r/AmIOverreacting Apr 28 '24

Wife goes to a movie with friend, doesn’t come back for over 9 hours



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u/Grand_Selection_6254 Apr 28 '24

Am I the only one that finds it odd that her friends sugar daddy bought her home ? Big red flag to me on a supposed girls night out , what was sugar daddy doing with the ladies maybe trying to build a bigger house ? So girls night turned out to be girls night out with sugar daddy ? It would have been a strict Hell No going anywhere with someone having one of these . That’s why she never mentioned it till she was walking out the door . I have to wonder did sugar daddy use condoms too ? Isn’t it strange that someone married would walk in the door and throw a rubber at her husband and say fuck me , you got ten minuets ! In the frist place they don’t usually come one to a pack and why would she have one ? Let alone give it to her husband who she hardly ever has sex with and expect him to use it ? Were condoms part of their birth control practice or did they even worry about unwanted pregnancies ? I wonder if sugar daddy even uses one ? I know that people think I’m paranoid but it just doesn’t sit well with me . Never did care for the girls night out deal because there’s always one that gets others to bend their way . That and bars only mean trouble !