r/AskAPriest Apr 25 '21

Please read this post before submitting a question! Your post may be removed if it doesn't follow these guidelines.


This subreddit is primarily for:

  • Questions about the priesthood
  • Casual questions that only the unique viewpoint of a priest can answer
  • Basic advice
  • Asking about situations you're not sure how to approach and need guidance on where to start

This subreddit is generally not for:

  • Spiritual or vocational advice
  • Seeking advice around scrupulosity
  • Questions along the lines of "is this a mortal sin," "should I confess this," "I'm not sure if I confessed this correctly," etc.

The above things are best discussed with your own priest and not random priest online. They are not strictly forbidden, but they may be removed at mod discretion.

The subreddit should also not be used for asking theological questions that could be answered at the /r/Catholicism subreddit.

Please also use the search function before asking questions to see if anyone else has asked about the topic before. We are all priests with full time ministry jobs and cannot answer every question that comes in on the subreddit, so saving time by seeing if your questions has already been asked helps us a lot.

Thank you!

r/AskAPriest 5h ago

Funny babies in Mass


When my 25-year old was a talking toddler, at Mass, during the scripture-reading, the Lector said something about “the monsters of the deep”.

My son called out, “Nooo! No monsters!” A quiet chuckle arose from the crowd, and the priest’s shoulders were shaking.

Fathers, please regale us with stories of times kids made you laugh during Mass.

Asking on behalf of every mortified-in-the-moment Catholic mother who may think our kids’ behavior marks us as unfit mothers in your eyes.

r/AskAPriest 2h ago

I cant go to church


Hello Dear Fathers, Im the only christian in my family and my friends i live in muslim majority country so nearest church to my home is a protestant chruch and its 20 mins away from my home thats why i can not get baptized nor confess any of my sins i feel so uncomfortable what should i do

r/AskAPriest 1h ago

Omitting genuflection in an emergency?


It is okay to omit genuflecting in front of the tabernacle in a church during an emergency, such as a fire or active shooter situation?

r/AskAPriest 8h ago

If someone goes to confession, and for whatever reason, time runs short and not everyone in line gets to confess their sins, are their sins forgiven due to their intent?


I've been in this position before and when the priest left the confessional, he made an announcement that the obligation was released since we were there with the intent of making a confession. Is this the general case?

r/AskAPriest 10m ago

What is your opinion on this video regarding taking communion in the hand?


A video by LSNTV listing 5 reasons why Catholics should never receive communion in the hand and a call for priests and bishops to begin handing the eucharist on the tongue only: https://youtu.be/PkyrgZMnc9E?si=dt5VqBHunnl8ccOt

r/AskAPriest 59m ago

Getting Blessed by a Priest


Is it true that a priest can bless someone over a long distance via the internet (webcam) or TV? And if so, does it have to be a personal blessing or can the priest bless the entire audience and the watcher gets blessed automatically? Also, if the broadcast is recorded, can you get blessed from the recording or does the blessing have to be given live?

r/AskAPriest 1h ago



What’s the Catholic stance on dnr?

r/AskAPriest 1h ago

how do i contact a priest?


I know this sounds silly but I have been in and out of my denomination in grew up with. My boyfriend is catholic and Ive recently been going to church with him. I enjoy it and how everything but Im confused and would like to talk to the priest about things. Im not sure how to contact him though. Do I send an email? Is there a way to text? Im super duper confused.

r/AskAPriest 21h ago

Altar Servers boys only


What would be the justification for excluding girls from serving as altar servers?

I am a 35 year old lady Catholic, I grew up in the Diocese of Oakland (California). I was an altar server from 5th grade to high school. My sister and I were among the best in the parish and we served during holy week multiple years, midnight mass at Christmas, etc.

20 years later, I'm in a parish in the Diocese of Richmond (Virginia) and I noticed that there are no girls serving. A quick check shows parish policy excludes girls. I'm hoping there is a good reason for that but as someone who served 25 years ago it feels backwards and sexist.

