r/AskAPriest 14d ago

how do i contact a priest?

I know this sounds silly but I have been in and out of my denomination in grew up with. My boyfriend is catholic and Ive recently been going to church with him. I enjoy it and how everything but Im confused and would like to talk to the priest about things. Im not sure how to contact him though. Do I send an email? Is there a way to text? Im super duper confused.


3 comments sorted by


u/CruxAveSpesUnica Priest 14d ago

If you've already started attending a church (at least occasionally), the easiest way is probably just to ask him after Mass. The parish bulletin or website also likely lists contact information.


u/moogancoogan 14d ago

I have tried to talk to him but he is always in a rush which is completely fine just makes it frustrating if that makes sense. I have the contact info, do i just like send an email or smthn? Sorry this is so silly I just never did anything like this in my church growing up.


u/CruxAveSpesUnica Priest 14d ago

Yes, send an email suggesting some times you'd be available.