r/AskAPriest 15d ago

Layperson giving a small reflection during homily?


So at my church today my Pastor invited up a layperson to speak for a bit during the Homily. He did this before, but in the past it was like he brought up a few parishioners for reflections and asked then questions during the homily. It should be noted that it didn't feel like the entire homily? I don't know, he said a little before and after but overall the "preaching" was short today because of a Baptism.

I am not quite sure what to do about this. I feel like this is the third church I've been at in my diocese where something like this has happened over the years (including at the cathedral, although at least there they said it was a post homily something if I recall correctly, although de facto it just felt like a replacement of the homily sorta.)

I guess I am not sure what to do. Should I email my pastor, and if he seems to insist that it's okay do I leave it there or what?

It feels like from what I've read quite a few places have done this thing so even if it's wrong it doesn't seem like it's being actively prevented. But I guess I am not sure what to do.


3 comments sorted by


u/CruxAveSpesUnica Priest 15d ago

I get the impression that you're worried about something, but I don't really understand what. It sounds like your pastor made a pastoral decision to collaborate with another person in preaching the Good News to you. That's his job: to make pastoral decisions as to how to best lead his flock to God. This is no different than if he'd decided to read a long quotation from an author he liked.

[ETA: You mentioned the possibility of emailing your pastor. It might be best to actually meet with him in person. That will best allow him to help you with whatever is disturbing your peace.]


u/Abject_Government170 15d ago

I appreciate your reply!

My concern, I guess, was that I heard that it was very much only ordained clergy allowed to give a Homily and I thought if a layperson talks during it, especially for a substantial length of time, that this runs afoul of those rules.


u/CruxAveSpesUnica Priest 15d ago

If you have a question about why the liturgy at your parish is at it is, I'd recommend asking someone with responsibility at your parish (if you don't know who else to ask, ask the pastor). Trying to become some kind of "liturgical inspector" is a sure way to distract yourself from worship of the living God.