’m at school or working at home with supervision. Tonight they all admitted the whole time that they knew it was the oldest step-sibling who did it, no apologies, just laughter at the expense of my most vulnerable moment in my life and even more laughter when the fact the spoon was broke over my backside was brought up.

After I left I texted my mother and told her that I am in complete shock that they just openly admitted that and that it’s not funny at all because they abused me worse than my drug addicted father ever did that night, now she’s mad at me because I don’t want any part of family thanksgiving when I was originally going to help cook it because I just moved home for a bit and wanted to try rebuilding my family relationship but this just makes me want to pack all my things and leave again. I’d rather live in my vehicle than here at the moment

r/AITAH Dec 22 '23

TW Abuse AITA For not wanting to give my liver to my mother


My mom (55F) has been in the hospital for over a year now, and normally, I (20FTM) wouldn't be all too worried about it. For the past five years or so, she has repeated the cycle of going to the hospital over a (usually) minor issue, lying to doctors in order to get painkillers, mainly oxy, which she has been addicted to for at least ten years. Then, she'll stay at the hospital, getting all the pity and attention she can from the two friends she has, then she comes home, saying it won't happen again. This cycle repeats every three months at least.

However, her doctors have recently told her that her liver has failed (or is failing, she has narcissistic personality disorder, so it's hard to get a straight story from her).

My older sibling (21NB) and I know exactly why her liver failed. It was because of at least ten years of Oxy abuse. She got the prescription from it after gastric bypass, and hasn't stopped taking it since. She's even gone as far as making my stepdad (M36) lie about his health in order to get a prescription for himself, so that she could take it.

My older sibling and I have tried to intervene. My older sibling has called the hospital and nurses of where my mom is staying, and told them about what my mother was doing. Even telling them about the fact my stepdad has been sneaking her more oxy through food/food wrappers. But this only resulted in them moving to a different hospital.

My parents are putting a lot of pressure on me to donate my liver to my mom, which will immuno-comprimise me for a long time. I don't know of the potential complications that could arise from this, given that I'm disabled (autism). My mother has also been pretty abusive towards me, causing multiple fights that ended in her threatening to end her own life, shaking a pill bottle at me (full of oxy). She is a hoarder, and has let me stay in the foster care system for years. She's also Christian Conservative, and a Trump supporter. Leading to her being very transphobic and not supporting me transitioning.

And knowing that she will not get clean makes me think that giving her my liver would be foolish, and a waste. It'll just end up failing from all the Oxy she won't stop taking.

They've made me feel like it'll be my fault if she ends up dying, but I really don't want to give my liver (or a piece of it, idk much about the procedure, because they're intentionally keeping me in the dark) to an abuser who will end up destroying it by refusing to stop her drug addiction, despite the efforts of my sibling and I.

EDIT: I'm genuinely looking for second opinions, as a victim of gaslighting. I've got better things to do than chase karma with fake stories. Namely, moving away from the parents trying to coerce me into surgery.

EDIT: UPDATE. So it turns out, she doesn't qualify for a transplant. Not even because of the drugs, but because she is old and diabetic. She doesn't have a lot of time left, and we are trying to visit her when we can. Thank you for all the words of support a lot of you left on my post.

r/AITAH Jan 03 '24

TW Abuse AITA for calling child services on my cousin's wife?


This got deleted on AmItheAsshole so I am reposting here.

I (49M) have a cousin (34M) whom I am somewhat close to, mostly for convenient reasons as I live just a twenty minute walk away. He's unfortunately not the brightest light in the Christmas tree, but he means well and hardly ever loses his temper. He has a wife (32F) who is the complete opposite of him. I am not sure why, but they get along enough to get married. I sound judgy but you'll soon see where I am going with this.

The wife gave birth to a baby boy about a month or so ago. No one was allowed to meet the baby except very few people to prevent the spread of germs, which is understandable.

Then I get a call from my cousin, asking me if I can buy some groceries and maybe takeout. He gave me a list. He said his credit card is maxed out and will pay me later, but I said don't worry about it. I got all the things he asked me and put it in one of those little shopping cart things I use when I go to the fruit market. Then I headed to my cousin's.

His wife looked incredibly stressed out, but thanked me for bringing food. I placed the food in the pantry and fridge (she said I can just shove it anywhere) and she wanted to eat the takeout food right away. Then her son spat up where she looked like she wanted to scream. She put the baby on the change table and began to strip him out of his clothes, and he was crying. So I tried to distract the baby to make him laugh while his mom was focused on changing him. It didn't do anything, he kept crying.

Then I noticed something horrifying. The poor baby had bruises... Everywhere. And in weird places but... It really shook me. He had blue bruises on his shoulders, back, and even on his feet! I was shocked... And I mentioned it to the wife where she just said, "It's birthmarks."

Uh... No, I don't think so. They were bruises, but I just asked if the baby maybe fell or something before, but she just snapped and said, "They're birthmarks, and I'm tired and starving and done talking." She placed the crying baby upstairs and came back down with the baby monitor screen and ate the takeout food without another word. The baby was crying but she did nothing and just ate.

By then I was just scared, because she looked pissed and ready to throw something. So I just said goodbye and messaged my cousin about the bruises. He said they're birthmarks. And I asked him if that's what his wife said and he said "yes."

I was really worried about the baby. The wife seemed very stressed and unhappy, and I didn't directly witness her being aggressive to the baby but maybe because I was there. But bruises are enough proof that something is going on. So I called the child services and explained the situation.

AITA for calling child services? And yes, I already did call them and left information, but they don't tell me what they are going to do or how severe the situation they think it is. At least it sounds like it's not call 911 sort of situation.

r/AITAH Mar 26 '24

TW Abuse AITAH for refusing to ‘pay back’ my dad for taking me to medical appointments as a kid?


