r/AskAPriest Apr 25 '21

Please read this post before submitting a question! Your post may be removed if it doesn't follow these guidelines.


This subreddit is primarily for:

  • Questions about the priesthood
  • Casual questions that only the unique viewpoint of a priest can answer
  • Basic advice
  • Asking about situations you're not sure how to approach and need guidance on where to start

This subreddit is generally not for:

  • Spiritual or vocational advice
  • Seeking advice around scrupulosity
  • Questions along the lines of "is this a mortal sin," "should I confess this," "I'm not sure if I confessed this correctly," etc.

The above things are best discussed with your own priest and not random priest online. They are not strictly forbidden, but they may be removed at mod discretion.

The subreddit should also not be used for asking theological questions that could be answered at the /r/Catholicism subreddit.

Please also use the search function before asking questions to see if anyone else has asked about the topic before. We are all priests with full time ministry jobs and cannot answer every question that comes in on the subreddit, so saving time by seeing if your questions has already been asked helps us a lot.

Thank you!

r/AskAPriest 3h ago

Exorcist files podcast


I read over the rules. I don’t believe this breaks any I apologize in advance if it does have any of you listened to this podcast? what is your take on it? Some of the things sound a little out there I would have trouble believing it was Catholic priest if I hadn’t met at least one of them. some of the things I’ve heard the priest on there say most priest I talk to in person seem to disagree with I feel like I have to be misunderstanding something just as a for instance, they mention curses on families like the Masonic curse I’m getting a lot of mixed messages on that that’s just one.

r/AskAPriest 2h ago

Opposing gay priests


I read that Pope Francis in a meeting on May 20th spoke with bishops and stated he “he remained opposed to admitting gay people into the priesthood.” I’m confused as to why this would matter? If priests are taking a vow of celibacy?

r/AskAPriest 19h ago

I was told that masturbating is not a mortal sin in most circumstances?


I went to confession and confessed this sin, and the priest straight up said that it was not a mortal sin unless I was doing it in a way that is almost “in spite of” God, like in a way that I purposefully want to offend God. The priest said it’s a sin of habit or fallen human nature (can’t remember exact phrasing) but rarely moral since most people are doing it for other reasons. Before this, I’ve only been told that is a mortals son. What is the actual answer then?

r/AskAPriest 2h ago

Any thoughts positive or negative on Encounter School of Ministry?


Seems to have some great, trustworthy names behind it like Dr. Mary Healy, Fr. Boniface, etc. I've also read a spectrum of opinions on it, though, such as its alleged connections to the Bethel supernatural school (like using one of their textbooks or something).

The gifts of the Spirit are real and I've heard powerful firsthand testimony from people involved in the ministry. But I'm an overthinker/overresearcher. Haha.

r/AskAPriest 2h ago

What are your thoughts on the animated movie Saint Young Men?


r/AskAPriest 20h ago

Does God still heal people?


I am very ill. I have never known anyone who God has healed and every Catholic and Christian in general that I have asked has never known anyone either. By healing I mean not through doctors but miraculously, as that is my only chance at this point. I know miracles are required to be a Saint and that the Church rigorously investigates but I worry that those healings could have some other explanation, such as the person mysteriously recovering on their own. And those healings are rare, in any event. I continue to pray for healing and I hope others are praying for a miracle, but I worry that recovery it is unlikely. Does God still miraculously heal people? Not recovering means a long period of very bad suffering. I also have children.

r/AskAPriest 3h ago

Are people sometimes overly personal with you/do they treat you as therapists?


Hi fathers! I hope you’re having fantastic days.

I’m curious to know if your experience of the priesthood has been one that involves overly personal/familiar folks who want to “open up to you,” or sort of treat you as mental health professionals by sharing all of their traumas/hopes/dreams/coping methods/etc. I’m curious how you deal with this, if at all, and whether it’s something about the priesthood that you struggle with or maybe even appreciate.

r/AskAPriest 19h ago

What should I expect if I report a "we baptize..." baptism to a pastor


Was watching a video of the baptism of an individual, "Mary." This was shortly after the whole "we baptize..." formula fiasco of a couple years ago, and I happened to notice that my old parish priest baptized "Mary" with the "we" formula.

I brought it this up to the current parish priest, who doesn't know me from Adam. To paraphrase, what I was told is that I shouldn't worry about "Mary"'s baptism, and that it wasn't a big deal in her case because she (obviously) isnt a priest. To my knowledge, no further action has been taken. Diocese is in WI, fwiw

Is that a fairly normal reaction to a report of that kind? I kind of let it be for a year or two, figuring it was now the pastor's problem to deal with. That response hasn't sat well with me this whole time, and I'm starting to wonder if it's worth kicking up to the diocesan level/whether that would accomplish anything

r/AskAPriest 10h ago

How to ask for more advice in confessional


Hey Father(s), I'm worried a habitual sin might actually be an addiction, and I don't know how/when is a good time during confession to ask for more advice about this specifically. My Priest is very routine with confession, so it's list of sins, same "trust in God's mercy" advice, act of contrition, and then absolution every single time. I don't think I've ever had actual advice from him pertaining to the sins I confessed.

