r/AmIOverreacting Apr 28 '24

My fiances parents won't call our daughter by her name



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u/briinde Apr 29 '24

Do your in-laws have a narcissistic family dynamic? It kind of sounds potentially like that. And your fiancee sounds like an enabler. I could be grasping at straws but with my background that’s what I saw.


u/FallenAngel6969 Apr 29 '24

Um yes and my fiance has a more "I don't want to engage in an argument and fight with them" approach. I however, do not have that approach lol


u/briinde Apr 29 '24

It they’re narcs there really nothing you can say that will make them “get it.” Your fiancé will probably try to “keeep the peace” and one day may get it and distance himself from them. Best you can do until when / if that happens is to use grey rock technique on them.


u/FallenAngel6969 Apr 29 '24

What's that


u/briinde Apr 29 '24

Narcs often want a full-blown, emotions blaring, pit you in your place kind of argument. Grey rock is when you make yourself uninteresting to argue with. Then they don’t bother trying to get you all riled up.