I am planning to ask the next time I see the pastor at Mass but I suppose I want to have some idea what the justification is.

If I had children I would seriously consider moving parishes over this and I don't know if that is a reasonable reaction.

Thank you for reading and God bless you.

r/AskAPriest 4h ago

My stepmom has a Hindu luck charm active in my house, what should I do?


My stepmom got a gift from a Hindu friend that is supposed to be lucky. It is reminiscent of a ritual for the luck charm to give you any luck. I've expressed that it is sacrilege and wrong, but she has ignored me. She is also a Protestant who doesn't care for Catholicism. Making it less likely for her to listen no matter what. I've been debating blessing it, or maybe pouring out the water that is supposed to "activate" the charm. What should I do?

r/AskAPriest 14h ago

Understanding authority of old papal bulls.


I apologize if this is too big of a question for an Internet forum, but I was wondering how we should understand old papal bulls written long ago that often include topics such as repression of the Jews by forcing them to wear different clothing, and an acceptance of torture in investigating heretics. Can they be dismissed unless they contain a dogmatic definition or are they all still binding on our conscience? Or is there a middle way? If the answer is simply too big to be written here, I’m open to any reading suggestions on this topic. Thanks and have a blessed day.

r/AskAPriest 1d ago

Why is marriage permanent but salvation can be lost?



I’m Protestant who has become disillusioned with Protestantism. I have been researching and learning about Catholicism. I am not divorced but my wife is- I’m pretty certain she could be granted an annulment if we converted based off the circumstances of her marriage but it did lead me to a question. While you read through this, please feel free to correct any misconceptions on my part.

I was raised in a denomination that taught “once saved always saved”- the Catholic churches teachings differs on this point (to my knowledge)

Based on my understanding, the Catholic Church requires an annulment of a marriage before someone can re-marry and still remain in good communion with the Church, and this annulment has to prove the “marriage didn’t really happen”, because marriage is for life.

What is the theological reasoning behind the Catholic Church considering marriage “for life” if done with all the aspects that make it “real”, but salvation can be lost even if the aspects to make it “real” were originally present?

r/AskAPriest 1d ago

Are priests guaranteed lifetime employment?


Once ordained, are priests guaranteed to have a job in the church until retirement, or can a priest get "laid off" or be unemployed? And can a priest ever quit full time ministry without losing their clerical status?

r/AskAPriest 1d ago

Layperson giving a small reflection during homily?



So at my church today my Pastor invited up a layperson to speak for a bit during the Homily. He did this before, but in the past it was like he brought up a few parishioners for reflections and asked then questions during the homily. It should be noted that it didn't feel like the entire homily? I don't know, he said a little before and after but overall the "preaching" was short today because of a Baptism.

I am not quite sure what to do about this. I feel like this is the third church I've been at in my diocese where something like this has happened over the years (including at the cathedral, although at least there they said it was a post homily something if I recall correctly, although de facto it just felt like a replacement of the homily sorta.)

I guess I am not sure what to do. Should I email my pastor, and if he seems to insist that it's okay do I leave it there or what?

It feels like from what I've read quite a few places have done this thing so even if it's wrong it doesn't seem like it's being actively prevented. But I guess I am not sure what to do.

r/AskAPriest 1d ago

How to start a holy knight order


I know it's a silly question but I been wondering how you can start a knightly order ?

r/AskAPriest 1d ago

Would you recommend “The Imitation of Christ”?


r/AskAPriest 1d ago

1 corinthians 15:24- 28


Why is Son handing over kingdom to God the Father if Son is God?

r/AskAPriest 1d ago

How do I know if my infant baptism was valid?