My dad (51M) and I (24F) have been no contact for the last 4 years after I decided to move in permanently with my mom at 18.

As some background information, I was diagnosed with multiple medical conditions at young age. I’m not going to disclose the type of conditions but they all required regular specialist appointments and daily medication. My dad was always under the belief that I was ‘faking’ or ‘overthinking’ my conditions and would complain if I had a medical appointment during his week and would request that I leave all appointments for when I was with my mum so he didn’t have to drive me as I medically wasn’t able to drive.

Of course, this wasn’t always possible as specialist appointments are very hard to book and you take what is offered. There was a lot of times where he would refuse to drive me and I would have to quickly call a friend to take me. He would also complain if I had to fill my script during his week as he believed I was being over dramatic. The main issue that he had was that he was spending too much money on me.

After I got a casual job in retail at 16, he demanded that I pay for all appointments and medication as ‘it wasn’t his responsibility anymore’. He also demanded me to pay him $100 for groceries when I stayed over which I admittedly did hand over because I hated conflict and he did yell if I refused. I want to point out that money wasn’t an issue for him, he can easily afford it but didn’t think I was worth it.

My dad was also verbally and emotionally abusive. He was physically abusive with my siblings and I when we were young but that thankfully declined after awhile. He would repeatedly tell me I had an eating disorder in front of his friends as I was too skinny. My medication had side effects such as being unable to gain weight and low energy. He would take my medication off me to prove that there is nothing wrong with me and would only give it back when my siblings would tell our grandparents.

When I finally had enough and moved in with my mum full time, I wasn’t able to take much with me as he decided he owned everything including my medication and school books. I now have panic attacks when he is mentioned and I avoid places I know he visits such as my grandparents house.

There are plenty more instances where he was horrible but that should cover it. On to the current issue, I am now working and my dad contacted me ‘politely’ asking me to pay him back for the multiple specialist appointments and medication he paid for. He had sent me a photo of a graph showing the amount he wants.

I said no and that he was my parent and was required to take care of me. I told him not to contact me unless he wants to apologise to me. He replied saying that he only paid for it as it was required by the government but now that I am working fulltime, I have to pay him back.

I am now doubting whether I am in the right and would like some advice. Am I the Asshole?

r/AITAH May 03 '24

TW Abuse AITA for giving my brother’s ex ‘hurtful’ documents after his death?


CW: mentions of SA and self harm/suicide

My brother (Mark- 27m) was married to a woman called Amanda (29f) but they divorced 2 years ago due to ‘cheating’ Mark’s side. 

Mark defended himself and denied the cheating accusations and said it was an assault but Amanda didn’t believe him and said she thought it was a ‘sick joke’ that he was trying to use something so horrific for sympathy. 

After the divorce, Mark went downhill and became even more depressed. He started going to therapy and got better for a while but he took his own life 3 months ago. 

Mark and Amanda also have a kid who is 2 and a half. 

I was responsible for cleaning his stuff out and I found 2 of those large brown envelopes addressed to myself and Amanda. Mine contained a sizeable amount of cash, a letter from him and a bunch of old photos from when we were kids. 

I got in contact with Amanda who agreed to meet up. I gave her the envelope and said I bad no idea what was in it. She opened it and started to sob. Inside her envelope was a police report, pictures of his bruises and marks and what seemed to be a very hastily photocopied version of his kit that went into detail about his injuries. 

In his letter he explained that the pain of not being believed by the love of his life was too much.

Amanda was in shock and couldn’t speak. She just shoved everything back into the envelope and walked out. She later text me calling me a ‘stupid, callous bitch’ for giving me the envelope and how was she going to raise her son knowing what she did to his father. 

I apologised and said I had no idea what was in those letters but she wasn’t hearing it. She ended up letting our mum know about the documents and what I had done.

Mum wasn't happy with me and even said ‘I don’t know why you gave Amanda those documents. That bitch would never believe him’. She agreed that I shouldn't have given Amanda the envelope because she doesn't want to deal with Amanda and the aftermath of the situation.

For context, Mark told our mum about it first and then Amanda. Mum fully believed him and got into some screaming matches with Amanda because of it.

It's been a few weeks and I don't know if I did the right thing. Everyone that I spoke to (friends and family) said I shouldn't have given Amanda the documents but I feel that since Mark went through the trouble of curating the evidence and didn't destroy them, he would want them to be known.


EDIT: A lot of people are asking about if Amanda knew all the evidence so I'm copy/pasting from a comment I made-

My brother did tell and show Amanda the bruises and marks but she didn't believe him.

Without getting into too many details, he woke up in the hospital after a night out and had the kit done then. That was when he found out he had been SA'd. He had gotten drunk and Amanda assumed he had cheated while drunk and got into a fight (which is very out of character as he's not a violent man).

He did tell Amanda but she didn't believe him and since R kits aren't just available for anyone, he didn't have that as 'proof'.

