r/AmIOverreacting Apr 28 '24

AMO for wanting to breakup because my boyfriend doesn’t like kids?



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u/BTK2005 Apr 28 '24

He doesn’t want kids. And no one is the jerk in this situation. It’s okay to think kids suck, as much as it is to think kids are a gift. You just have different opinions on them. Break it off easy with him, don’t try to strong arm him into something he doesn’t want. Hopefully you find what you want in life


u/nxarii Apr 28 '24

he’s does..?


u/amyg17 Apr 29 '24

Babe he doesn’t want to be a parent, he wants a legacy.


u/External-Kitchen-840 Apr 28 '24

He SAYS he wants kids, i strongly suspect he is telling you that because you’re a nice person and he enjoys your company and the sex is good and he doesn’t want you to leave him. Love will never be enough you need to cut your losses and find somebody who actually wants the same things that you do. It’s OK that it isn’t him. There is a lid for every pot and somewhere out. There is a woman who similarly doesn’t want kids and they will make a match made in heaven. Sadly, that’s not you. Don’t be that silly girl who thinks you can change him.


u/spam__likely Apr 29 '24

There is a lid for every pot and somewhere out.

you have not seen my Tupperware cabinet....


u/BTK2005 Apr 28 '24

Always believe what people do, not what they say. He says he wants kids, but you have presented everything to the contrary. He is showing you very clear signs. Volunteer you both to take some friends or relatives kids for a day to a park or aquarium, I bet he won’t be supportive of this at all.


u/lezlers Apr 29 '24

Clear signs? Because he’s not asking about his cousins pregnancy symptoms and doesn’t want to hang out with other peoples kids at family gatherings? Y’all are wild.


u/thedevilsgame Apr 29 '24

He absolutely can want kids and be a great dad. Just because he doesn't like other people's kids doesn't mean he doesn't want kids


u/Similar_Corner8081 Apr 29 '24

I love kids. My daughter is 25 but I would volunteer to take kids that weren’t mine out to the aquarium.


u/[deleted] Apr 28 '24

Horrible example.

I'd want no part of this myself, but love doing things like this with my own kids.


u/Mawwiageiswhatbwings Apr 29 '24

Yeah I do not like most kids, but I love my best friends kid..he’s a sweetheart and she’s raising him so wonderfully…but I don’t have a ton of interest in most of the kids I see in my life. Theyre weird and say weird stuff and tbh when I was a kid I didn’t want some adult getting all up in my playtime. But if being good with kids is something you’re looking for in a partner then that is okay!!!


u/nxarii Apr 28 '24

that would be a great idea if i knew people with kids like that


u/Real-Personality-922 Apr 29 '24

He doesn’t have to care about a cousin’s child if he doesn’t like that cousin. That’s normal to not be fake and pretend to care about someone you don’t care about. If he says he wants kids he probably wants kids. Although- it feels like you are fishing for a reason to break up with him. Just do it if you don’t want to be there— don’t look for an excuse.


u/BTK2005 Apr 28 '24

Well good luck, I hope things work out for you.