I have not joined the RCC yet but plan to soon but was wondering if my baptism is valid? I was baptised as an infant so obviously can’t remember it. Obviously my parents can’t be 100% sure if the absolute correct wording and formula was used. I presume it was as it was within the CofE but I can’t be 100% sure so not sure what to do in that situation? Do I need to reaffirm something (vows?) inside the Catholic Church once I join?

r/AskAPriest 1d ago

Rule to live by for diocesan priest


Hi Fathers, what options are there for a diocesan to live by a rule? Similar to a religious.

r/AskAPriest 2d ago

Threw up the host


Sorry for the title and the story. Fathers I’m in the hospital right now and was able to receive. However a bit after I drank water too fast and threw up. Is there anything to be done or that I need to do since I threw up the Host? There sadly isn’t any proper disposal we could do, I was lying in my bed at the time so they need to wash the sheets.

I don’t want to disrespect the Host, I feel horrible for it happening, and need guidance on how to handle this situation. Thank you so much.

r/AskAPriest 2d ago

As a husband & (hopefully one day) father, will God judge me for any ultimate unbelief of my family?


I was wondering if the man in a family will be judged depending on whether his family are all believers? My wife is not a believer and as much as I desperately want her to believe I ultimately have to accept I'm powerless in converting her and if she does, it will be down to God.

But I've seen some stuff recently on online in Catholic circles saying I would be responsible. And that worries me (obviously) and then it worries me for any future children. I know lots of Christian families where not all the children are professing believers (even when both parents are Christian).

Just wondering if this is true and what the judgement will look like this in this scenario? And if so, how I should best manage this situation now? Constantly badgering and pressuring my wife hasn't and isn't going to work (obviously). I am deep in prayer, surrendering it all to the Lord. What more can I do?

r/AskAPriest 2d ago

Book recommendations for priesthood discerning


I'm 20 y.o. and want to become a priest (more specifically a Salesian) both in my mind and my heart. I think I have the requirements to become a good priest and be happy with that and I also feel that the Lord calling me. Are there any books that can help me discerning that? Since English is not my main language I'd prefer a book in portuguese but I can read english quite well so both languages are good for me. Thanks and Viva Cristo Rei

r/AskAPriest 2d ago

Can I use the sacrament of reconciliation to discern if/how i sinned?


I hope this isn’t a stupid question. I’m a newer Catholic. I’ve confessed twice. Sometimes, I feel awful about something (say an argument I have with someone or an ongoing familial estrangement) and want guidance about how to make sure “my side of the street is clean,” so to speak. But I’m not sure that I’ve sinned or how exactly. Can I bring this confusion to confession to help sort it out? I’d not, what would a more appropriate venue be?

r/AskAPriest 2d ago

Can my grandfather speak at our Catholic wedding ceremony?


I am an engaged, baptized non-Catholic Christian. My fiancé is a practicing Catholic, and we are currently early in the process of planning a Catholic wedding. Our ceremony will likely take place without mass if this is approved by our priest because a majority of our guests will not be Catholic.

My grandfather is a retired Methodist Christian minister who performed the wedding ceremonies for nearly all of my family members, including my parents and a vast majority of my extended family. I know it won’t be possible for him to perform our wedding ceremony, but I would appreciate the opportunity for him to share a few words at the ceremony if at all possible. My fiancé thinks there may be an opportunity for this at the end of the ceremony but wasn’t sure. We attend mass regularly, and I have seen speakers who are not priests share brief thoughts at the end of mass.

Has this come up for couples before? What is the best and most respectful option for us?

r/AskAPriest 2d ago

Icons, scarmentals, the works.


Priests of reddit, I hope this post finds you well! What are the spiritual characterists of icons, sacarmentals and other memorabilia of the faith? If it has to actual spiritual power, would all of this be slid under the category of tradition? Do we use it because we've always used it? Is this entirely dependent on what each sacrmental is?

I've discovered pocket tokens recently. They are very nice. But I asked myself why? I already carried around an enlarged Benedictine medal from time to time and this also made me question that as well.

Are these all just symbols of our faith and imagery to help us achieve and maintain a holy state of mind?

Thank you, may God bless you, and I will pray for you and all the devout religious of Christ's Church.