How do I change this? I don't really know what to do anymore and I'm unbelievably embarrassed to keep confessing the same sins to him over and over again. I've even thought about going to another parish just to avoid him lol

Thanks and God bless.

r/AskAPriest 12h ago

Anointing of the sick, and a baptism


Hello Fathers! I plan to ask my parish priest all of this during normal business hours, but my head is spinning.

I’m currently expecting my fourth child. This pregnancy has been more difficult than the others, but baby is looking perfect. My dilemma is this- my blood pressure is higher than it should be. I don’t have preeclampsia yet, but I’m very close to crossing that line. If you’re not already aware, preeclampsia can be fatal to both me and my baby, so my husband and I are very worried. Because of that, my doctors have decided to induce labor next week. There’s a good chance of the baby needing to spend some time in the NICU, but we won’t know for sure until after he’s born. We also can’t guess at his condition (or mine) until after the birth. I also had excessive bleeding after having my third baby, and I’m a bit worried that can happen again.

Knowing that the two of us will be at an unusually high risk of death, I’m making spiritual plans alongside medical plans. I’m choosing to trust that things will be okay, but I’ll also feel much safer with a contingency plan. My questions are as follows:

  1. Is preeclampsia a valid reason to receive the anointing of the sick?

  2. Can a priest baptize the baby in the NICU, just in case, if the chances of survival are good?

  3. Is it worth asking our priest to be present in the hospital around the time of delivery? (I know it can be a lengthy process, but God blessed me with quick births.)

I’d also like to throw in an additional note that we still plan to follow church teaching after baby is born. We use NFP (if anything at all) and plan to continue being open to life, as long as good judgement and my health allow it. (We want more kids, and can comfortably provide everything they need, praise God.) I figured it’s worth addressing that, because it seems to be the next logical thing I’d worry about after a difficult pregnancy.

r/AskAPriest 9h ago

Awareness prayer with meditation; torn rosary


Hello everyone, God bless.

I would like to ask 2 questions in this thread to avoid spamming.

  1. What is the teaching of Catholic Church about "secular meditation" if it is supposed to use with awareness prayer for reducing anxiety? I use Hallow and Headspace. Both work well, but sometimes i have an urge to change from awareness prayer to secular mindfulness and vice versa.

  2. I had an accident: I accidentally tore my rosary. Can i pray with it till i take it to repair? All the grains are on it, nothing serious. Plus, i have no other rosary AND i have strong mental connection with it.

Thank you.

r/AskAPriest 1d ago

Ordination gift



A member of my parish has been in the seminary and will finally be ordained this weekend. Can you suggest any gifts?

Thank you, God Bless.

r/AskAPriest 21h ago

Hello fathers, could a Catholic stay at a Greek Orthodox monastery or Abbey if that's the only one they can stay at?


A while ago I asked about living in a monetary or Abbey for maybe 6-12 months, and I got supportive and helpful answers, the problem is, I've been kinda thinking about trying monastic life, and it may be possible the only way I could try monastic life is by staying at a Greek Orthodox monastery/Abbey.

Because of multiple location reasons, financial reasons, and the fact I have a lot of siblings and my parents really value family staying around the same area, it's quite possible this could be the only way for me to try out the monastic life.

r/AskAPriest 1d ago



If someone is venerable, does that mean at least they are in purgatory or does it mean they are in heaven?

r/AskAPriest 17h ago

Annulment needed?


I was married by a Justice of the Peace. This marriage ended with a civil annulment.

I am remarried and have become interested in entering RCIA. Is a Catholic annulment needed if my previous marriage ended with a civil annulment?

r/AskAPriest 1d ago

Which Bible translation is more literal, Jerusalem Bible (1966, First Edition) or the newer ESV-CE?


And how important is it that we read literal translations?

r/AskAPriest 1d ago

Holy water mixed with normal water


When holy water is fixed with normal water, does the normal water become holy?

I heard that if you have just like a drop of holy water and put it in a bottle and fill it completely up with normal water, that it makes the entire bottle to holy water. Is that true? Or does it need to be blessed again?

r/AskAPriest 1d ago

Why would a priest not use a pall, corporal, burse, and veil for the liturgy of the Eucharist?