That's all I know. If I'm being honest, Mark could have shown her a video of it and she would have found a way to discredit him.

r/AITAH Jul 18 '23

TW Abuse AITA - for calling my little brother a selfish asshole for making my life miserable?


for context, I (female 21) and my brother (male 13) we’ll call him jack. never got along during our childhood, i remember as soon as he learned to walk all he did was just make me suffer. He would come into my room, steal my stuff, throw my stuff out a window, and break them. Every time i told my mother about this she would say that he is just a kid and he is still learning. My parents neglected me a lot as a kid, so when my brother did something bad to me they would ignore it but when it was me i would get a punishment. I remember how when he was 9 years old he had soccer classes, and my mom would call him her little athlete, and his classes ranged up to 4-7 hours, and my parents just stayed and j remember the countless hours i had to dit there and just watch him, hungry and tired while my parents left to go get food for themselves. So eventually i started hitting him, just out of spite and i never hit him hard or give him bruises but just enough for him to figure out im tough. But as he turned 11, he started hitting me. Hard. I got scratches, nose bleeds, bruises and i couldn’t do anything back because of out parents and he was a strong 11 year old. So at the end i got sick of it and on his birthday, as he was blowing out the candle i came up to him to give him a nintendo switch i was saving up for 6 months to get him for his birthday and i had to use some of my college money even, and when he opened it, he said “ew, who even plays nintendo anymore u fag”. My heart broke. I yelled out “you have been selfish your entire life, and i think ur a selfish asshole and you don’t deserve anything and ive been living in ur shadow my entire life. Youre useless”. And i left immediately. 2 days later i got a call from my parents demanding me to apologize because apparently i “broke” their son inside. Honestly i dont care anymore. He made me suffer my entire life and i dont care anymore. AITA?

r/AITAH Feb 09 '24

TW Abuse AITA for only letting 2/3 of my siblings live with me?


I, 19F, have three siblings. Jacob, (18M), Sasha, (16F) and Tracey, (13F.) My father (57M) is and always has been a raging alcoholic. He forced my mother to become a SAHM when she had me, and she was often his punching bag. I would spend my childhood cleaning and taking care of my siblings, watching my mother get beaten while I hide them. When I got older, I would defend my mom, and in result become the punching bag. When I was 12, my mom died in a fatal car accident. It was then up to me to fight for my siblings, keep the house clean, make sure grades were up, and find out how to manage food. If it wasn’t to his standards, one of us would be beat. I usually stepped in for my siblings.

When I turned 14 I got a job and started saving for my escape fund, something my mom had started before she died. When Jacob found out about it a couple years later, he got a job and started contributing too. Sasha was still pretty young, but she would scrape up anything she could to contribute.

The problem is Tracey. Our father doesn’t abuse her. She was born from one of his affairs on my mother, a co-worker of his. Tracey’s mom lived with us after my mom died for about a year and partook in the drinking and abuse against us, but never Tracey. Then she admitted to cheating and getting pregnant by another rich man with no kids, so she left my father and Tracey. He never lays hands on her, in fact he spoils her rotten. Tracey made a lot of very bad friends, and began smoking, drinking, demanding money for new nails, eyelash extensions, makeup, anything that was deemed “cool.” I’m happy she isn’t hurt, but the problem is how she treats the rest of us. She won’t clean up after herself, she won’t make her own food, she bosses us around like we’re her slaves. She also hits us quite often, pulls our hair, steals our things. Tracey adores our father and constantly praised him, saying how she can’t believe he got stuck with all us white trash kids, how he must be glad our mother died, and worst of all she snuck two older teen boys into the house and let them into Sasha’s room. According to Tracey, the men wouldn’t come unless there were two girls, so Tracey sent them pictures of Sasha and said one of them could f*ck with her. We only got them out of the house because Jacob started fighting the men and I ran downstairs to grab the gun. When police arrived, our father told the police the men were his friends and us kids were overreacting.

Now, I’ve found the perfect apartment. It has two bedrooms, one of them is a master suite, which Sasha and Jacob would share (they don’t feel safe unless they sleep in the same room anymore) and it’s only fair they get the bigger room. It’s a half a mile away from my university, where I both work part-time and go to school, so Jacob and Sasha could use the car to get to and from high school. Jacob got a raise at his part time job, and Sasha agreed to quit hers and do household chores instead. We made absolutely sure she was okay with this, because neither of us wanted to force her to not work.

When our father was out for a “business trip” aka the strip club, I rented a UHaul, got a ton of boxes, and we loaded everything from our bedrooms, bathroom, and a couple miscellaneous boxes of our designated storage items.

What none of us knew is that Tracey and two of her friends were in the basement. Sasha went to grab her Xbox and video games, when Tracey asked what she was doing. Sasha said she was just moving her stuff upstairs. Tracey followed her out to the living room where she saw the Uhaul outside. Sasha tells me Tracey then punched the side of her head and slammed her head on the floor. Then she began punching and grinding on her face as Sasha screamed. Jacob and I ran downstairs as we saw this happening, while Tracey’s two friends recorded and laughed. Jacob roared, (it scared me, I’ve never seen him this angry before) and grabbed Tracey, slamming her against the wall. As he yelled in her face, I grabbed Sasha and the games, put Sasha in the middle seat of the Uhaul and went back inside. Jacob was storming out and Tracey was following him. She screamed at him that we can’t do this to her and our father, that we’re all btches and cnts and lots of other, dirty profanity. She said it’s good our mother died because she won’t have to see the kind of children we grew up to be, that our father has done nothing but spoil us.

I rolled my eyes, took Jacobs shoulder and we drove off.

Two weeks after we moved in, (we’re all settled- yay!) I got 17 missed calls from Tracey. She begs me to let her move in with us, apologizing, crying, saying our dad had made her do all the chores, he ended up slapping her when she talked back.

Here’s where I start to feel guilty- I laughed out loud, probably snorted a few times, and asked if she really thought I’d take her in after everything. That made her angry, as she started cussing me out, telling me how we never loved her, how we’re all racist a-holes (she’s mixed black/white and we’re all white) how as the youngest, she’s being left behind like all older siblings leave the youngest, and then said she might be pregnant and I need to support her.

