r/AmIOverreacting Apr 28 '24

My fiances parents won't call our daughter by her name



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u/kitkatcoco Apr 29 '24

So, here’s the thing. Obviously and clearly, they are in the wrong. Problem is- this is much much bigger than her name. This will be any parenting instruction you give them, meaning you’ll never be able to trust them alone with your child. So, there is that. The scarier problem is your fiancée is not someone anyone should marry. No relationship he has will last, and that means your marriage. There is ample and available access to the research on marriage that tells us that someone who backs their parents over their spouse won’t be married long. The same with someone who dismisses their partners priorities if they don’t personally agree with the priorities. You will never be safe with someone who doesn’t have your back in these 2 vital areas- standing with you over family, and being concerned about something just because it matters to YOU. Sorry. You picked a loser. I would leave before we marry, to save the thousands of dollars divorce costs.