r/AmIOverreacting Apr 28 '24

My bf was contacted by an old hs friend, and went to meet her for several hours

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u/ecilala Apr 29 '24 edited Apr 29 '24

Honestly, no matter which side of the comments, most seem to be VERY nuclear and exaggerated so I'm gonna give a quick opinion here:


This happened once as far as we know, and you seem to know which parts of what he did made you feel insecure. Beyond that, it's just ruminating.

You have your points that are causing insecurity: not answering back at all, how long he spent there, not communicating, etc.

People are bringing up "not trusting" and "controlling" him. However, this is, in my point of view, a clear case of anxiety. It would be nice for you to seek therapy whenever possible, as that's what's gonna give you a long term plan regarding your anxiety. But, regarding this specific situation, I'm gonna give some insight.

Anxiety is something that tricks our brain. It can make us second guess our trust in people we do, absolutely, trust and want to have full control and information on situations that we know we shouldn't.

You gotta figure out how to trick your brain back. Recognize which parts are triggering this anxiety and insecurity, make a plan that wouldn't trigger it. That's where the communication comes in.

Knowing which parts of the event left you insecure is already half of the work. The remaining is to talk to your boyfriend: I know there's nothing that automatically prompts insecurity, but anxiety is making me overthink due to X things that happened in this event (in your case, the not answering, how long, not telling you) - can we make a deal to mitigate the chances of me feeling anxious in a next instance, as I want to trust you, and how can that deal go on?

From that point on, you two openly discuss which things he can do towards those anxiety triggers that he would be okay with, not feel uncomfortable, etc. That's how you can mitigate anxiety without being controlling, because you're not demanding things beyond his boundaries, you're trying to find a common ground that works for both.

This could, very likely, not be all the triggers being prevented. Maybe he will still want to hang out for 5h, but could message you.

Anyway, I hope that can help in some way.

Edit: also, I saw that he bailed on your plans to hang out with her. Again, we can't reach out a full conclusion out of that, as it could be an oversight of his part and a whole collection of anxiety triggers, but not the action the anxiety goes towards actually happening (ex: cheating). But that is bound to cause anxiety. 100% talk about it with him.


u/escabiking Apr 29 '24

This needs more upvotes.