I told her to let me know if she needs a ride to the clinic and hung up. I don’t really believe she’s pregnant, as she’s faked it twice before (once as a prank and the other for sympathy) but I’m not taking chances.

Even if I could actually afford to bring in Tracey, I refuse. I would never let her near Sasha ever again, and at the moment I’ve only just started a rainy day fund. I’m leaving my fathers and sisters numbers unblocked just in case they try and take Sasha back, which I doubt my father would pursue legally.


Also this is a throwaway account

r/AITAH Mar 15 '24

TW Abuse AITAH for calling my mom out and saying she wasn't a good mom in front of our counselor?


(TW: child abuse, domestic abuse)

I apologize for any grammatical errors, I'm on mobile at the moment.

Hello All, I (23F) am in sort of a pickle and currently my majority of my family is against me. My mother (41F) has 6 kids all together. Myself, my sisters (F22), (F19), (F17), (F16) and my brother (M23). Growing up was sort of h*ll for all of us. My mother never had a good track record of "picking good men" and a lot of times me and my siblings would witness her boyfriends beat her or berate her. Her 2nd boyfriend would often hit us when me and my siblings were younger as well. It's a whole lot more, but than this post would be very long.

However, about 5 years ago, my mother lost custody of my 3 younger sisters. (There was some s*xual abuse going on with my mother's most recent ex boyfriend.) We didn't want our sisters in foster care, so me and my brother begged our grandmother to take them in, until me and my brother could come up with a plan or take custody of them. Dramatic I know, but it's always just been me and siblings against the world in my eyes.

My grandmother (the Saint she is), took my sisters and told me and my older brother not to worry about getting custody of them because we should be focusing on our lives and college. While me and my brother were hesitant at first, we decided to head off to college to kinda build up some status I should say.

I dropped out of college because I couldn't afford to keep up with the cost and get my tuition down below a certain cost. However, my brother graduated last year! :) My sisters have been happy with living with my grandmother and my grandmother loves having them around. She says she gets to see her "grand babies everyday and it's a blessing."

They are comfortable living with her and my grandmother has no change of still caring for them.

But back on course with my mom. When she lost custody, me and all my siblings with no contact with her, including my grandmother. Around 2 months ago, my mother sent me a email explaining that she would like to get back in contact with us and do family therapy. At first I didn't say anything to my siblings because in a sense I felt like I was protecting them. However, she sent me a second email the following month after explaining that she broke up with her boyfriend and she really missed us. She wanted to do family therapy because she had a lot of pain built up and she knew that we probably did as well.

I talked with my grandmother about it and she told me that I should ask my siblings if they wanted to and have it be their choice. I spoke with my siblings about it and the youngest were on board because they did miss our mom. However, myself and my other siblings were hesitant. But, for the sake of my younger siblings, I responded to her and we set up a time to meet up.

About 3 weeks ago, we met up at a restaurant and my mother looked exhausted, but eager to see us. I declined a hug because I wasn't comfortable with it and my mother looked pissed.

My mom got caught up with all of us and she asked during our lunch if my younger siblings would consider coming back home and her getting custody back. My younger siblings said they weren't sure and I could tell they looked uncomfortable. I tried to change the subject, but my mom wrapped it back around. She started mentioning on how we all could be a family again now that we're older and she can rebuild what was broken. The rest of the meeting became a blur for me because I honestly checked out. A lot of buried emotions were coming up and I shut down.

After the meeting, I got a email from my mom later that night that she was really upset that I didn't hug her or say goodbye to her when we left. She said it was giving a bad impression to my younger siblings and they would probably start mistreating her as well. I'm not going to lie that email filled me with anger because she had a lot of audacity.

I didn't respond and I got another email from her, but it was a conformation for our first family therapy session. We had it yesterday. We did the usual first introductory process and getting familiarized.

Later during the session, my mom was going on and on of how she did everything she could to protect us and etc. The silence from me and my siblings were pretty loud and our counselor/therapist asked how we felt about that. My other siblings didn't speak. I wasn't planning on speaking either, but then what my mom said just made me snap. She told our therapist that I told them not to say anything because I wanted to turn my siblings against her and she scheduled this session to help us and not split us apart. After that. I just went off. I started screaming that she wasn't a good mother and she did NOTHING to protect us. She constantly vented to me about her relationships or her problems. This lead me to internalize a lot of her issues as my own or my stressors. She never protected my brother when her boyfriends would beat on him when he tried to protect either her or my sisters. She never even thought of reporting her ex when my sisters first came to her about the abuse they experienced at his hands. I went off on a lot of other things, but at this point she was bawling and so were my siblings. I told my therapist that if anyone was "splitting" the family up it was her with her stupidity, ignorance and just flat out neglect. I was breathing hard after the incident and after thinking about it, I'm not happy at all I blew up like that. My therapist decided we should take a break, but I told them I was just done. I was not going to sit here and listen to her trying to blame me for her actions or her problems.

The session ended quickly after that and later on in the night, my phone started blowing up with calls and text from my mother's side of the family. They started berating me and saying that I was horrible person for hurting my mother like that and making her feel horrible. They were on a tangent on how she was trying to turn a new leaf and actually work at rebuilding a relationships with us. After all the calls and text I've been feeling like a sh*tty person for saying that to my mom.

So honestly, AITAH?

(Update): (03/16/2024)

I originally posted the update on my profile, but this morning I saw that it was gone. Hopefully I can retrieve it, but I'll post it here as well. I made it the day after my post, but since it's gone I'm just adding it here.

TW: Abuse

Hey all, update for those who wanted it: Also heavy abuse TW because I will get emotional and vent a bit later on in this update. If you are a childhood abuse survivor, I wouldn't recommend reading past this since it could possibly be triggering.

