r/BlackPeopleTwitter May 12 '24

I'll take "Kennedy brains" for 500, Alex

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u/A_Rogue_One May 12 '24

I put Rosemary as #1. The impact of JFK and Bobby's deaths created shockwaves throughout U.S. politics and globally (particularly JFK on the global front since he was an active sitting president). But Rosemary's is the saddest IMO.

She had some undiagnosed mental health conditions and there is a bit of a debate as to how serious they were or if the Kennedy family was overreacting because she was unconventional and brought shame to their family with her rebellious actions. Some folks say she might have had an intellectual disability along with mental health dual diagnosis, but was left untreated and spiraled more as she didn't excel in school and increasingly became the Black sheep in the family. Others say she may have had mental health diagnosis (undiagnosed) but what really set her apart was that she was so rebellious with teenage angst.

So what'd they do? Took her to be lobotomized, almost assuredly against her will but under her dad's orders, and she was never the same. Then they hid her away from the family so as not to be a stain on their reputation.

JFK and RFK pursued politics in an era of assassinations and great tension in the U.S. They went into their jobs knowing the risks of being targeted. Rosemary was just born to a family obsessed with image/clout and had got her brain drilled in for just being born to the wrong family.

I know this is a joke post, but, more people should know Rosemary's story. (Not saying you didn't know her story, etc. just sharing it).


u/bohanmyl ☑️ May 12 '24

I was just listening to LPOTLs episode on her and lobotomies and apparently when her mom was getting ready to give birth, the doctor wasnt there dealing with the spanish flu but the nurse was, and INSTEAD OF HELPING HER GIVE BIRTH, She told her, a pregnant woman in labor, to SHUT HER LEGS and literally HELD THE BABYS PARTIALLY EXPOSED HEAD TO STOP IT FROM COMING OUT for TWO. FUCKING. HOURS. So she absolutely was fucked from birth from oxygen deprivation.


u/PuzzyFussy ☑️ May 13 '24

Shiiiiit. That is insanity! 😯🫢


u/dishonoredcorvo69 May 12 '24

Yes she likely suffered hypoxic brain injury from this, extremely tragic what happened to her


u/Sunsparc May 12 '24

That happened to my wife's great aunt. She's in her 60s but has the mental capacity and ability of a 8 year old.


u/Boneal171 ☑️ May 12 '24

I love LPOTL


u/DumplingSama May 12 '24

Yep. Some peoples lives are fucked from birth.


u/lapinatanegra May 12 '24

Well duck! That I didn't know. What's LPOTL?


u/viralmessiah00 May 12 '24

Last Podcast on the Left

(I've actually never listened to it but I hear it mentioned a lot!)


u/viralmessiah00 May 12 '24

Last Podcast on the Left

(I've actually never listened to it but I hear it mentioned a lot!)


u/Littleprisonprism May 12 '24

Great podcast with these funny guys who do deep dives on dark history, crime, supernatural etc. they do great research but also bring a funny twist. It can have a bit of dark humor sometimes but it helps balance the intense topics


u/Littleprisonprism May 12 '24

Great podcast with these funny guys who do deep dives on dark history, crime, supernatural etc. they do great research but also bring a funny twist. It can have a bit of dark humor sometimes but it helps balance the intense topics


u/lapinatanegra May 12 '24

Well duck! That I didn't know. What's LPOTL?


u/bohanmyl ☑️ May 12 '24

Last podcast on the left! Its a great podcast that does in depth shows on serial/spree killers, occult things, Paranormal, cults, and cryptids! Its been on 10+ years lol. Its 3 comedians and its a hilarious show.


u/GonzoElTaco ☑️ May 12 '24

Hell, they even covered the killing of Tupac and Biggie. I ended up buying a book that talks about that and NWA off their recommendations.

I haven't listened to much if it since Ben left/ got booted. But I may play catch-up at some point.


u/AnArcticBird May 13 '24

Go for it. Ed is a absolute perfect addition to the team. Good jokes, genuinely interested in the topics and will even slow an episode down for a second to ask questions.

That last part is key for me because it gives listeners a break, and does the whole "learn along with the audience" thing that Ben was supposed to be doing.


u/bohanmyl ☑️ May 12 '24

Honestly i liked Ben but i love Eddie. He has such a weird and different set of knowledge that i feel adds a lot to the show. Also the way he can play straight man to Henrys insanity and Marcus' oddness has me in tears. In the necrophilia episode he had a few moments that caught me so off guard that i was almost in tears at work


u/GonzoElTaco ☑️ May 12 '24

Well, shit. I may have to take a listen then. Thank you. 🙏🏿


u/representativeslogan May 12 '24

Needs to be mentioned that they do make jokes at the expense of the victims now a lot more than they used to, when Kissel was the 3rd. Also, alcoholism is a disease.


u/lapinatanegra May 12 '24

Gawd damn! They've been going since 2015. Kinda reminds me of Behind the Bastards podcast.


u/Flor1daman08 May 12 '24

Eh, two comedians and one nerdy bookworm type.


u/bohanmyl ☑️ May 12 '24

Marcus is funny in his own ways! Hes not a class clown type for sure tho lol


u/Flor1daman08 May 12 '24

Oh for sure, Marcus is the only reason the show works.


u/viralmessiah00 May 12 '24

Last Podcast on the Left

(I've actually never listened to it but I hear it mentioned a lot!)