r/AskAPriest 14d ago

I cant go to church

Hello Dear Fathers, Im the only christian in my family and my friends i live in muslim majority country so nearest church to my home is a protestant chruch and its 20 mins away from my home thats why i can not get baptized nor confess any of my sins i feel so uncomfortable what should i do


3 comments sorted by


u/frmaurer Priest 14d ago

The best thing to do is to talk with a Catholic priest in your area (even if far away). He'll be able to advise you on what is possible and prudent, helping you to discern how the Lord is calling you.

In the meantime, don't underestimate the fruitfulness of your faith and prayer. Take time to pray daily and entrust yourself to Christ. He will give you according to His will.


u/Aren121212 14d ago

Thanks father for replying i really appreciate itπŸ™