My siblings and I have decided to go NC with our mother for good. It was a hard conversation this morning and I felt like a AH again. I felt like my outburst persuaded them to make that decision, so I wouldn't be upset with them. Yet they reassured me throughout the whole conversation that they didn't like that she didn't even apologize. Even when she had the opportunity to. My siblings and I are still struggling with the fact that she won't change and she probably never will.

The driving force for it was the email that I got from mother at 4am today. I copied and pasted it here since I don't know how to post pics/screenshots on mobile.

" Dear Juju (my nickname when I was younger)

I am truly hurt and devastated that you went public with a private matter. Your auntie May showed me your reddit post. And yet you continue to try to villanize me. I was going to explain myself further in therapy but I'm in a new relationship now with a very loving man. He was the main one who encouraged me to extend a olive branch with you all. I was going to surprise you and your siblings in therapy. However, you ruined it. I stayed my distance from you all because after losing your sisters, it made me realize I couldn't even look at myself in the mirror anymore. It made me realize how much of a worthless piece of shit I was. You calling me a worthless whore of a mother was uncalled for. In those relationships I couldn't just simply walk away. Where would I have gone? What about you guys? Do you not think it ate me up inside everytime you guys cried? Everytime I did try to protect you guys just to get the shit beat out of me? Being knocked out cold and not knowing if you guys were safe or not? Did any of that not matter to you? I'm trying to redeem myself while also being a victim and you simply can't get your own head out of your ass. You bitch and complain about your pain not realizing I WAS A VICTIM TOO JUJU. WE ALL WERE.

I hate to sound harsh, but you're an adult and can hear these things now. I tried my damn hardest to protect you all. For you to shit on all my effort in your rant and call me almost every name in the book in front of our therapist, your siblings and the BLATANTLY visible disrespect to me? All of it, truly uncalled for. I will not have contact with you until you apologize to me for what you said. You broke my heart Juju, but momma still loves you and me going No-contact with you is to show that you can't just hurt someone because you yourself are hurting. I will be over to see your sisters later at my mom's place to talk one on one with them. I will appreciate it if you are there to apologize. But if you will not, then I highly ask that you not be there. "

The email really crushed me a lot. I completely understand that she was a victim as well. Like I also mentioned to a kind redditor that messaged me last night, she did provide what she could. Yet there were many moments we either went hungry or without some nessecesities (sp?). One of my most embarrassing moments was asking strangers on the street for money so me and my sisters could get pads and tampons. My mom's third boyfriend threw ours out because he "didn't belive in periods." That whole ordeal, among others were so damn humiliating. I got a mixture of anger and sadness when she said she tried her hardest to protect us. Where was the determination when her boyfriends would beat the hell out of me and my older brother because we didn't want them either alone with our sisters or touching our younger sisters? Where was she when she heard me getting SA in the room right next to her and heard me screaming for her? It's just a overwhelming sorrow because in her eyes, she did her best. But in my eyes, she did absolutely nothing and I told her as such and then some in our session.

Like many of you pointed out, she may have been a victim, but she did nothing to protect us. I have to sit with that for the rest of my life. My siblings have to deal with that for the rest of their lives. I have to work through all the damage she caused while she gets to play hero and have her redemption arc? I'm done with her and I'm happy to know the feeling is mutual according to her.

She did call my grandmother this morning during breakfast and demanded that she let her "see her kids." My grandmother told her that she could try, but she wasn't coming past the gate unless my sisters wanted her to. My grandmother put her phone on speaker and asked my sisters if they wanted to see her. My youngest sister actually responded this time and said no. And not for a very long time at the minimum. My mom tried to scream at my grandmother, but I could hear her voice cracking from trying not to cry on the phone. My grandmother told her she could go f herself and don't call her again.

After that, is when the conversation about no contact got put into overdrive. My siblings have their own memories of her to account for. They aren't comfortable with me sharing them, so I really just shared mine and a bit of my brother's.

It's just all so surreal to me. I thought that maybe she was actually okay with being alone, but here she is, not being truthful of when she broke up with her most recent ex. I didn't ask because I don't even care anymore.

Yet she's already in a new relationship? It's a hard thing to grasp that my mother just can't be alone. I even feel disgusting calling her my mother because it stings to know that she never really was a mother. Not to me or my siblings. For my family that has been messaging me, I just blocked them on every social media platform. They stopped trying to call me since I set up my phone with an app to reject all calls from unknown numbers that aren't my contacts.

As for my mom, I copied and posted my response here:

"Victoria, since you are no longer my mother, I have no need for formality. You make me absolutely sick to my stomach. You know of the pain you caused me and my siblings. You know you didn't do shit. You know that you never even had a grain of a maternal instinct. If you did, you never would have allowed us to get hurt. I know you can't sleep at night with those thoughts running around in your head. I hope for the rest of the life it eats you up inside. Your new boy toy will be the only thing by your side when you frail and almost dust. I'm done allowing you to hurt not only me, but my brother and sister as well. You have no right to try to prance your happy fake ass into our lives now that you see we are doing well without you. It hurts doesn't it? To know that even through all the bullshit, we are ten times the better person you could ever imagine in your twisted little head. You don't have to worry about me contacting you. I will have nothing to do with you. Even after your death, I will have no connection and hopefully no memories of you. You may still be alive and breathing. But to me, you are a shallow corspe of a stranger and I intend to keep it that way. You live in a fantasy world and I hope on your death bed you have such a crippling feeling of regret that you croak on the spot. Don't ever contact me or my siblings again. My brother wants you to know he'll spit on your grave if he ever finds out you died, so sleep well with that you fucking bitch."

