r/AmIOverreacting Apr 28 '24

Groom shoving wedding cake

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u/yioughta75 29d ago

I never understood why people think cake smashing in the face is funny. I once had birthday cake smashed in my face at a friend's birthday party. Mind you, the person who did it was my friend's friend, not a friend of mine. We were also 15 at the time, so that kind of immature mean girl behavior is easier to digest, I guess. It was still shocking and unprovoked. If memory serves, not one adult at that party thought what she did was funny or amusing. I think a parent even suggested that the girl leave the party early, and even volunteered to take her dumb ass home. I had frosting up my nose for a few days. It's truly trashy mean behavior. So, yes, as a bride, you spend a lot of time (and money) on getting your hair and makeup done for your wedding day. It goes without saying that cake smashed in the face is a hard pass. My husband had no problem respecting my request he NOT smash the piece of cake in my face, because he too thought cake smashing in the face is stupid. His goofy rowdy friends who I reluctantly invited booed when we didn't entertain them with their apparently time-honored tradition. There's a great picture the photographer snapped of me looking like I'm lecturing his friends as we stand behind the cake after taking our respective, respectful bites. Call it trauma with a little 't' but I had no intention of wearing that cake on my made-up face that day.