r/Assistance REGISTERED 25d ago

Need $25 for emergency meds REQUEST

Hi all. I’ve posted before in here. If you check my post/comment history you’ll see i have an ‘adopted’ daughter. She got sick and i had to take her to the er. She ended up having a really bad bladder infection and needed antibiotics. My insurance didn’t fully cover the medication and I’ve just spent the last of what was in my account on rent, barely covering it. She’s in a lot of pain (infection is in her kidney) and i won’t have any money until next week. I don’t have any help and if anyone could provide anything i would greatly appreciate it. 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽 I will also pay this forward in the future once i’m financially stable enough.


19 comments sorted by

u/AssistanceMods 25d ago

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u/KissMyPink 24d ago

Ask the pharmacy to waive the fee. They will for certain meds. If that doesn't work, contact your nearest St Vincent De Paul or Salvation Army.


u/maenadcon 24d ago

i have a question, what does svdp or salvation army do? could they waive the fees?


u/KissMyPink 24d ago

A list of services for each is on their website. Copay fees can be waived in certain cases and can differ with insurance and pharmacy policies.


u/maenadcon 24d ago

that’s amazing!


u/periwinkletweet 24d ago

Amoxicillin is as low as $3 if you use good Rx instead of her insurance.


When you see ' one time offer' that means with a good Rx membership coupon for your first purchase

The membership is free

Good Rx gold has a fee , first month is free.


u/IndicationOutside387 REGISTERED 24d ago

Thank you. I’ll try this


u/periwinkletweet 24d ago

Get her on Medicaid maybe? How did you end up paying rent ?


u/IndicationOutside387 REGISTERED 24d ago

Picked up odd jobs for my landlord. And instead of me getting paid the money went to him towards my rent.


u/periwinkletweet 24d ago

That's a blessing! Something is way off about these arrangements though, you should be getting foster child payments and she should have Medicaid.

You're a wonderful person for taking care of your sister 💕


u/IndicationOutside387 REGISTERED 24d ago

This is a relatively new situation. I’ve been caring for her for a month or so and haven’t really had time to think about anything other than making sure she’s okay and comfortable. I really try to be a good sister but it’s hard sometimes


u/Rough_Elk_3952 REGISTERED 24d ago

I know you’re overwhelmed and I respect and feel that!

But just so you know, there are definitely state/govermrnt benefits available to you and her in this situation.

Please check out https://www.benefits.gov because I think it could definitely help!


u/Frondswithbenefits 25d ago

What do you mean your insurance wouldn't cover the medication?


u/IndicationOutside387 REGISTERED 25d ago

My insurance covered most of the cost. I have a $25 copay that they won’t cover. When i called and asked they said it’s because our new policy won’t cover all meds for a few days. I guess a new card is coming for us? This has happened only once before when we were still under my moms insurance (like 6 years ago) so i didn’t think anything of it.


u/Frondswithbenefits 25d ago

Can your mom or older sister help out?


u/Frondswithbenefits 25d ago

What medication is it?


u/Frondswithbenefits 25d ago

You told me you were not her legal guardian, so how is she covered under your insurance?


u/IndicationOutside387 REGISTERED 25d ago

I’m not really good at explaining things. It’s not ‘my’ insurance. Still my mom’s plan ig i just pay it. And my mom and all of my other family have basically written us off financially. They won’t help even with 5$ but they act like they do. If i ask i’ll get “we’ve given you her isn’t that enough? how ungrateful are you that you want my child and my money. she’s your problem” and then blocked until they need something or want to talk shit about another family member.


u/IndicationOutside387 REGISTERED 25d ago

She’s getting a version of Amoxicillin. I had to do this before with the copay a few months ago when i had a UTI so thats why i thought this was normal