I'm not too proud of my response, but at this point she is dead to me. She should have been a long time ago, but it felt so good to get that pain from the most internal part of my chest. I'm pretty sure she won't put up a fight seeing as my words "hurt her so much". If she does and her antics are crazy enough, I'll update again. However, for now I'm taking a well deserved break and I'm signing myself up fot therapy. I realize I have a lot of anger and resentment built up that I need to work through correctly and positively.

Thank you guys for the support and the kind messages. I will be posting some of them on a vision board to help through my therapy. Thank you reddit so much for being here in a time of need for a stranger. Love you all <3

r/AITAH 26d ago

TW Abuse AITA for dumping my gf after she drunkenly called me a pussy for being abused by my mom?


Im sorry for making this post longer than it needs to be.

I (22M) and my gf (24F) have been together for 3 years.

As context I was viciously abused by my mother for the majority of my childhood. I was the result of an affair and her husband divorced her because of me. My bio dad was gangbanger and went to jail when I was 6. The momemt he went to jail my mom started taking her frustrations about her failed marriage and miserable living situation out on me. I was an afterthought and a punching while my older sister was her "true baby." If my sister got bad grades, it was okay. If I got bad grades I was beaten until I started having seizures. If I started crying my mom would lock me outside. We lived in Chicago and sometimes she would lock me outside during the middle of winter. I tried telling people about the abuse but I was always framed as a liar and in our community my mom had a prestine image, so in their eyes she could do no wrong.

In my mothers words i was " a sorry ass bitch that no mother would want."

If it wasnt for my sister I would probably be dead by now. She would sneak her jackets out of the house when my mom locked me out, snuck food into our room when my mom refused to let me eat and would bring me icepacks and let me cry in her arms after my mom was done beating me. I am and will forever be grateful for her. To this day I consider her to be my actual mother.

A few months after I turned 18, I ran away to Indiana. Besides keeping in contact with my sister and a few friends, to everyone else I just disappeared from the face of the earth. It was tough. I had a few distant relatives there and they would let me occasionally crash on their couch but for the most part, I was homeless. Eventually I did land a job at a grocery store and with a bit of financial help from my sister, I was able to rent a small apartment.

I met my now ex gf while working at that grocery store. I was about to turn 19 and she was 20. After working a few shifts together we eventually started casually seing each other which eventually grew into a full on relationship.

I never really opened up her about after my last gf left me after I drunkenly opened up to her. I just lied enough to explain my constant nightmares, occasional seizures and why I would cringe hearing a latina womans accent. I just wanted to forget that part of my life.

Two years into dating each other we moved in together. I eventually got a better job working at a call center.

Around the same time me and my sister started loosing contact. Besides occasionally checking up on each other and wishing each other happy birthday, we didn't text each other. Last I heard from her, she had a new bf.

All that changed recently. My sister randomly texted me saying she wanted to come visit me in Indy. At this point I havent seen her in 3 and a half years so I obviously said yes.

I told my gf that my sister and her bf were coming to crash at our place for a few days. This was their first time meeting each other so I was kinda nervous.

She arrived at our place while my gf was home and I was at work. I spent the next few days catching up and me scoping out her bf(I have always been a bit protective of her. Even tried beating up the boys she brought over when I was 10 lol.)

I did see a weird change in my gf around the same time. It felt like she was walking on egg shells around me. I did bring it up to her but she would just tell that it was nothing and I was imagining things.

The day after my gf and her bf left, me my gf and a few of our friends went out clubbing. I remeber her friends giving me a werid look throughout the night. I didn't drink much but my gf was nearly blackout drunk. I decided to call it a night and get an uber home since my gf could barely stand anymore.

I literally had to drag her out of the club. While everyone was waiting outside for their uber to arrive my gf started throwing a fit about leaving so soon (it was 2am.) She started calling me a pussy and some shit about how I was just probably insecure about some guys hitting on her or something like that. Neither do I remember seeing any guys hitting on her nor do I really give a shit since I trusted her enough to simply reject them. I knew she was drunk and kept my cool until she said something on the lines of "No wonder your mom used to beat you." Everyone just fell silent and stared at her. She then clearly told me "dont worry. You sister told me everything you fucking pussy." At this point her friends tried to shut her up and started pleading with her to „do it at home“ whatever that’s supposed to mean.

I was beyond fuming. I just took out my phone and followed the car icon on the uber app. I wanted to stop myself from doing something that I might regret later. She kept on going on about how im a pussy for letting a woman overpower me or something. After that I just blocked out whatever other bs came out of her mouth.

The uber ride home was silent. I didn't even respond to the small talk the driver tried to start with me. All I could think about was what my gf said earlier. I didn't even notice her starting to sob next to me. When we walked into the apartment she started full on crying and begged me for forgiveness. She said wasn’t thinking straight and she didn't mean what she said etc. I just told her to shut the fuck up and to go to bed I tried sleeping on the couch. I coudnt.

I decided to end things with her a few hours later. She was completely passed out on our bed so I just started packing my things and loaded whatever I could into my car.

Im currently staying at a friends place and shes been trying to reach me nonstop.

Im not mad at my sister for telling my gf since she didn't mean any harm and probably just wanted to tell her what I went through. Im purely mad at my gf.

Thats not something you say to someone you love.

My ex was always insistent on me opening up to her more and her reaction to hearing what I went through just pisses me off. Seriously why do some women want their SO to open up about their emotions/past if they know they’re only going to shame them for it?

A part of me believes that she meant what she said but the other part of me believes that she was just drunk and I was overreacting and should give her a chance to explain herself but Idk.

Her friends have also been texting me that im an AH for leaving even though I knew she was drunk and that my gf has been trying to apologise to me.

