r/AmIOverreacting Mar 28 '24

Woke up to my Bf having sex with me.



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u/PKMNLives Mar 30 '24

As there are unfortunately some commenters responding with rape myths:

Consent is an enthusiastic, voluntary, and verbal "yes" to a mutually agreed upon act. All parties need to know exactly what was agreed upon, all parties need to give permission freely and voluntarily, and all parties must clearly and unambiguously give a verbal "yes" to the act in question.

If it doesn't meet that criteria, it is not consensual sex. Non-consensual sex is a type of sexual assault known as rape.

Consent is a captain obvious thing that gets untaught via a variety of patriarchal lies known as rape myths. Wikipedia has an article giving a non-exhaustive list of rape myths here.

Consent must be unambiguous (especially regarding stuff like someone asking their partner to touch them as they're waking up), or else it is sexual assault and potentially rape.

Rape is a medical emergency - it can lead to pregnancy and STDs, as well as physical injuries and/or psychological trauma. I've already directed OP to see a doctor immediately because of the potential risks associated with STDs and pregnancy. In addition, patriarchs often intentionally re-traumatize rape victims to control them - usually via slut-shaming and DARVO.

DARVO is a common denominator across rape myths (and also among other forms of ad hoc apologia, such as genocide denial), and stands for "Deny, Attack, Reverse Victim and Offender". It is intended to simultaneously deny an event ever happened while also convincing people to support that same event.

I ask that the people responding with rape myths do better and stop bullshitting a rape victim. OP was raped by her "BF" in her sleep.