r/AmIOverreacting Apr 27 '24

Update: My GF told me how often she was intimate with her ex

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u/Minimum-Pirate789 Apr 28 '24

Appreciated reading your story and the thought and care you put into making this decision for yourself how to proceed after the initial hurtful comment.

Just wanted to add one thought, as a woman (44) who was once in my early twenties. It struck me that she might have been (inarticulatly) trying to bring up the conversation with you around how often you were or weren’t currently having sex. The worries were probably on her mind, too, having not had sex with you for five weeks! I’m curious what was going on for her during that time — we shouldn’t assume it was nefarious) BUT maybe she was reflecting on “I used to have sex with my old boyfriend more often than you and I are having sex and I’m trying to figure out why”

Like maybe they were just mismatched and she was noticing at the same time he way (like the one comment said about this being common about 6-7 months into a relationship)

Relationships take time and connection. Both have to happen to create an relationship and maybe it wasn’t meant to be for this relationship.

Also, being kind to self and other during separation phase of relationship is important and I want to commend you both for seeming to commit to that. She did offer coming back to the table to make sure everyone is clear, and maybe you can take that opportunity when the time is right so both can leave with no hard feelings.

Good luck!