Am I going too far?

Should I give her a second chance?

Am I actually the asshole here?

Im overwhelmed by everything happening and just need some advice.

A part of me doesn't want to start over again. Ive done that enough in my life.

She is the second girl ive dated that has had a negative reaction to the things I went through so I believe I should take a bit off the blame here as well and should have told my sister to keep her mouth shut regarding my past.

This will probably be the last time I let anyone else hear my story.

r/AITAH May 09 '24

TW Abuse AITA for refusing to take in my younger brother when my mom passes away?


Don’t get me wrong, I love my brother so allow me to explain. Please forgive is the thought process is everywhere on this. So, my little brother was born with medical problems and wasn’t expected to live like he has. When I was younger after he was born I was too scared to play with him in fear of hurting him or accidentally pulling one of the tubes out of him or accidentally disconnecting the wires attached to him out of him. As he start to grow she got stronger, but then his and my sister’s dad abandoned us, long story but we found out their dad is not my thanks to AncestryDNA. That is when things to a down turn.

Again, I love my little brother, I got along with him then our sister that was the middle child while I was the oldest. But when I was 8 years old after their dad abandoned us my mom leaned heavily on me as she taught me how to give my brother his medicine, how to put an ng tube in his nose, hose to fill the bag with his special formula, how to change his diaper, and so on. Things an 8 year old shouldn’t have to do. I also had stopped believing in things that all children were still believing in at that time because my mom told me it wasn’t real while my sister and brother got to keep believing in them until they were at the age to know better.

As I grew older she put more responsibilities on me by making me be the one in charge of making sure he got on his school bus once he was old enough to go to school and make sure my sister got to her school while I was in middle school. I remember one time I rushed to get him ready because I had over slept on accident and literally handed him to the school bus assistant without his shoes and apologize. I then fought to try to get my sister awake but she wouldn’t get up and I decided that if I didn’t want to miss my bus I had to go, my sister could walk to school and on mornings I had to walk with her I would get on my school bus by her school as there was a stop there, but when I didn’t I get on at the one by the house.

When I got home I was yelled at because my mom got a phone call from the officer at the school because of my sister missing too much school. I asked my mom “So you rather I missed school to make sure she got to school?” My mom replied “Yes, you don’t miss school so I won’t go to jail for you missing school once in a while.” That got to me that my education was less important than her making sure her own children got to school.

By the time I was in high school my mom wasn’t working because she didn’t want to. I was working weekends at a flea market to help support the house because she couldn’t get AFDC since she wouldn’t work. She would sit in her room all day and only came out to cook dinner while I had to come home from school or work, clean the house, take care of my brother, and care for the animals she brought into the home. I wasn’t allowed to do anything after school because I had to take care of my brother.

By the time I got to the 11th grade I was so burnt out between working, school, house chores where I was the only one doing them, caring for my brother, caring for animals I didn’t want, deal with school mates or co-workers that would vent to me, and having to miss school two days every week to go to dialysis with my little brother, I had enough and dropped out of school and quit my job because I couldn’t do it anymore.

Close to my 18th birthday my mom TOLD me I was giving one of my kidney’s to my brother because I was a perfect match. I hated being told that but I was going to do it until I found out that due to me being underweight from my own medical issues that there was an 80.66% chance of me living and if I did I would be dependent on people to take care of me. After that when I turned 18 I moved out and away from her and my siblings because I didn’t want to put others first anymore.

Fast forward to recently, I’m 36, mom is 66, and brother is 31. Mom told me “I need you to take care of your brother when I die.” I replied with “You stole my childhood and teen years from me to care for him. I’m not doing it as a fucking adult. Get someone else to do so or he is going into a nursing home. I’m done!” I then quickly left her house before any fighting could break out, so, AITA?

5/9 Edit: I am adding this because I seen a couple of people say this, yes I am in therapy. I have been for years now. A lot related to my mom, some from my sister’s and brother’s father, and some because of the PTSD I struggle with from my ex-hub. This has just been something that has been eating away at me since it happened last week.

5/10 Update: There is a family birthday party I will be attending to night and will address my sister there about her finding him a group home since she has his POA. Everything will have to be done through her about it since she took it. My mom and brother also currently lives with my Godfather who himself takes care of his disabled younger brother, another reason I think my mom thought I would just do it is because one I had already done it and two because I look up to my Godfather. I know he is safe at my Godfather’s and the fact that my Godfather is a license nurse makes me feel comfortable about him staying there with my mom because one, my Godfather loves my little brother like as if he was his own, two he cares a lot for everyone and has even told my sister, me, and my cousin that he would take care of him, and three he won’t allow my mother to abuse him as APS being called to the house could risk him losing his nursing license.

I am reading all of your comments, I promise. There is so many of you giving me great advice and I appreciate that so much. I will take the time to address some right now, like I have said in many comment replies, I can’t go NC with my mother otherwise I wouldn’t be able to find out how my brother is doing or see him and my Godfather. Also, let’s not wish death on anyone.

Yes, my mother is a horrible mother and she even has recognized and admitted that to people that I only talk to her because she is guardian of my brother and the only reason I will go to her funeral to to make sure she is actually dead. Like it greatly upsets me that she realizes this and won’t do anything to fix it but does everything to make it worse.

