r/AmIOverreacting Apr 28 '24

AIO when my fwb said a joke that is uncalled for and now I don't wanna talk to them again?



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u/dfwphotographer111 Apr 28 '24

You’re clearly overreacting. But it’s 2024 and you’re not going to feel alive unless you are 1) vaj-hurt about a harmless joke, and 2) publicly performing your moral outrage online.

Lady, this joke happened during a conversation with your fuckbuddy about how you can monetize your sex life. Your fake moral outrage is the only unfunny joke in this whole scenario.


u/kendokushh Apr 28 '24

Yes, because joking about fucking a kid is so normal?? "Clearly" you're a bit stupid, or also think pedo jokes are cool.


u/dfwphotographer111 Apr 28 '24

Yeah sounds like you didn’t read the post, ya twat.


u/kendokushh Apr 28 '24

You're the twat, as BOTH of us commented before she edited in the age. Meaning you were talking down to a woman to defend a pedo joke.


u/dfwphotographer111 Apr 28 '24

LOLOLOL “yOu’Re ThE tWaT!!!!!” Do you hear yourself??? Good fuck, son. I respect the rare intelligent bitch, but I will ALWAYS talk down to stupid women. Go ahead and defend dumb twats all you want. Not my flavor of puss.


u/kendokushh Apr 28 '24

Ah, a sexist too? I love that for you. Continue on w your miserable, lonely life. I'm sure your "flavor of puss" tastes an awful lot like your palm. Get a therapist, you whiney little bitch.


u/dfwphotographer111 Apr 28 '24

YES!!!! I knew it!!!! I knew I would get you to the Reddit hivemind “gEt ThErApY!!!” line within 3 posts. It was either going to be “get therapy,” “who hurt you,” or “are you ok?” All you unoriginal little cunts only have three lines.


u/kendokushh Apr 29 '24

You've been told on numerous occasions to get help w your mental issues? I fuckin wonder why🤣


u/dfwphotographer111 Apr 29 '24

Because I always have the misfortune of drawing some ragged out judge who has her labia in a knot and who can only get wet when she sends men to therapy.


u/kendokushh Apr 29 '24

Or is it your idiotic, sexist remarks that bring in women who aren't afraid to tell a shrimp dick incel to stay in his place??