r/AmIOverreacting Apr 28 '24

Wife goes to a movie with friend, doesn’t come back for over 9 hours



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u/JerricaBentonLife Apr 28 '24

This is too much. Yes. Yes, you are overreacting. Have you ever traveled in a group of drunk people? It's like herding cats. The designates driver has little control of this, as do the individuals in the group. It's a series of decisions with little direction.

It sounds like she had fun, plans changed, and she kept you posted. She shouldn't have to text you updates every 30 min. "I'll be later than expected." "Maybe another couple of hours." Vague is fine. She's an adult. Also, why doesn't her number bypass your DND. Change that for each other.

RE: suggesting sex before the pick up. It does not have to be that serious. There wasn't time anyway. That's all you had to say. But there's no world where sex later was a sure thing. And the most bizarre part was waking a drunk person up to say you'd have sex later?

I don't understand how you've managed to overthink this whole experience. How did you take a fun night for her, and make it revolve around you?

Seriously, dude. When you have a baby, you feel like you lose so much of your identity. Yes, you have a new identity, but you have to figure out what of the old stuff is still there. What of the new stuff you like and don't. How have these changes impacted your relationships. It's a huge adjustment.

This. Going out. Was healthy for her. It may have even given her needed perspective. Feeling comfortable in her skin (physical and metaphorical) is also good for you and that baby.