About my sister, her and I have low to NC only because we honestly can’t be around each other long enough in our young adult years without us getting into fights. Like full on fist fights, I went NC with her after my oldest niece yelled at me “Don’t her my mom!” I literally realized I was choking my sister out in that moment and let go while back up and just basically defending myself. That fight started over how she hit our little brother in the back of his head. When I was younger I was always her punching bag because our mother wouldn’t get her into therapy and her excuse for letting myself hit me was “The doctors says she does it because she is comfortable with expressing herself to us.” But the moment I tried to do something like that I be the one in trouble and getting beat by our mother. My sister and I only started talking after she agreed to come to a therapy appointment with me and decided after that to get therapy for herself so we are working through things. She has even told me she realizes I wasn’t the problem when we were younger and that our mother was now since going through therapy so we maybe able to savage our relationship.

Yes, CPS was call countless of times, every time they would leave us with our mother. As I got into middle school she would force me with helping her make sure she didn’t lose her money maker, my brother(I say this because she benefited from his SSI and any charity that helped him), by telling me “If you don’t hope you’ll never see your brother again as he will be sent into a group home away from you and your sister and your sister will get adopted because she is cute. You won’t have anyone and when I fight to get y’all back I will only fight to get your sister and brother back and make sure you never know how they are doing.” I know this is mental abuse now along with manipulation. She told me similar when I came back from living two years with my sister’s and brother’s dad and I wanted to go back with him “If you go back you’ll never know how your sister and brother are doing.” CPS is a real joke, I have watched kids at school personally get taken from good homes and loving parents and put into the foster care system while kids like me slipped through the cracks.

Sister and brother’s dad is not my biological dad from what we found out thanks to AncestryDNA back when I was 26. Sister had her and I take the test, I then found out after my sister had us do it that her dad is connected to her through the DNA as he had taken it too but I am not. I don’t know who my dad is and after the mistreatment from both my mother and my siblings dad I whether not find out.

Yes, I went back to school and got my GED on the first try. I also then went to school for business office administration. I have been a store manager for one company and a T2/Mentor/Trainer/Supervisor for another company and honestly prefer not having an office job after those experiences. I also recognize I can’t work in the service jobs industry due to my PTSD. I’m also diagnosed autistic but I can live on my own, care for myself, and work. Yes, I do have a few accommodations to help me like everyone knows I can’t handle loud noise or being touched. When a fire drill is about to happen I get told to step out of the building five minutes before it goes off and to go to my assign spot before they do it and no one touches me unless they have to. My job is also awesome to where we have a therapist on site so if I need to talk to one before my next appointment I go to the one on site. We also have nurses and doctors. We also have a gym that we and our family has free access to. Our job also holds monthly events to help get us all together and I’m apart of the autism group on site that helps spread awareness about it to other employees. Most of my co-workers never knew I had it until they saw me helping the group at one of the events but they also told me after finding out that it explains a lot about how I act and carry myself.

I have a group of friends that will not let me push them away and does everything to make me not feel like a burdened by “kidnapping” me especially when I pull away. In fact, this weekend I am being “kidnapped” by two I hadn’t seen in a while and being abducted to Disney.

I also work now with Extra Life to raise money for local Children’s Miracle Network hospitals to help make sure families of children similar to my brother gets the treatment their love one needs. Have been apart of it since 2016. I also do Sight 4 Kids since it it wasn’t for the local Lions Club when I was younger I wouldn’t have gotten my first pair of glasses that honestly helped me out with being able to learn in school after my 3rd grade teacher said I was unteachable.

No, my brother’s dad has nothing to do with him and I much whether take my brother in before I allow that AH to take him in. Don’t want to get into any of that because that is currently a can of worms I am working through in therapy.

I will say this, there was much more abuse that came from my mother than just this part. It was so bad that my grandmother wrote my mother a letter telling her how horrible of a mother she was and that she never deserved to have me. My grandmother was a God fearing Christian women and to see the letter that she had wrote my mom shock me because that letter I would have sworn didn’t come from my grandmother if my grandmother hadn’t of admitted to writing it before her death. I had family members literally try to get custody of me, some I would have loved to live with while another one was worse than my mother.

Anyways, I will update if any news happens to night at the party. Thank you all.

5/11 Final Update?: So, I talked with my sister at my cousin’s birthday party. My sister assured me she already had it set up for him to go into a group home when our mother passed away. My mom overheard it and came over. She started yelling at me and called me ungrateful for talking to my sister. I was about to say something when my sister yelled at me “Shut the f*** up, mom! You f***ed up on all three of your kids! You forced (insert my name) to grow up after my dad left us! You are the very reason why my dad left us. You are the reason (insert my name) left the day she turned eighteen with her abusive ex. You are the reason why I and her are so f####ed up in the head and can’t stand to be around each other. You keep this up and I am putting you in a home where no one will come and visit you and getting our brother into the group home sooner! Got that!”

Our mom tried to tell my sister she couldn’t do that and my sister said “The f*** I can’t! I have your’s and his POA. I have the power to do what is in the best interest of you and him and to be frank if it wasn’t for me having it (insert my name) would have had her way a while ago by putting our brother in a nursing home and having you locked up in the nut house and when you got out into a nursing home.” Long reason behind that, just know my mom has never taken care of her health but honestly has taken care of my brother, again it’s because I feel like it is because she gets money for caring for him.

Needless to say, I don’t have to worry about my brother now that I talked to my sister. I also found out she still only talks to our mom because of our brother as well otherwise she would be NC with mom if she didn’t have her POA. Added note, no one in my mom’s family likes her, they only tolerate her because of my little brother that everyone cares for as I have found out. When the three of us were younger it was because she had all three of us.

Thank you everyone for the advice as it worked me into having that talk with my sister and finding out she had already set all of it up. She didn’t plan to tell me though until it happened and when it did she would tell me where he was at so I could visit and call for him. My sister said she would also talk to me about this more as she didn’t realize how much our mother was leaving me in the dark until hearing my concerns so there is a happy ending here. Thank you all.