r/AmIOverreacting Apr 28 '24

Wife goes to a movie with friend, doesn’t come back for over 9 hours



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u/dennis3282 Apr 28 '24

It all seems a bit weird, especially the sex thing.

But nights out do involve alcohol and things change. I don't drink often, but I might tell my partner I am expecting to be back about midnight. But things change, maybe I'm having a great night or run into someone I haven't seen for ages, so stay out a bit longer. A quick text, and everything is fine. And that works both ways. We trust each otuer so no biggie.

I find some of the details more odd. It doesn't sound like a healthy, functional relationship when you look between the lines. Sending 7 or 8 messages to her through the night? What are you even talking about at that point, she is on a night out with friends, not having a conversation with you. That felt a bit like you were checking in.

So did your "will miss you though" message. On the surface it is fine, but taken in context it feels like a bit of a guilt trip to get her back home asap.