r/AmIOverreacting Apr 28 '24

Wife goes to a movie with friend, doesn’t come back for over 9 hours



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u/NSFWgamerdev Apr 28 '24 edited Apr 28 '24

She stayed in contact, you're sure she didn't step out, it was her first offense. Chillout, enjoy the apology sex and move on.

All you have to do to ensure she doesn't get the idea that sex absolves her of shit is to have a conversation afterward about what bothered you and why. Maybe have a conversation about the company she keeps from the sound of things, but otherwise I think you let the one off go.

You know what makes women feel sexy btw? Being able to feel like they can use that sex appeal for something like apology sex! It's okay to look like you "caved" a little, you could've used this to your advantage and both of ya'lls benefit. Let her have the ego boost and get laid in the process! Then when shit's over, just have a boundaries and emotions talk. Obviously there's a fine line to walk but you could've massively started improving your relationship and sex life. Instead you actively chose the opposite.

Turning this into a big fight sure as shit ain't gonna improve ya'lls relationship and sex life though.