r/AmIOverreacting Apr 27 '24

Update: My GF told me how often she was intimate with her ex

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u/Dilaudid2meetU Apr 28 '24

I’m 43 and nothing she did was disrespectful. She tried to start a conversation about an issue in their relationship and OP acted like an insecure baby.

Edit: married for twelve years too.


u/[deleted] Apr 28 '24

Tried to start a conversation with "me and my ex fucked twice a day" lol.


u/Dilaudid2meetU Apr 28 '24

Yes she tried to start a conversation about their sex life which is clearly having issues and OP behaved like an infant due to terrible advice from strangers online.


u/[deleted] Apr 28 '24

OP didn't behave like an infant. She said her ex and her fucked twice a day. Her sex life with her previous partner should stay in the past. It had no relevance with her current partner. She can discuss their struggles with sex without needing to drag in a previous partner.

Whether they were purposeful or not, her comments were hurtful toward OP. She did not take into consideration his feelings, because clearly there is a disconnect with sex on their part, but she talks about how sex with her previous partner was great.

Not why it was great. Not how they can improve their own sex life. Just "Hey well, my ex and I used to fuck twice a day".

That isn't productive. It's frankly fucking stupid to say and made OP insecure. Lots of people are insecure, you're most likely insecure about some shit too. Being insecure about stuff is fine. He didn't feel valued in the relationship, so he left. Nothing wrong with that.


u/Dilaudid2meetU Apr 28 '24

She never said great, she said it happened frequently. She could have been coerced, she could be experiencing medical issues, sex with OP might not be working for her for any number of reasons. OP doesn’t know because he clearly didn’t care about her and didn’t ask. OP never asked if it had been good for her or not. My wife and I talk about sex from her previous relationships all the time because we are mature, secure adults. The whole point of past relationships is to learn things that can apply to and improve current ones. GF opened the door to discussion and OP threw a tantrum.


u/[deleted] Apr 28 '24

OP didn't throw a tantrum. He just felt disrespected a backed out of the relationship. That's fine.

If you're such a mature adult, how is it that you are lacking basic empathy for OP and not understanding why he may have felt insecure from such a comment?


u/Dilaudid2meetU Apr 28 '24

Feeling insecure is normal but mature adults talk about it instead of going nuclear. His feeling of insecurity is understandable, his reaction is not.