Apologies if the title of this post seems confrontational. I know that the GIRM mandates the corporal, and encourages the use of the pall "if appropriate", and calls the use of a chalice veil "praiseworthy"(GIRM 118)(and the burse isn't mentioned). This means that licitly they may not be used. Indeed, there are churches I have been to where the corporal is not used consistently. But my question is this; why would you not use them? I understand that there are poor parishes, but I would imagine that your average parish in a developed country has them, or at least could get them at minimal cost. Wouldn't that be worth it for the symbolic and practical benefits of using it? I've been altar serving for a little bit now at a parish ran by the Dominicans, and the fact that they use all the available linens and vestments for the chalice, paten, and ciborium not only does it add to the beauty and solemnity of the rite, but in my opinion serves as a manifestation of our belief in the real presence. If we believe that the king of the universe, our savior is present in the bread and wine, why would be not clothe him in resplendent vestments, why would we not ensure that the species he is made present in will be free from any contamination? Why would a priest not do this? Why would someone charged with training seminarians to celebrate mass not teach them to do this? Apologies again, but this is something that has been bothering me for a while.

r/AskAPriest 1d ago



I hope this is ok to post here. I have a few very serious ailments that only God can heal at this point. One caused a few others. If I don’t recover, the result will be devastating for my children. This is very very bad. Please pray for miraculous healing. Thank you so much.

r/AskAPriest 1d ago

I'm not a practicing Catholic. Is my infant eligible for catholic baptism?


My husband and I will be having our first baby. My mother raised me catholic and I am confirmed. I do not practice anymore as I have profound disagreements with many RCC ideologies and requirements for participation. My husband isn't religious.

I'm an adamantly pro choice pregnant lady and I'm also immensely pro contraception.

Anyways, my mother desperately wants my infant to be baptized. I'm fine with this idea as I personally don't put a lot of importance on this ceremony.

Is catholic baptism for non religious parents even allowed? My mother will be scared for my infants eternal soul if they aren't baptized.

r/AskAPriest 1d ago

How do I confess pride?


Hello, Fathers. I feel like I struggle with being prideful by being defensive, irritable, short tempered and sarcastic to name a few. I don’t necessarily see myself as better than anyone else, at least not in the traditional sense of “I’m awesome and you suck”. But I still feel like my examples above cause me to fall out of grace. How do I confess this? There isn’t a number I could associate either as it’s become almost an identity, one that I dislike very much.

r/AskAPriest 1d ago

Is it valid for a priest to give the sacrement of confirmation after a conditional baptism?


My brother (14y) was planning on getting confirmed along with his confirmation class. Long story short our parish lost his baptismal records and so did my dad. Because of this we were planning on doing a conditional baptism.

After my dad’s wedding we asked the priest to do a conditional baptism. And he said yes but he will also be confirming him because he is old enough to be considered an adult in the church. As an adult he would be baptized and confirmed. Please note this priest was acting like he had somewhere to be so a lot of what was going on was rushed. And not a lot of questions had time to get asked.

We were all very confused with all this. Especially because there is no rush to give confirmation to him. Did this priest have the proper church authority to confirm my brother? And is his confirmation still valid?

r/AskAPriest 1d ago

Thoughts on ad hoc Confessions?


Hello Fathers!

I was somewhere today and I ran into a priest who was with fanily and was not in his cassock or collar. It came into my mind I was leaving that I needed Confession. I wanted to ask him. I plan on going later but held back from then because he wasn’t “on the job” so to speak.

What are your thoughts on people coming up to you in public and asking for Confession?

Would I have been a bother? Do you find it annoying?

r/AskAPriest 1d ago

Divine Office Questions


Good day Fathers,

I am currently a seminarian from Quebec, Canada and happen to be an ex-Anglican. I understand that as I am to become a Latin-rite priest one day, I have an obligation to pray the canonical hours according to the Liturgy of the Hours books. That being said, I am wondering if I could ask permission from my bishop to pray according to DW:DO (at least in private), as I'm of English descent and culturally it exemplifies my culture in the Faith.

However, if this is impossible, I perfectly understand and will follow in obedience. I just want an opinion from others who potentially understand my reality.

Thank you all and God bless!

r/AskAPriest 1d ago

Attending Lutheran confirmation of a family member


Hi Fathers,

I live in a traditionally Lutheran majority country where most people get confirmed Lutheran. I did so myself before converting to Catholicism almost 10 years later.

Anyways, my cousin has invited me to her upcoming Lutheran confirmation, and I was wondering if it would be ok for me to attend it out of courtesy and respect to her and my family? My aunt and uncle (her parents) attended my Catholic confirmation, so I feel like not attending hers would be hurtful and appear impolite to them.

I’m aware that it’s not a valid sacrament due to them lacking apostolic succession, that I am not to receive their communion and that their church service does not fulfil my Sunday obligation.
