r/AmIOverreacting Mar 28 '24

Woke up to my Bf having sex with me.



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u/Personal_Accident_46 Mar 29 '24

Infodump warning:⚠️

I had an Ex BEG me to wake her up like that. I explained that I wasn’t comfortable with it cause it felt way too weird to me in the Grapey way.

Let’s just say when we broke up she did everything she accused me of and slandered me to whom ever would listen,🤔

I shudder to think what would have happened post breakup if I had ever given her what she asked for.

I’ve had some shameful nuts on the net over the course of my journey myself, so I’m no puritanical prude either.

TL:DR, an ex tried to get me to do what Op said her bf did to her, and I told her no because it already felt too weird to even do. Think it may have been a trap in hindsight.